Feedback: Scalecommander in The War Within

How many other complaints have there been in two months since this was posted? How about complaints about s2 tier doing the same thing?

I’m not nitpicking, I’m sharing my opinion and feedback, which (in your own words) is the point here.

I can already see this was a lie.

Changed my mind on being out

Complaining about how much was written is literally nitpicking

More than fine don’t care, answer this. if it stacks how is it a bad thing? How is it not just qol? How would it negatively affect gameplay in any way shape or form or would it only benefit gameplay to do so?

Ah but I didn’t. I told you that you didn’t explain your concern in your first post, you just wrote ‘feelsbad’ with zero context about pvp concerns. Good try though!

Because it makes for unintuitive gameplay, specifically with charged blast which will likely be in literally every build of scalecommander specs.

Additionally, there’s very little skill expression in dev specs as it is, so taking some extra nuance away (that doesn’t affect literally anyone playing at a low level) has zero purpose.

I quite disagree here, Its the exact same thing. You can literally play charged blast and do it the exact same way if you so wanted.

This doesn’t add skill expression this is just an annoying more annoying burst rotation.

edit: we may have different definitions of skill expression Let me share an example of what I consider skill expression so we have some context

To me having skill expression for a DPS: lets say as frost DK the average breath time is 30 seconds (as thats what the devs want in TWW) but you through maximizing your rotation maybe a bit of luck get 35-40 seconds on average. I would consider that maximizing your skill in that rotatin

or as a healer: premptively being ready with a heal on the target right as damage hits to immediately start shoving health bars up.

to me having a set rotation of buttons you hit doesn’t equal skill expression. I think the more “skilled version” is to react to how many stacks of say charge blast you have with the denigrates and then not overcap while maximizing damage. Just going Empower > mass disintegrate > Pyre Does not scream “skill” to me just screams annoyance and I would rather Empower > Empower > Mass Disintegrate > Check for my stacks to know what to do next.

Also Causality and incandescence exists…

After seeing a bunch of the other hero trees I have a couple of major concerns with scale commander.

  1. Mass disintegrate is amazing, but mostly on its own and mostly from the synergies of the dev tree. While not an issue on its own, I’d love to see a bit more support to it. I know it marks bombardment but that’s mass disintegrate supporting something else. To that point, while maneuverability is cool, is has 0 connection to mass disintegrate and 0 connection to bombardment. It just feels like it could be a capstone for a different spec. I’m not going to get into the whole, that’s how deep breath should be by default, which i do, but the capstone doesn’t support the fantasy nor the rest of the tree like most of the good hero trees do. They start with a talent and then that gets supported along the way with a capstone that makes it even cooler. We have 3 different things that can be fairly stand alone.

  2. I’m not sold on the fantasy of scale commander with the current trees. Bombardment is a fairly meek attempt to command. Mass disintegrate does nothing scale commander-y, and maneuverability is mostly going to be used as a U turn.

Some suggestions to bring up the fantasy, numbers can be tuned:

  1. spawning dracthyr after deep breath.
  2. Two dracthyr “avatars” spawn to cast an additional disintegrate instead of 3 lasers coming from the caster.
  3. Additional dracthyr flying with us and using deep breath or dropping bombs as we deep breath

I’d love if we can lean into the fantasy a bit more.


thematically speaking, it would have been very good if Scalecommander focused on creating other drachthyr to fight at his side (the tree already does this with bomber), if we are a leader, a commander, we must have our subordinates to fight at our side.

  1. Additional dracthyr flying with us and using deep breath or dropping bombs as we deep breath

I think it’d be kinda sick if we got 2 wingmen Dracthyr flying with us while we were Soaring. That’s the kind of flavor the hero specs should provide.


Thats my thoughts as well.

I do m+ and heroic raiding on my evoker and only ever use deep breath on a large pack of adds. I have plenty to keep up with on single target.

Having to use deep breath on cool down on a boss fight is not gonna be fun but I’m going to have to try it out and see if it’s fun mechanically.

Why bother, you guys don’t listen to your playerbase anyway!

If you believe this, why even bother making this post?

I can promise Spatial Paradox would still be Aug only if they didn’t listen.


Add mass pyre, and make all empower buffs stack up to 2. So mass disintegrate? Stacks up to 2. Mass pyre if it’s added? Stacks up to 2.

Please address the change to Animosity blizz

Has anyone even made an Augmentation Evoker to test on the War Within Alpha yet? I am a multi r1 / glad aug evoker that would love to test this spec on the Alpha and provide feedback. Can’t even find one clip online of an Aug Evoker on this alpha.

Aug Evoker in PvP got forgotten about shortly after its release which is really sad as I think it was the coolest feature of the expansion (especially with it being an unprecedented mid expansion feature).

I hope that legitimately no one alpha testing Augmentation doesn’t continue the forgotten about treatment we’ve seen. Not a single change since the start of season 3 when representation and power in pvp fell off a cliff below some tank specs like blood dk.

I would suggest going to the evoker disc. There’s a channel called "#alpha _aug ’ which is your best chance at connecting with testers.

I like the idea of mass disintegrate, however won’t that just make Pyre even less useful?

It’s already so undertuned, and it seems like scenarios where you have enough targets to justify using Pyre will take backseat to disintegrate now because disintegrate will hit 3 targets.

Obviously this will be just for 1 disintegrate cast, but still. It just makes pyre feel even less impactful imo

Just my 2 coppers

Not really, since you’re only using it after empowers.

Additionally, it has incredible synergy with charged blast because it charges it to max stacks so quickly.

It arguably makes pyre more valuable.

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Ooh true, I didn’t think of that

I think this tree would be great with one change. It’s all practically one idea for the capstone talent. Please make Deep Breath/Eons the Pres one automatically steerable baseline. There shouldn’t be any talent bloat for Breath Steering as it’s clunky enough, Let alone burning a talent on it.

The final Capstone post edit: Please rework the capstone talent into “Deep Breath, Pyre, and Disintegrate deal Volcanic damage over 12 seconds.”
Could also stack 1-3 stacks! This kind of keeps the S1/4 Dragonflight Evoker tier(or better with stacks) and Also makes Deep Breath better while not making it mandatory over casting Empowered spells as some are worrying about, rightfully so. I feel like this is the best simplest low effort change to make the talent tree from, decent to pretty good; to downright phenomenal!

Some feedback points:

  • At the moment, bombardment damage is completely negligible and simply serves to reduce Deep Breath cd and grant some Essence Bursts. I feel it could use some love to make the proc more impactful, especially when the visual is so great.
    • As a consequence of the minuscule damage, “Extended Battle” feels like a dead talent right now.
  • Mass Eruption / Disintegrate on a single target looks exactly like the regular ability. Please consider giving the animation an extra effect to make it feel more “concentrated”. Like a triad of beams firing on the same target and extra eruptions like the S3 tier set for Augmentation.
  • Might of the Black Dragonflight should be a bigger increase for Devastation, as they only have one black nuke. This would also make Deep Breath not feel like you’re giving up too much uptime with its long animation and lockout.
  • Unrelating Siege is really punishing in that it drops instantly when leaving combat. I get that Onslaught is meant to make up for it, but one free Living Flame doesn’t really beat +50% Living Flame damage. Perhaps they can be a choice node instead.

I like everything else about the tree. Great work. <3


Is this considering your own damage or damage from a full party/raid? I believe it has a greater proc chance the more people are hitting the same target.