Feedback: Scalecommander in The War Within

There are no plans for launch. Aug really, it was released in a .5 patch, maybe they will repeat this, after all the impact is less when they do it in the middle of a season.

I don’t believe so. They have seen what a massive disservice the support class has done to M+ balancing and already competitive DPS queues, and they probably won’t go for a repeat when it will be easier to transition augmentation to DPS by stripping the survival boosts to the group and just giving them dps augmentation only to compensate for lower personal dps.

From the Augmentation PvP Perspective –

I like the Scalecommander tree by in large, and think it fits the theme excellently. Especially having control over deep breath, interested to see how this will work. My thoughts would be to have a deep breath buff that lasts like 5-8 seconds and can be cancelled with stopcasting macro (Almost behaving like a channel).

I am worried that Scalecommander having so many additional damage modifiers that it could make it hard to balance the damage of Chronowarden competitively with Scalecommander.

Of course it is too early to say without getting to see how it performs in game instead of on paper, but that would be my initial thoughts.

literally already does this.

Good catch, tested it again and it does seem to. For some reason I thought I remembered testing it did activate instantly. I will update the above to later to reflect more

I saw Preheat’s video testing Scalecommander and it looks wild. Mass disintegrate and the constant dracthyr bomb runs just looks fun as hell.

scalecommander looks very good, it was a big surprise for me, because initially I was very wary about this talent tree, however I was very disappointed with flameshaper, it seems that it doesn’t have as much shine as it should have.


Flameshaper has some of the highest aoe burst in the game, it’s going to be great in M+. The animation for engulf is pretty lame, though. Looks like a gimped Pyre.

I don’t think it’s weak, but it doesn’t draw as much attention as scalecommander.

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I said before that I think this has potential if it made Deep Breath fun to use. And after seeing the video of it, I’m very pleased! Honestly I feel like this is how Deep Breath should be used baseline but something something gift horses. Very excited to use this tree!

the mass disintigrate charges needs to stack. having to use 2 globals after your empowers is a feels bad

I mean it’s not that different from the now-current tier set’s playstyle. It also helps take advantage of power nexus.

It also lets you abuse charged blast more, since in aoe you’d still want to weave a pyre in between.

It also gives flexibility to still play optimally and get to reposition between empowers via hover.

I’ve never understood why people seemed so against staggering empowers.

It’s not quite different yes, but it’s QoL and while not being a big deal for pve, quite messes up the burst rotation in pvp.

If you think they’re ever considering burst rotations in PvP when designing things like this, you’re a mad lad.

I didn’t say they did, but its a feedback forum no? should I not say hey this is an issue for the burst rotation? isn’t that like the point of the thread?

Yeah I mean I’m not saying that they shouldn’t, to be clear, but you’re expecting blood form a stone here.

Blizzard hasn’t cared about pvp in literally decades.

Your initial post mentioned exactly 0 things about the PvP burst rotation being your concern until someone else pointed out that it’s already a gameplay loop.

If you were interested in giving feedback maybe, ya know, give them details in the first place?

I did, I said it should stack to 2. You have 2 empowered spells you use them currently on live back to back. How is this not A) decent feedback B) Even outside of PVP it doesn’t need to be mentioned as it also is just an awkward rotation in general. Ya don’t gotta nitpick when the meaning is the same if I write 5 paragraphs or 2 sentances. I would lean to brevity thank you very much.

I fail to see how it’s awkward, it’s skill expression. I like having nuance that gives players that do it correctly extra damage outside of DRage.

5 paragraphs of actual feedback is not the same as 2 sentences, lol. That’s the whole point of getting thorough feedback. Saying ‘feelsbad’ without even actually explaining why isn’t feedback, it’s just complaining.

okay then but thats not for you to decide thats for the devs now isn’t it? At the very least its quality of life. I didn’t come here to be knitpicked bro. lets be honest if it doesn’t stack you are going to have a lot of complaints sorry for caring bro. I’ll leave since all ya care to do is nitpick me about how I need to be more detailed when as the great kevin once said “Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?”

bro I’m not writing 5 paragraphs for an alt/offspec man I play literally everything look if it goes live at 1 doesn’t really matter [to me] but I guarantee there will be tons of complaints about it.

either way I’m out GL out there brother