I rolled it for a myriad of reasons including faster queue times.
I knew I would have faster queue times because it was the less played faction, Its not my fault you chose to play the overpopulated faction because you band wagoned onto it.
I mean christ, could you be anymore Basic with the Undead Mage grin.
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You might like same faction queues in Wrath when half the Horde faction changes for human racial
What disadvantage does Horde have? Please Explain in detail.
omg this is so awesome… feels like i can play the game now.
Why do they need to have a disadvantage? Factions are supposed to be even not one better than the other.
This is life-changing. I have only been able to farm one piece of bg gear since the expansion and I was 70 super early. Please implement this change permanently as I play this game primarily for PVP. Without BG’s it all falls apart.
Looool but did you que into them fast?
No, rank 14 in classic means nothing. I am willing to bet I have more Glad/R1 titles than you. The ability to sit in BGs for 14 hours a day means nothing. I am willing to bet you backpeddle though for sure. Good luck fam! Actually stepping out now.
Second BG today and I get placed in an Alliance vs Alliance BG vs a 15 strong Benediction group. Horde queues are popping off within 30 seconds. The “Wait some time before pairing you with your own faction” was a lie. There is a 0% chance there was not a horde group to pair against the alliance premade I faced. The fact that an alliance vs alliance BG even happened in the first place is enough to show what a joke this same faction BG setup is.
Allow Alliance to opt out of Alliance v Alliance BattleGrounds!
Enabling same-faction BGs wont magically cause imbalance on your servers. Odds are that your server is already leaning towards one faction or another. As for people that transfer or reroll, I’d say it’s more likely that horde will choose servers where they already have a big advantage because it’s the path of least resistance.
I don’t get people that say playing horde should come with the downside of long queue times. Why? No one should be punished for their faction choice.
I don’t think it was a lie, I think it’s just blizzard. If anyone expected this to happen without some kind of bug… though tbh, there are worse bugs that could have happened then it not prioritizing opposite faction matches
this is a horrible idea. so now you can roll horde, get the better pvp racials, stomp all over world pvp AND get instant bg queues. If you don’t #somechanges an immediate buff or counterbalance for alliance in general, how is this fair? I don’t see how catering to the most toxic community in wow doesn’t leave a nasty taste in your mouth.
say goodbye to a dwindling alliance population.
BEST! CHANGE! EVER! Keep it. Seriously.
proof? reasons why u think that? any facts, or is this purely based on personal opinion?
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it’s all just an opinion. It’s typical forum doom and gloom, based on they think literally everyone in the alliance is going to reroll now because bg queue times.
You need to make faction balance a priority over this bandaid fix that gives horde everything they want.
Why would a new player start on alliance when they can just hop on the over inflated horde side that has no drawback at all.
If anything Horde should not have instant queues. The time they sit in queue needs to be much longer.
You can start correcting the problem by offering Horde -> Alliance faction transfers first. Reward badges/honor to alliance to get them to queue. Not his Horde only approach that will further force people to play horde.
How? How do they balance the factions?
Live exists.
That’s all the proof you need.
Will it happen in a day? No. Will it happen in a month? No. Will it happen over the course of a year or two. Yes.
I’ll let you know how it went when you allow me a free transfer of my alliance characters to horde (that I leveled specifically for shorter queue times), and refund my boost I wasted on alliance
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