Feedback: Rogues

Aight fellow rogues, tomorrow is the day of all days!

We getting a blue post that will fix everything! Believe!


This is just not true. I know that’s what the blue post implies, but I can tell the difference between normal melee range and acrobatic strikes melee range, and the extra range is definitely gone on beta. I genuinely have no idea what they are talking about because melee range has not been increased across the board. Instead of giving everyone extra range, they removed it from the specs that already did have it.


And I’m telling you it is noticeable to me.
There are those bladestorming gnolls in Brackenhide Hollow.
During season 2, when they bladestormed you couldn’t melee them on default range melee specs. In season 4 you can stand outside their bladestorm and melee them.
There’s been a definite increase to base melee range.

Maybe that’s true for pve mobs, but it definitely is not the case for pvp. And even for pve mobs I am doubtful. I have watched others playing outlaw in the new TWW dungeons and have not seen the same range I would expect from having acrobatic strikes, nor does the range seem to exist on mobs out in the open world.

There is no increase in melee range, you have been lied to.


You definitely could. I tanked back then.


The only feedback i feel that i need to give is that rogues are way too bloated right now. How are rogues supposed to pay attention to 3-5 basic rotational abilities (abilities on less than 15s cooldown) as well as 4-6 longer cds (including trinkets), and on top of that pay attention to energy and combo points. Come on, something has got to give. There needs to be a major pruning, asap. Assassination and sub are already 2 of the worst specs in the game for m+. If it wasn’t for outlaw’s blade flurry, the entire class would be bottom of the barrel.

How can warlocks, hunters, and mages all be so awesome right now while the only other pure dps class is so terrible?


When you break it down like this I see absolutely 0 problem. Half the CDd are off GCD and macroable. Thats 10 buttons at most. You want a rotation thats around 6 buttons? Go play D4 or something.

The rotation should for the most part be muscle memory. Energy and Combo Points should be info you have in a good spot to passively keep track of, not something you go out of your way to see.

Youre having these problems because you havent optimized your UI and buttons.

So i need to update my ui just to play a class? Sorry but I’m of the belief that you should be able to play any class with the default blizzard ui. I get that you want to be one of the 10 people still playing a rogue at the level where you do sub-par damage compared to every other class, but at this point rogue is the least played class and 100% alt unfriendly due to its complexity and bloat.


Dont do this. You already know you can play your class without optimizing. Youre not gonna perform as well as someone who has optimized though, nor should you. Stop the bogus arguments.

And when did this become a popularity contest? Hunters are extremely more popular yet have their own share of issues. Are you playing a rogue to be a rogue or not?

Going to disagree vehemently about a single or AOE rotation needing to be more than six buttons just because.

I am not sure if this is some gate keeping mentality to have an overly complex rotation but it’s not good for the health of the class or the game itself to have specializations that are so bloated and unintuitive.

People who tend to pick mage or rogue know their rotations are more complex but are actually holding elegant design back by pretending it’s the norm or should be the normal " go play demon hunter if you want simple"

How many extra single target abilities or AOE ability do we need?

I suppose you agree stealth should be part of outlaw rotation?


Demon Hunter hasnt been simple since the rework. Its class design also become much more elegant with the rework. You dont have a point here.

This is an MMO. Theyre known for the buttons. Literally have a type of mouse named after them. An 8 - 10 button rotation (the ones with 10+ having more off GCD cds) are absolutely normal.

Demon hunter was low hanging fruit but maybe I should have said fury or ret.

Either way I don’t see how an excessive rotation of 10 plus ability is good for the game or the specialization.

I have a razer naga. I play with the 1 through 12 buttons on the side of the mouse and shift 1 through 12 and 8 more letter keys and shift versions of those sometimes.

So, I am using 32 buttons at the minimum…conservatively based on situation and not even including macro or focus macro or PVP talents.

You think this should be the normal? I am not saying we need plunder-storm buttons but there are so many buttons that basically do something very similar to one another.


For Rogue? Yes. Other classes are debateable.

I love this opinion every time I see it cause it really just shows youre not playing Rogue to be a Rogue. Are Cheap Shot and Kidney both stuns? Yea. But they have situational differences that would just end up limiting a Rogues performance if you took it away for the sake of reducing button bloat.

8-10 buttons are for your rotation. Those extra 20-22 buttons you use is either cause you have every form of utility possible bound or just have been efficient in setting up your bindings.

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So bloat for the sake of bloat bc tour a “rogue?” This sounds very, very much like “this is my class. I dont like other people playing my class. I want to keep people from playing my class and ill do it by promoting an outrageously button heavy rotation that only I can properly manage.”

Thats extremely insecure. Everything at home ok? Do you go outside often and have at least one friend? I promise your guild wont kick you to the curb if your not top dps and you miss a raid night once in awhile to see a show or decide you want to preview all the hawk tuah girl memes on facebook.

No, no, your perfectly sane eyeroll.


yall this is hardly the place for this type of talk, please dont bury feedback of others with pointless convos like this or petty insults like the reply im responding too.


Indeed let’s focus, tomorrow is our day, I’m coping hard I know but the day is the day, we getting patch notes, we getting good news.

I have to believe, let’s save some energy for that!


Interesting how you can notice something that hasn’t happened. Melee range has not been increased at all :joy:

This is pretty much the echoing sentiment I’m reading. People want their spec to be complicated and hard to play because otherwise they get bored or something. They can artificially increase complexity their own way without bloating existing specs. Outlaw is an extreme outlier and needs to be toned down.

The required changes aren’t even big if you want to make some small adjustments without removing buttons (seriously remove SnD though.)


Because you literally cant read. I said the rotation had a normal amount of buttons for MMOs (in fact the majority of these specs have 8-10 button rotations) and that if you felt otherwise, you definitely dont have your UI and keybinds optimized.

People are literally saying they want to keep the spec complicated because they enjoy a complicated spec. This has been echoed on the forums and rogue discord, what are you on about?


If you took the time to read youd know. You were responding without understanding the context.