Feedback: Rogues

I read it and your comment makes no sense.

#believe #copium


Totally agree. It’s a huge issue in the rogue community. I don’t mind more complex rotation but the designs for a rotation should be intuitive and not what it has become which is bloated.


Complicated does not mean it needs to be unintuitive. There are rotational aspects that just don’t make much sense so again it seems like gatekeeping. I have tried rogue from classic until now and it has made less and less sense over time.


You can have a complex rotation without having 20 buttons to push.
You can also have a complex rotation without only having 3 buttons to push.
You can have a complex rotation without having to use vanish, or taking 8 different cds, 4 different spenders, and 5 different builders.
You can still have a complex rotation with your 20 different types of cc and defensives.
What people are asking for is a complex rotation with a meaningful amount of buttons. That means 3-4 cds, 2 spenders, 2 builders, roughly give or take 1 of each depending on build.
This is the same for other button bloated specs like demo and aff locks.
The best spec to compare rogues to atm is enhance shamans. Bloated, clunkly, a complete mess, and people are begging for the spec to be tailored down.


So “fatebound” rogues do exist! And here i thought it was just something Blizzard came up with when brainstorming “what are the least cool archetypes for Rogue?”

Already smoked the copium, can’t stop me!



Assassination doesn’t get much of a choice with how broken deathstalker is atm :upside_down_face:


Are you able to count? That is literally 8-10… the amount of rotational abilities i stated was normal for an MMO.

Me and the copium hope that it gets something good done to it in todays build.


Rogues and Shamans are just snorting lines of copium at the moment. Hoping for the best as well.


I been swimming in the damn thing the past 24 hours


Who’s ready for some tooltip changes? I know I am!


Oh thats a good idea a nice swim as an alliance in undercity’s lovely green water always prepares me for patch notes!

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Hero talent updates;

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So first reaction;

All that should fix the mark mechanic quite well. So thats good. The rest of the hero talent remains a disjointed mess of random unrelated buff, so thematically the tree will still need to be consolidated.

Will test tonight, but good changes so far

Well, theres still a coin… but yeah there will be absolutely no way that the Heads and Tails effects balance out; during CDs if you have Tails it will feel bad, if you have Heads out of CDs, will feed bab. No way around it.

However, good changes to Lucky Coin.

I still hate the coin with a passion, but overall its functional and ok.


Also also;

Day isn’t over but… are we getting updates to our base kit and trees at all at some point?


Ok now Devs are cooking. Actually surprised no one had called for the tree to have an execute in the feedback beforehand. Now the SnD damage buff talent needs this same treatment.

Planning for your CDs to be active as the raid boss hits 20% hp is interesting.

No. Notes for this week’s update are already out.


wonder how this will interact with sudden demise, i see some pvp issues if you can just proc auto kill at 20% instead of 10% interesting indeed