Feedback: Priests

Hello priests,

So I want to only address Oracle in this post, mostly through Holy Priest lens;

I have no words to express how much I dislike this ability. It’s incredibly obnoxious to cycle through the buffs, which are all extremely situational and hardly needed.

  • Piety; ok redistributing overhealing is cool. As a main feature of a tree? Not so much, but the basic ability has a place somewhere

  • Insight; absolutely useless, 5 second CDR on a few abilities won’t change much at all, and having to use that to cycle to the next means its timing will almost always be useless

  • Solace; More single target healing, yay…

Frankly its boring on top of being annoying to play with regardless of which iteration it went through so far. The capstone using all 3 is just… well it’s theoretically strong sure but, still so damn boring and leading to instances where you just wont press the button to hold on the specific buff you want or the capstone buff

Where is the damage?
No really, where is it? It is the only hero talent in the entire game that doesn’t provide any damage benefits. Even Archon has Halo as a core, which does deal some damage and even gets a node to increase it’s damage. It’s not much but at least it’s there. Meanwhile Druids can just get boost to cat weaving, see what I am getting at?

Why would priest be the only one to get no damage, and only heal boosts? Heal boosts that, I should say, are likely far from being required to heal effectively at all, just how much extra healing are we supposed to need in TWW exactly?

So Oracle now jumps with the rest of the priests issues: Oracle has no damage, Priests have no Brez, proper defensive ability and no interrupt. Just one more in the basket of things priests just don’t have compared to nearly every other specs (not all I know)

Forseen Circumstances
This node has to change. 2 second extra on Guardian Spirit is so pitifully weak and useless, and is absolutely not comparable to Discipline’s version.

Worst node in that tree by far, please give something actually useful.

In short, I didn’t like Oracle the first time it was shown and none of its iteration have proved to change that fact. I will state again what I said in the general forums since I wasn’t in Alpha; It wasn’t the support stuff as much as the mini-game of rotating ability that was the core issue, both together just made it worst.

Thank you for reading, and reminder to make PI a priest-only self-cooldown, remove twin sun, and let’s be done with this non-sense external that causes way more headache to everyone involved with it. If there is a desire to create more support type abilities, then go the Augmentation route; make a spec dedicated to doing that from the ground up. Give healy priest actual abilities like I said earlier in this post instead.


Just reporting, I’m sure it’s going to get added but currently Premonition has no animation. Nothing happens when you press it.

OK this is a review of the experience leveling a bit in the beta with a focus on some of the hero talents period now I wanna prefetch this with saying that I am not a particularly good player period I’ve been playing with since vanilla I’ve played every major expansion but I don’t have a lot of continuous time to play so I often play in burst of you know 30 minutes to one hour period I still use the keyboard to turn so if that makes you want to disregard my feedback knock yourselves out.

I started checking out the Archon specialization on the shadow priest and it feels super underwhelming. First just a couple thoughts about the Archon specialization overall.

  • I know we want to avoid button bloat and complex mechanics but I feel that basing an entire spec off a one minute cooldown is a little weak. It’s not going to be something that you’re going to keep seeing continuously as you play.
  • Halo has a lot of issues and using as a solo player or an world content. The damage is spread out. It does not affect non engaged monsters. Now I understand that this is something that is designed to avoid pulling everything but it does severely limit the utility of this skill in a solo environment.
  • I did not feel that my play was changed at all as a shadow priest while leveling.
    I switched over to the void Weaver. Now I am extremely anti void in terms of shadow priest flavor. I don’t like it. I hated legion. I hated the way that legion did the shadow priest and that’s just my personal opinion. I say this not to dump more on void even though I don’t mind dumping more on the void image but to let you know how well I think the void Weaver specialization is even though I hate the story behind this particular spec. The setup is exceptional.
  • The use of void torrent: I know a lot of people have been down on but it was a skill that I usually used myself as a solo player so that was great. It has strong visuals. You see the effects of your specialization all the time and this is something that I think is really important when we begin thinking about hero specializations. You’ve got to be able to continually see what your choices are doing for you to think of yourself as that particular hero class.
    Now as far as performance goes I mean it’s a leveling experience. The shadow priest does great and the general setup is fine. I am struggling a bit with the shadow crash change. I don’t like the targeted ridicule aspect of it as it works in live right now. I was super happy to see that targeted aspect of it but if your target dies before the shadow crash lands then it’s wasted so that has happened more than once and so it’s slightly frustrating.
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Hello I’m Evi, I play a couple games at a relatively competitive level and care a lot, here’s some stuff i find in beta while I run around. Will likely update as I move along.

To Preface, my overall time spent on beta thus far has been spent on Oracle Holy Priest. My background is CE Raider track with recent Hall of Fame addition, I have historically done max M+ key level for the reward without going much further (No season title pushing for me). I feel as though where my biases lay is important and the scope/frame I’m viewing the game from is not quite what some others may experience.

Holy Priest

6/11/24 UPDATE: With the recent beta changes as of 6/11/24, there have been some buffs and changes to Holy Priest! I have edited the post to reflect the changes (Mainly Premonition changes) and my thoughts. For now the same bugs/interactions below are still present, I sincerely hope to see them changed and looked at or acknowledged. Thank you!

6/13/24 UPDATE: I Will be further updating this post based on the raid testing me and my team did from start to finish, still entirely focused on oracle holy priest just now with some experience with how it plays in raid.


Premonition of Piety

6/13/24 Note: I pray a developer reads this update sincerely, please make piety interact with our mastery at least to test. This spell feels like its truly missing something without it. I beg.

  • This spell theoretically SHOULD interact with our mastery, and I hope the intention is for it to in one of two ways. Either this spell should cause X amount of overhealing from our mastery to be redistributed over the duration of the buff; OR The overhealing redistributed should proc our mastery. It currently does neither making it feel a bit weak and VERY non-interactive, especially as our premier new spell(?). This only feels worse when, in a raid environment, the majority of our healing is overhealing, coming from our mastery. In current iteration, it feels as if pressing Premonition of Piety in raid incentivizes caring less about where you aim your spells; instead of a large QoL playstyle improvement for Holy where Inevitable overhealing from our mastery can be redistributed and utilized. 6/13/24: My Hunch was correct, even after the round of buffs this spell still feels lackluster, if it interacted with our mastery it would pack much more of a needed punch.


  • There is a strange interaction where after you wipe on a boss the first time you cast premonition it grants a buff called “Premonition” which doesnt do a single thing. It also eats a charge and then places you somewhere random in the list of normal buffs. Feels horrible and I hope this is rectified. Huge testing consistency issue.

Prophet’s Will

  • This spell reads Flash Heal, Heal, Holy Word: Serenity are 30% more effective when cast on yourself. I believe this spell should interact with binding heals AND/OR trail of light when they heal the caster. Protective light states, “Casting flash heal on yourself reduces all damage you take by 10% for 10sec.” Which when you cast flash heal on a party member binding heals triggers on the caster, which triggers protective light. I wouldn’t be upset if this interaction did not exist, however the wording and logic of the spells make it muddy and confusing as to why interaction B with Protective light works meanwhile interaction A with Prophet’s Will does not.

Prayer of Healing

  • When Cast more then twice in succession it repeats the sound effect at that coordinate you cast it on indefinitely it seems?

Tier Set

  • Our 4 Piece Tier bonus which has a chance to echo a few of our spells at 35% effectiveness is currently consuming the mana of the echoed cast at 100% cost. I hope this was intended to be free, this NUKES our mana bar.

Mind Soothe

  • Currently does not work anywhere you try to cast. Error text: You cannot cast that here.


_______________________________________General Feedback___________________________________________

All feedback will be speaking strictly on Oracle Holy unless stated otherwise.

Premonition - Our new premier spell that is the heart and soul of the Oracle talent tree, boasting three interesting cycling buffs this spell is reminiscent of Blessing of the Seasons for Holy Paladin.

  • The first buff in the cycle, Insight. Insight is a buff where on paper it didn’t appeal much to me. However, once I got in game and started playing, I fell in love. In a raid environment this spell is nothing short of a blast to have come up next in the cycle. Prayer of mending and Circle of Healing are two of Holy’s favorite spells to cast in raid. Having these cooldowns be essentially the GCD (with Fatebender choice node taken) leads to a rapid fire Prayer of Mending dump. This gameplay loop makes this buff very exciting to come up in raid, there are even a couple fun little combos to set up with this. In dungeon this spell is a little bit weaker considering Prayer of Mending is still strong but not quite as good. Instead, you can use it on something like Holy Fire in order to get more damage in. Raid S+ tier spell, Dungeon B tier. Very happy.

  • Following Insight is now piety. This spell is an extremely appealing spell for the holy priest arsenal. In raid Holy priest has high tendency to overheal, most of which coming from our mastery. Sadly, the current iteration of piety does not interact with our mastery to any capacity, this leaves piety feeling a little bit awkward and not nearly as rewarding as it could be. In order to achieve overhealing that is not our mastery, we purposefully have to play suboptimal. Realistically we only gain value during our major cooldowns or when spamming prayer of healing during an apotheosis window. Lining this specific buff up for any of our windows where its optimal disrupts the flow of holy priest.

  • Coming next is Solace, this spell causes the next single target healing ability you cast to cause the target to receive an X value shield (currently about a 20-30% hp shield), while also reducing the damage the target receives by 15-21% based on if you have Fatebender talented or not. 6/13/24 Raid testing update: Solace unfortunately feels very clunky in raid, it feels as if we are forced to just get this spell out of the way to use the first two even when it’s terrifyingly suboptimal. Being forced to choke on one buff to get to the next feels worse than I thought it would. It was to the point where I wish premonition was a 45 second cooldown baseline or there was some way to manipulate which Premonition spell I could utilize next.

  • The final buff in the cycle is Clairvoyance, granting all 3 buffs at 100% effectiveness. Before the minor changes on 6/11/24 I was not the biggest fan of this buff. It might seem great at first but truly utilizing all 3 buffs at once can be an arduous task. However, this weight was lifted a bit when as I started playing with the 6/11/24 update. It feels a bit easier to chain all 3 buffs together and make something out of it. To REALLY hammer this next point, this buff would truly feel like a capstone and powerhouse of a spell if Piety interacted with our mastery. The one thing I cant seem to tie together is the pool of spells you wish to cast while Piety and Insight are both active, at least piety lasts 15 seconds now. The squeeze is surely felt.

Row 2

  • Preventive Measure - increases the healing done by prayer of mending by 15%. Short sweet, good for raid and decent enough for dungeon. Big thumbs up from me. A Tier.

  • Preemptive Care - Increases the duration of renew by 3 seconds. Decent for raid, does not interact with standard dungeon build. Its fine, no complaints.

  • Waste no Time / Miraculous Recovery - I think you take Waste no Time in both Raid and Dungeon play. Waste no Time is a great little additive for each time you cast premonition (Instant cast Heal or Prayer of Healing with reduced mana cost).

Row 3

  • Assured Safety - Prayer of Mending applies Power Word: Shield to your target at 25% effectiveness. Actually a great talent to have, doesn’t occupy too much of our healing done. Also adds a small absorb to our healing profile.

  • Divine Feather’s / Save the Day - I actually have a bit to speak on for this one so buckle up. I have played priest on and off for a long time, since Mists of Pandaria even. There has only been a small window of time where priests had a great answer to mobility, it was the glyph for reverse leap of faith, instead of gripping targets to you this would cause you to grip yourself to targets. I will forever miss this being in the game because I think it was a very creative choice to have for a priest. Without it and ever since, we have been a VERY low mobility class. Divine Feathers’ takes a bit of a bite at this problem however and in turn gives us a little more utility as well. I’m happy with Divine Feathers’, I just wish for reverse leap of faith every night I go to bed. Save the day is WAY too niche, I doubt we will see it used for now.

  • Foreseen Circumstances - Guardian Spirit now lasts an additional 2 seconds. Cool, very weak but good enough for me, ill take it.

Row 4

  • Prophet’s Will / Desperate Measures - This choice node was hit right on the head for an amazing choice node. Prophet’s Will has some issues currently with the interactions of trail of light and binding heals. However, I still love this talent for dungeons, even more so if the interactions and logic are fixed. Desperate Measures is another amazing talent choice and this time for raid, Holy Priest took a bit of a hit in defensive capability after Season 2 of Dragonflight, we saw a desperate prayer nerf and a Symbol of Hope nerf. This lead to relatively longer windows of seeing no defensive accessible. Desperate Measures helps bridge the gap with making angelic bulwark very strong and having desperate prayer having an increased uptime.

  • Divine Providence - This talent leaves me with mixed feelings. I am not the biggest fan of a 2 charge system unless both of the charges recharge independently. I think overall, the talent is fine where it is and with what it does. Maybe a little lackluster but all talent nodes cannot be the best.

  • Fatebender / Perfect Vision - This is another strong choice node. After the update on 6/11/24 to beta, I feel as though Fatebender is almost always the stronger choice. The only time I can see Perfect Vision now taken is on an accelerated fight where you simply need a weaker buff at a faster interval because the fight demands it.

Row 5 - Refer to the last bullet point of premonition

Closing Thoughts on the Oracle Tree - I like it a lot, I think with a couple QoL changes, namely to Piety, this tree is in a great spot for The War Within. (Seriously please consider making it interact with mastery). Thank you devs for redesigning this tree multiple times, it came out good. Anything more would be icing on the cake. COUGH REVERSE LEAP OF FAITH OR OTHER MOBILITY

Holy Priest Base Tree

  • Prayerful Litany - Increasing Prayer of Healings’ healing done by 100% to the most injured ally it heals. Prayer of Healing is a very weak spell in dungeons and is typically not pressed or even most of the time taken. In raid the usage of Prayer of Healing is not necessarily for throughput but to get renew on targets and reduce the cooldown of sanctify when apotheosis is active. In all content I can think of, this talent never has considerable usage? After seeing tier 1’s tier set on beta, I actually believe this talent could read something like “Prayer of healing has an (x) chance to echo for (x) effectiveness”.

  • Everlasting Light - Heal has an up to 15% increased effectiveness based on missing mana. This talent is at absolute best, just ok for mythic+. I would love to see a smaller buff (maybe 3-5%?) to effectiveness but to all spells based on missing mana. Or this talent as a whole be a test for something more creative. I don’t think this talent is very interactive or felt, in any capacity.

  • Gales of Song - Just wanted to say I absolutely love this talent. Ran it as a 2 point node in raid before it got adjusted all of the previous seasons because it was a sleeper. Stuff like this feels creative and rewarding HEAVILY.

Priest Class Tree

  • Nothing in particular for right now, Just feels like priest wants 90% of the class tree and the bottom half is a bit overloaded. Maybe bake a thing or two in like angelic bulwark? I love the idea of having good choices but it nothing feels very situational. Just wishing I could have other things ill likely never see due to optimization.



If you can do something that most people cannot, its flavorful, fun and makes you feel special. If you’re the only person who can’t do something its a handicap. Being the only 2 specs without an interrupt is a handicap, it is not flavorful or interesting. Moving silence from shadow to priest tree, even if it was only 1 second long and 40 second cooldown, as long as it also interrupted silence immune mobs would make all the difference.

It would hardly impact any balance, and would still frankly be the worst interrupt in the game When i play preservation evoker and catch a blue moon cast with their super long CD interrupt it feels great. Right now it feels like blizzard has a personal vendetta against you even though realistically you know that’s not true, but thats how it feels.

-edit: It really doesn’t help that you’re only other hard stop is fear which a non insignificant amount of mobs (typically undead etc…) are just flat out immune to, while other effects like daze/blind/incapacitation/stun always work if the mobs are not flat out cc immune.


Quoting myself real quick because I think it is needed to focus on this issue and needs to be extra highlighted;

  • Being a PI target is a curse leading to being nerfed for it, which in turns makes it feel bad when you can’t get it

  • Priests don’t get basic utilities like interrupt, brez, proper defensive. Partly because PI, partly for Mass Dispel

Now of course this is my perception, surely you have yours. But it bears repeating; there can be support type stuff in the game, but do it like Augmentation evokers - make a spec or class dedicated to doing that. Placing a one-off ability like PI and making it be a potential external instead of just a self-cooldown for the priest themselves just causes so much issues and dissatisfaction.

Priest, nay, all healers should have a brez.

Priest should have a proper defensive like every other specs in the game - flash healing yourself is not it.

Priest need an interrupt to be able to properly participate in their group’s effort

I understand there could be a conversation about the value of Mass Dispel and some other things priests can do, but making PI a personal CD only would surely buy us some room to have basic utilities.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk, respectfully


Am i Crazy, or does the beta notes also list significant revisions to pathing on our talent trees that just… aren’t there? I feel like i don’t see a single change to them despite this, wondering if they just aren’t implemented yet, or if that was a mistake, it’s hard to gauge what sort of issues they might fix if they were implemented without being able to see them

I strongly dislike that both Void and Archon require us to take talents that we might not otherwise take. For archon it’s integral but not for Void. Let us have the option of using something other than Void Torrent. Let us decide between that or Shadow/Void Crash, or mind games, or maybe even have the Entropic Rift proc off a devouring plague.


Good feedback to give, since this is the tuning part of testing.

I know void blast is pumping, and since it’s shadow whenever the void is out you can get locked out during its spam and just go to flash heal for a few seconds instead, rather than before where you rarely felt comfortable using smite in many pvp situations because of it locking you out of shield and flash.

But yeah, void blast is really pumping right now.

Entropic Void is tied to a 20-30 second cooldown for both disc and shadow specs (30 void torrent w/ talent). They’re basing it’s power around that timeframe.

They could balance it around devouring plague, but then each one that comes out would be incredibly weak, due to the frequency you can get DP casts out there.

In order for it to have meaningful damage it needs to be on its own, or tied to another 30ish second cooldown that can’t auto-reset/proc.

So, Oracle is really lame to me. I don’t think the descriptions of either Hero talent accurately depicts the fantasy of either. I have no real advice here besides to scrap the design altogether, shifting through buffs really isn’t what Holy or Disc priests were looking for. I didn’t like it’s previous version nor do I like this one. Of the buffs, only the overheal buff feels meaningful, and basing a talent on overheal is well, not great by design.

I do like Archon as a Holy Priest though, it gives Halo the extra oompf I feel like it needed in a dungeon setting particularly dps wise. For Shadow it doesn’t feel as impactful, maybe if it put DoT’s on targets hit or spawned a shadowy apparition toward targets hit idk. Holy has Echo of Light so it automatically gives Halo that extra flex, Shadow just lacks any way to link itself to Halo in that way.

Voidweaver feels great for both specializations. While it is really just passive do more at the end of the day, giving both specs extra AoE feels nice and we may just have to learn new timings for Disc to better weave it into the rotation but after that, will feel right at home.

Archon Holy 9/10
Archon Shadow 6/10
Voidweaver Disc 10/10
Voidweaver Shadow 10/10
Oracle Holy 3/10
Oracle Disc 4/10

I’m sure you’re not looking for redesign here but my two cents would be rename Archon to Eidolon have it passively grant Holy the ability to have a chance to spawn Holy Apparitions any time PoM bounces (launches them at anyone with Echo). This will blend it with shadow. Keep Halo the same as it is, retract, 3 times etc. But have Halo heal/damage decreased overall but causes appropriate apparitions at any targets healed/damaged each time.

Renamed Oracle as the new Archon. Scrap it and have new Archon buff Rapture/Apotheosis accordingly or bring back boon of the ascended and mold it around that.

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no it wouldn’t, it would just need an ICD. Plague generates it and then following plagues grow it until it times out and fades, the ICD is up at the same time and plague generates a new one.

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I love the play style of holy priest but love shadow spells too. It was really disappointing that there was not any crossover between the two themes in the Archon tree.

I don’t think we priests can say it enough. Oracle is terrible. Fae Guardians could be an excellent template for what oracle could be. Being able to give ourselves/others more resources or cooldown our/others abilities is exactly the ability to bestow multiple and unique beneficial effects to allies.


Shadow priest Voidweaver
I really love the cosmic void animations but it still feels incomplete. The class/spec tree needs some void treatment before it can fully lean into the Hero Fantasy and embrace the cosmic void. Void Crash was a good start but it shouldn’t end there.

My suggestions:

Firstly, I think this new Awakended™ spec needs a new resource mechanic with a visual representation of void orbs? (similar to warlock shards) when you look at the Voidweaver Hero spec art, there are 3 orbs in the picture making you think like this will be a Hero spec defining resource mechanic. “Hopeium” here I know.

Rework Void Eruption for VoidWeaver and new Void Eruption could empower some or all of our other rotational spells(similar to Ele Shamans Ascension) Void bolt just feels old now(or maybe it just needs a new look) I would like to see Void Eruption feel like a corner stone dps Cooldown of the rotation with the Voidweaving aesthetic. Below is my Idea for the new spell:

“Cosmic Coalescence” (replaces Void Eruption) Transform into a cosmic being of pure void magic and upgrades xyz spell(s) for the duration, reducing cooldowns of upgraded abilities and making them instant or castable while moving. X spell extends the duration for y seconds. For each upgraded spell cast during Coalescence, you generate and store Cosmic energy, Reducing the Cooldown of your next Cosmic Coalescence by X secs per stack upon end (2min base CD). There could be talents that provide the ‘Cosmic energy’ and ‘duration increase’.

Add the cosmic void treatment to Devine star, turning it into “Void Star” with a matching thematic animation. maybe it also animates differently instead of just firing out and returning.

Mind Flay/Mind Spike. These spells are just boring. Please give us a proper Void esque/cosmic filler spell. Maybe turn them into Void Flay/Void Spike, with matching cosmic animation. Same thing with the Insanity version of the 2 aforementioned in the talent “Surge of Insanity” call it “Surge of the Void” with aptly named skills and new animations.

Power word: Shield needs a void look to it (on top of making it a stronger button), we have a passive ‘void shield’ but nothing that actually changes the look of the shield, but each mage spec has a flavored barrier? lol whut?
-could solve this with a glyph. “Glyph of Cosmic Shielding” or something. You did it for DK’s AMS

Spec tree capstones could do with some more void flavor or better yet new capstones that lean into the void entirely

Devouring Plague as another poster mentioned doesn’t fit. Again, another spell that needs the void touch. it could still have a similar function, except its no longer a disease(perhaps magic or curse debuff). Few options here could be:

“Void corruption” or “Into the Void”: assaults’ the targets mind with the weight of the void itself, instantly doing X damage and then another X damage over 6-10 seconds (with a talent to increase it to 15-20sec) damage increases the longer the debuff is maintained? so perhaps additional applications extend the duration to a certain damage % increase.

Vamperic touch could be replaced to:

“Murmur” Voices from beyond the void continuously whisper to your target draining their life force dealing damage and returning a portion of that damage to you as lifesteal.

Last but certainly not least, for the love of all things void and the cosmic therein. PLEASE give “Shadowy Apparitions” a void makeover. This one spell will single handily break the Hero fantasy in spite of your best efforts. Give us a choice node similar to Void crash and make the apparitions void like. You could even have slow moving cosmic ‘soul’ orbs or something fly towards targets. Similar to the orbs we saw in the “Harbinger” questline when we had to close portals in the void elf zone. The spell could be called “Cosmic Wanderers”.

I just feel like the ‘Feature’ of the ‘Hero talents’ being sold to us needs to have the respective class/spec trees also be reflective of the feature or it just wont work to achieve the vision of Hero Fantasy.


Rift is fine being attached to void torrent. Not only is it one of shadow’s more interesting and impactful buttons to press, swapping rift generation to plague is just limiting almost all control we have over when and how to actually use the spell.

Between the potential to have to either waste a rift or overcap insanity in some situations (which can just be entirely avoided by not attaching rift to plague), the sudden necessity of an ICD tracker of some kind this would require to use not just optimally but even effectively, and the decreased amount of control we have for things like pooling resources for more effective uses of the rift, this just seems like it creates more problems than it solves.

And frankly I don’t even think rift being tied to VoiT is a problem that needs to be solved in the first place.

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I agree with you. I think it being tied to Void Torrent works. I like Void Weaver. I am enjoying it a lot.

I’m down for removing PI or making it a self cast only. It’s just become so problematic.

People have some really good ideas and points being made. I’ll just add a couple quick suggestions.

Void Crash/Shadow Crash and Whispering Shadows should be consolidated into the same talent. No one gets one without the other and having to spend two talent points to get the functionality that is intended is not good. It would be like Warlocks having to get Vile Taint and then having to spend another talent point just so it would apply dots to the targets.

My Thoughts:

Shadow Crash/Void Crash

Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing (63.1125% of Spell power) Shadow damage. Also applies Vampiric Touch to up to 8 targets it damages

Then change Whispering Shadows into a talent node that can further increase the amount of Vampiric Touches applied to mobs from 8 to 12 or something.

Would also like to see Entropic Rift apply Vampiric Touch to any enemy that is damaged by Entropic Rift.

I’m def down to see crash and whispering merged, but increasing the number of targets it applies to is a sure-fire way to see nerfs to many other things across the board.

If they were to merge them again, the whispering node would have to be something along the lines of just a damage increase or some other interaction with the spell.

I’d personally like to see some sort of option to unify the theme of our spells cosmetically.

When I am shadow, I want Flash Heal to use Shadow Mend’s animation, Levitate to have a shadow themed glow/sparkles, and Holy Nova to have a “shadow nova” theme (I like having on demand spammable aoe even if holy nova sucks outside of rhapsody). The Divine Star/Halo talents already change color based on spec, so why not everything?

Visually, Discipline is fine since it is themed around using both light and shadow but Holy and Shadow specs should be more visually cohesive. That said, in Discipline’s case, I’d like to see more cosmetic glyphs available so Discipline can make more of their spells look like they are shadow spells since they are largely holy centric with only a pittance of actual shadow appearing spells available.

I’d also like to see some sort of option for Shadow to have all its visual unified in theme to either the classic purple shadow theme, or the new cosmic void blue/black theme. It feels a bit jarring to me visually when you see both themes mixed and I personally really like the way the cosmic void theme looks and would want ALL my priest’s spells to use that theme ALL THE TIME when I am in Shadow spec.

As to the Voidweaver hero talents… I like them, but… and this applies to pretty much every class hero talent tree… I dislike being forced to take talents I don’t like (void torrent in this case) to get any use out of the tree. Discipline uses Mind Blast to trigger entropic rift, why can’t Shadow? And I personally feel in every case where a specific talent is enhanced in a hero tree, there should be a choice between that and something else that doesn’t require any specific talent. I dislike being pigeonholed into talents I dislike.


Shadow priests use shadow magic. This includes, but is not limited to, void magic. They are not mutually exclusive. Reworking Devo Plague and various other iconic spells that Shadow has had for over a decade works to defeat the entire fantasy of Shadow Priests, their mastery of all forms of dark magic, and their ability to combine them in various ways to use to their benefits.

The void is dope, but so is the other shadow magics.