Feedback: Pack Leader Hunter

I would have to say then, and i hate to say it this way, you are in fact, playing the spec wrong. Saving CA for something that happens every 10 minutes is… ouchie. Wildfire Bomb Generates focus during CA, Fury of the eagle doesn’t cost focus… bomb doesn’t cost focus… if you’re weaving KC between Raptor strike, Mongoose bite or Butchery you should be swimming in focus.

Button Bloat as an issue is not the fault of Hero Talents. A hero talent spec adding 1 button SHOULD be fine. Every class in the game SHOULD have room to add a single button if it adds gameplay etc.

The problem is that Hunter already has those buttons, Explosive shot has no interaction with the rest of the specs. Barrage was never used or buffed an entire expansion. Chakram is a damage buff similar to Beastial Wrath or Bloodthristy that also has no real interaction with other stuff. Stampede I already mentioned in my earlier comment. The problem isnt that the hero talent tree adds a button. The problem is that the core designs of the specs are not built to integrate the buttons we already have. And the way that they are adding more integration causes LESS room for those buttons in the form of resetting the CD’s on the buttons already taking up a majority amount of the GCDs and Time during a fight.

You could add tons of cool effects to Cobra shot, but those effects would have to be insanely overtuned to make cobra shot ever worth delaying a Kill Command or a Barbed shot, so it will go heavily underused, same can be said for arcane shot in MM with Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire. The designs have painted themselves into a corner, claustrophobically constricting the options available to designers in a way that is both fun and powerful. Power always wins out in the end, so instead of being fun, we get powerful and boring and uninspired. The specs and talent trees need massive reworks. Half of the BM talent tree is “increase damage of Kill Command or Barbed Shot”, half of the MM tree is dedicated to making the spec function coherently.


Well, it can in my opinion. We already drown in barbed shots, if it gives us even more barbed shots, I would consider that bloat

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if you want hunter tree revamps then you have to be willing to let go of the simplicity of its gameplay to make roo mfor more design choices and interactions.


And i think that complexity for complexity sake is not always a good addiction to the game.

Plenty of people like the current BM spec as is (since it’s effectively been ± same for a number of expansions), so reworking spec doesn’t really make sense.


Respectfully I am playing it fun

Oh I just mean I don’t hit it on pull. I use it every time it procs after lust because Lust tends to happen while its on CD, but that’s really a boss-boss basis

My issue with FoTE isn’t about viability. It’s that I have to stand still on the target. I like to leap. It’s also why I don’t spec into carve/butchery unless it’s required. The first 2 tiers I ran Aspect of the Eagle and it was a BLAST. I had 0 down-time on abilities. I could dodge every Boss knockback. And I was always the first on boss after each knock up/back. I probably use Disengage more times than any other SV player. It also means I can access mechanics without losing a drop of dps. I was able to use it a few time to protect door in the Invasion fight. Probably the most fun I’ve had playing wow in my tenure.

I am swimming in focus. I don’t have issues with downtime. And in the rare moment I do, that’s what Flanking Strike is for. I’m just very surprised people don’t use Kill Command often.

when people say “bloat” they generally mean “button bloat” or too many buttons to keep track of and press. this is why you can’t ask for new rotational abilities but also complain about button bloat. it’s opposite feedback.

also agreed. changing things just to change them seems odd. BM is fun and fine now. it’s probably the most fun BM has ever been.


I understand, I am saying that when an ability’s cd is reset more often than you can use it effectively, it feels like too many buttons to press

right…but what else is there to add to BM’s base kit? KC resets are effectively the same problem. KC CD is short enough and you have two charges, so CDR doesnt do anything. Cobra Shot is useless and if you change that at all, guess what it’s another button to press in an already “bloated” rotation

Forgetting for a moment that Survival should have had access to Dark Ranger alongside MM instead of BM…

… I see what the goal was for this tree, there is an idea of strengthening the bond of you with your pet which makes sense for BM/Surv.

I also understand that you couldnt just double down on Stampede because that is very much a BM thing - HOWEVER - it needs more.

And, I actually don’t think its much more.

The strength of Dark Ranger is the dark visuals, and one of the favourite talents from Colossus War is “makes you 5% bigger” - this tree needs some level of flavour called out.

Maybe its “you and your pet grow in size when X” or “you and your pet gain X together in Y scenario” but whatever it is needs to visually enforce what you’re trying to convey (weakly) in text right now.

This tree has a lot of pointless talents that need to just be scrapped and remade. Idk what being a pack leader has to do with +5 yd after a disengage or “multi shot makes you multi shot harder”.

Maybe it’s due to BM having barely any skills, but just spamming more KC isn’t really pushing some strong fantasy that isn’t already done with the base spec. I already feel like i’m drowning in KC and barbed procs on DF.

More KC on SV is actually pretty nice, but why no mention of Spearhead? Also if this is supposed to be a “pet hero” tree then couldn’t something have been done with flanking strike?

Also feels like a huge missed opportunity to not do anything with Stampede.


Go look at the Paladin trees

how is herald of the sun transformative?

herald of the sun is not transformative at all, people really need to stop talking about the hero trees of other specs without nay info about the core specs to justify hating on their own.

before you ask, templar is barely transformative as well. its only a twist in opener

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I have a 3k IO 9/9H Paladin in which I play all the specs, I don’t have an uniformed opinion. I also never pointed to any one specific paladin tree.

“go look at the paladin treeS”, just ignore how 1 is utterly hated, 1 isn’t transformative, and 1 only impacts your opener"

Honestly I don’t understand the Blizz simp position that proliferates on these forums. What are people actually arguing, do you actually not want our talent trees to be better? Do you actually think they are as good as they can be? Do you actually think the Hunter class and its subclasses don’t need a rework and don’t have huge problems within their design?


you still didn’t say how paladin trees are any more transformative than hunter trees

people are arguing because people that don’t understand how specs work are making generalized and incorrect statements and then freaking out when people tell them how they’re wrong? sorry if that makes you so upset

of course not but when people say objectively wrong things and give feedback about things that aren’t true is that helpful? do you think it’s productive to give feedback about incorrect things?

going “go look at paladin trees” implies that your pointing at them to support any point your trying to make.

there is no blizzard simps here, theres just no reason for misinformation to be spread to give you permission to say your hero tree is bad. your free to point out at you dislike the hero tree and thats fine. but saying that paladins or any good tree is transformative (their not) to fit a agenda is just bad. im sorry but the best trees shown so far are the ones that dont do much to change the rotation while keeping a fantasy and theme.

hunter spec trees 100% need some sort of rnr but that rnr or rework shouldnt come from a small system like hero talents, especially after a large history of spec reworks coming from small systems being horrible.

believe it or not, you can criticize these new talent systems without spreading misinfo or getting giga aggressive when someone calls out said misinfo. who knew

io flexing isnt the trump card you think it is, especially when its just “look i do heroic!!!” while posting on a level 10 eu alt

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We are dealing in opinions not facts, there is no wrong or right by definition, I believe that some of the paladin trees are transformative, you may not believe that they rise to that level of identification. We have a difference of opinion, and perhaps I might entertain a debate with a worthy candidate on that subject but people who talk in absolutes over subjective subjects do not rise to that level of identification.
This also precisely why I have a level 10 alt, it quickly and easily gets others to self-identify their inability to make good arguments or provide a valuable back and forth. You would rather resort to ad hominem attacks than reveal your inability to support your viewpoint.
You assume the paladin I mentioned is my main or perhaps even the only character I play but, in truth, neither of those assumptions are true. Its not even true the highest level of content I have seen is only heroic, but you assume so.

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