I know it’s unlikely to change, but having the most coveted gear in the game being primarily useful against only one monster type (undead) is not very exciting. I haven’t talked to a single person yet that’s looking forward to it.
The ret paladin bonuses seem a bit tone deaf after we’ve made pleas time and again for the things we really want. Having a little extra divine storm damage and having holy wrath in the rotation doesn’t seem to do much for us outside of destroying our already meager mana pool.
This could have been an opportunity to do some of most popular things we’ve been asking for over multiple phases and I hope that we can at least get some clarification on the intent behind this.
Two extremely popular suggestions for ret set bonuses that could replace the current iteration:
Seal damage on special attacks
Divine Storm cooldown resets (should be added to the t3 2pc imho)
If you don’t want to do resets for divine storm, another option would be to make divine storm hit a single target multiple times, as in it always does 4x hits but they are divided among up to 4 targets (sort of like Zeal from D2).
Another missed opportunity here is doing something to improve Judgement of Command, so that ret paladin do not have to use a cancel aura macro for every other judgement in order to do optimal damage.
I’d also like to touch on the lack of set for shockadin (again). We’re still waiting after being jebaited in phase one with the molten core set. Rets, Prots, and Holy paladins are ALL aligned in the notion that they do not want shockadins having to piggyback on their sets. It creates animosity between the playerbase, go look at the some of the reactions to my other posts on the topic if you don’t believe me.
Here is a video I made with a bunch of shockadin proposals that I hope can help inspire some action on this front and here is a forum post I wrote alongside it.
Please at least give us some acknowledgement that a set is coming or tell us if we are going to be unsupported so that we can make the proper choices for our respective raid groups.
Thanks for reading, OGB out.