Feedback: Keeper of the Grove in The War Within

I’m sort of confused on the dps support as Resto, currently have also 2 distinct ways to dps.

Kittyweaving, which I’d naturally assume will get further benefits in the Wildstalker Tree as it shares with Feral.

Owlweaving, which I thought may also get more assistance in Keeper of the Grove considering it shares with Balance.

Currently this tree really doesn’t promote anything really for the certain play style of Owlweaving, Starsurge isn’t spamable so Cenarius Might is out, really we only have 2 talents and one is a choice node.

Grove Inspiration but is against Persistent Enchantments and then we also have Booming Infusion.

While yes this tree really focuses on the healing through put via Grove Guardians which I’m very on the fence about myself, my worry is if Wildstalker promotes solid dps options while healing via bleeds/dps it’s clearly going to take the forefront on choice especially in M+.

Are we stepping away from Owlweaving completely?, is Kittyweaving the only solid choice moving forward for dps in TWW?. I mention this as I prefer to dps via Moonkin form (love being a caster).


If you don’t like summoning trees then I would think the other hero talent tree based around moon spells would suit you better.

Keeper of the grove summoning treants makes perfect sense. I only wish balance would get MoP treants back.

Dismissing my feedback on one of the trees doesn’t suit the feedback thread, thanks.

But how does treants fit thematically with anything else the spec does?

The ability is just out of place with the rest of balance’s kit, and only seems to exist as a relic of a bygone era.


Treants are practically part of the class fantasy kit.
Only it was deleted without any explanation (a long time ago).
This ability for Rdruid and Boomy fits very well because in Warcraft 3 we could summon treants.
And now not only the boomys can do it, but the Rdruids.
Furthermore, they now have better performance, at least on the Rdruid side.
On the boomy side, I feel it a bit weak (focusing on the hero tree).
A lot of changes would be needed, as there are some hero talents that don’t feel like hero talents (like the one that’s practically a pants enchantment).
Another aspect that I will repeat until I get tired is… can we do something with the class tree, please?
It is not perfect, just like any class tree that has come out, however it is practically the worst, since it is the most restrictive of all the classes, with many dead talents, illogical connections and lack of connections between primary talents.


before Balance was a ‘celestial’ spec, it was a nature magic spec along with the moonfire/starfire side of it. Balance was based mainly on Malfurion / Keeper of the Grove. One of the main spells Keeper of the Grove has is summoning trees. So it makes perfect sense to me. In MoP and WoD balance had better versions of treants as well, and they were fun to use especially in pvp.

As far as interacting with the rest of the kit, thats what this hero tree is SUPPOSED to achieve. Currently its pretty bad imo. Step one is replacing force of nature with MoP treants, or simply adding them in. Step two is re-doing this keeper of the grove tree to make treants interact with balance / resto kits.


But that feeds into my point that they are a leftover relic from a bygone era.

when it was basically a maintenance buff? Or the part where in they could root mobs in sanguine?

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Didnt think Sanguine was a thing until Legion??

As a Boomy player, not very excited for this hero spec. We’ll likely get some form of a spec tree rework to address it, but having to drop a point somewhere to pick up Treants does not seem very fun. In ST as it is now swapping from WoE is easy, but in AoE and M+ there’s not really a good spot to drop a point for it. Maybe one of the 2nd tier talents that aren’t needed for pathing.

For Resto I’m also worried about putting so much emphasis on Grove Guardians instead of our character. One thing I’m concerned about is how strong is Grove Guardians really without our current tier set bonus? Would picking up that trait still feel good or would we realize how bad it is if we lose the tier set.

One final concern I have compared to the other hero talents is that this tree emphasizes a spell in our spec trees, rather than something in the class tree (like Priest) or simply giving us a new ability or replacing a “core” ability (Hunters with Black Arrow, Mage Frostfire Bolt, Death Knight’s UH+Blood preview a while back). Rather than giving us an ability and letting us still make our build how we’d want, we’ll be locked in to having a specific talent and any pathing to get to it. Couple that with tier sets and it’ll likely end up that a significant portion of our spec tree gets hard locked in for the entire expansion.

He mentioned the mop version, and that version specifically mentioned that it would cast roots.

Uncontrolled or rotational roots casts in the current game will result in mobs getting rooted in sanguine.

It’s not a relic. And Legion created a whole new spell to fit the kit, that’s the job of a designer, it’s what they’re paid to do.

There’s nothing preventing them from making treants a useful button for balance. It’s just the current incarnation is not it.

But that has been a running theme with balance. Since they don’t want to make new rotational spells for it, anything they come up with that is used by balance druids is basically “gives X AP” and they call it a day when there could be more hooks, like empowering eclipses with extra effects, juicing up spenders like making starsurge cleave 2-3 targets, make starfall splash a burst of damage, etc.

There is potential for making a nature themed caster just fine. We don’t need to be just a cosmic wizard.


The root on cast isn’t important. What was fun about them was the three charges on a short cooldown vs the current 1 min cd 10 sec uptime. That and they attacked from range.

It sounds to me like a lot of people just don’t want to play a pet spec moonkin, which is good feedback. But at this point, I’m not sure they would scrap the keeper of the grove tree entirely, so it might be better to just give feedback on how they could make treants work with the balance kit and also look forward to the elune tree which is non pet.

I think its improtant to note that devs have never listened to players in the past…

Curb your expectations fellow druids ^^

I wonder how much feedback they will manage to ignore during the upcomming beta :smiley:

To be honest, the approach they take to the druid is interesting.
I know there are many classes with “pets” like the demonology witch, the hunter, etc.
But at least from the healer’s perspective it is interesting, since it could be said that a slight change to his playing style.
I understand the annoyance of many that they do not want to be classes with “pets”, but we must keep in mind that this change is not completely negative.
Because let’s keep the following in mind, if this season they had not focused on or given us the “Grove Guardians”, the Rdruids would be in 3-4th place as healers (in PvE in M+).
The reason is because Grove Guardians is a mini panic button, which you can use to help you heal while you do other things (like extra mechanics or dps).
And be careful, let’s not blame “Grove Guardians” with the weakening of the Rdruid, because blizzard already had the focus on us with S2 with the Aberrus tier, so yes or yes they were going to nerf Flourish, since practically with the tier and with the build that we have to date it allowed us to be almost afk healing.

Anyway, back to the topic.
I really like that Rdruid is now a “pets” healer because now he is a little more “reactive” instead of a “proactive” healer.

In the case of the boomy, I suppose it is very understandable that they are bothered by the topic of treants, but they may change the concept of treants in the future or change their astral power system (which was the one that many hated) and I I mean returning to the topic of eclipses for every 2 casts of wrath and starfire.

I’m a bit late to this thread, but also showing support for resto treants :herb: :green_heart:

I do think they need some more attention to help them better sync with our healing kit, but overall I really love having them!

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Honestly yea I’ve kinda gotten used them, at first I was really off-put with them but I do think that they need some QOL changes like being able to move (following players that go around corners or out of range) and some more interaction with out healing kit, specifically our mastery, would be great.

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Reminder: Sylvanas did not do nothing wrong.

But I can fix her.
:dracthyr_comfy_black::bow_and_arrow: :cupid:

Yeah, resto was already ‘proactive healing’ intense and putting a lot of our healing power into yet another preemptive ability (Flourish) wa personally not ‘it’ for me.

I still remember when in S2 it was a nightmare (for M+).
He depends on a 1.30min cd (Flourish), because when another damage window came in and you didn’t have that cd or you didn’t have Convoke, you or your companions were very likely to die.
However, now it is more versatile thanks to Grove Guardians and part of our healing is part of them but also of the Nourish tier (of the clearcasts).
I’m happy for the tier, but I would like them to implement this tier bonus (from Clearcast) in some talents, because it is very versatile and useful.

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Balancing and all aside the tree looks really boring from a visual perspective compared to the others.
Mages are getting a lot of flame and frost passive visuals along with a returning spell, paladins are throwing glowy weapons every where, warrior’s already had the new lightning affects shown, but aside from some petals and maybe our treants glowing nothing here seems to be very eye catching, so id like that reworked.
We’re missing that visual that makes people go yup thats a keeper of the grove druid when used/procced. And i think -harmony of the grove- which sounds like its visually boring and is definitly boring from a gameplay persective is where that spectacle should happen.

My current idea for a replacement harmony of the grove

  • after (x)number treants have been summoned your next cast of grove guardian/force of nature also summons an empowered ancient of the moon(balance)/grove(resto). The ancient has all the abilites and upgrades of your treants and increases your damage and healing by 9% while active.

Ancient of the moon they have a natural Damage Reduction with more health than a normal treants while casting starfall around itself. They should be strong enough to do decent aoe with power of the nature and be able to actually emergency tank like an earth elemental with durability of nature giving them their utility back in keys.

Ancient of the grove would have the cleave nourishes the current resto tier bonus gives treants and when summoned they can pull dream petals towards injured players, preventing them from being wasted by players who refuse to stand in them like mistweaver monks orbs where.

I think something like that would be a great visual increase for keeper druids while also fixing some of the current issues the hero tree itself has with durability being a dead choice for balance, dream petals seeming useless if people dont actively walk into them and harmony just being super boring for a capstone.

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A timed healing pet is essentially the same as a HoT. You place it now, it deals healing over a duration.

Druid could SM and drink the exact same way if they just placed Rejuv on the target.

You are blowing it out of proportion because you personally don’t like the treants.