Feedback: July 20-August 10 Same-Faction Battleground Test

I wasn’t a fan of those either but I could ignore them. I can’t ignore HvH games which feel nothing like the faction fighting that BGs should. The only option is /afk and I got sick of that on the last test. I pretty much decided I’m done with horde BG PVP because those games are not fun to me. Anyway, every time they ask for feedback I say the same thing and will continue too even though my expectations are pretty low. I don’t even want them to take away the FvF games in my request, just give an opt out, because I can choose not to buy the mount and boost but there is no real choice here.


Just put 300 honor in the crate and call it good. This is stupid.


More horde are willing to pvp despite all efforts to make it worth their time. Alliance will que for bgs just fine if the bgs reward honor that is worth their time. Right now no one should be happy with season1 being bled out the way it is. Honor is not accurate historically, or appropriate when looked at as a metric so the next series of problems just get wilder and more extreme.

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45 minute ques from like 4 minutes a few days back actually.

Lets take this, and run with it. Suppose this is the cause of it, how do you feel horde using this strategy for weeks now played into that outcome? It was ok when horde controlled the choke points and farmed hks, but alliance planning for the griefing and counterstomping is a problem.

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Love the queue times but I think there is a better way to deal with premades. Sure there are the min/maxxer premades that only want to fight pugs for highest HpH but to me I’ve always used them as a way to play with 9-14 other guildies as a fun bonding experience. I don’t think its a good idea to punish players who have developed the social connections in the game to be able to make consistent premades. This game is an MMO, social connections and creating a good community should be things that are rewarded. That being said I do think they need to make the matchmaker attempt to setup Premade vs Premade whenever possible and if they cant find another premade in a reasonable amount of time match them up against the biggest stack they can find (for example a 9 or 14 stack for 15 man bgs) to keep the matches that are premades vs full pugs as rare as possible. Hard limiting it to 5 man just hurts the community aspect of this game which was the biggest draw for this classic version of WoW compared to retail imo.


Used to spend a few hours a week raiding with my friends in classic, now we log on for 30ish minutes of our main raid and split apart and do karazhans, I’m beginning to forget what their voices sound like. At least we were able to join a 10-15 man group every day to do our PvP daily, but now we can’t.

I have a quick question, I was fighting some people on my alt in naggrand and it escalated to the point we had 8 horde fighting my group of 7 alliance, are we in danger of having our accounts actioned for participating in pvp in groups of over 5? Just want to make sure.


How to fix premades:

Buff honor gained from losses. Usually the easiest solution is the best


Allow premades but force them to fight other premades. Fixed for all except those just looking to pub stomp, and who cares about them anyway.


I as an alliance player tried to queue into AV today and got a 20 minute queue. I have never once had an av queue longer then 5 minutes in 2 years of classic. On my server open world farming is basically impossible due to faction unbalance one of the things you could easily do as alliance was blast some bgs. Now we are unable even to queue into BG’s in a timely manner. This change is terrible for the faction I play and needs to be addressed.


Agreed one of the nice things about AB or Eots. Is its something you could do when you had 6-15 people looking for something to do together when raids were cleared this completely destroys our ability to play in groups larger then 5.


That is pretty much most premades, looking for easy honor.

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You’re an idiot if you think this is a good change.


I was enjoying being social with people doing premade bgs for the honor grind. You basically removed the only fun I was experiencing. Now it’s just randoms. Reminds me of retail. Remove the social aspect out of everything.

Can we like, opt out or something? This is garbage. Go test this on the PTR or something. Quit changing things that don’t NEED to be changed. Let us do premades.


Translation: I can only win with massive advantages and NEED to premade.


No, it’s all about time required.

We’ve been screwed by Blizzard 3 times during this grind

  1. They handed out free honor during the prepatch which I then had to farm normally.
  2. They removed honor for flag caps in EoTS
  3. They’ve removed premades

2 and 3 could be done in tandem which means you were doing premades for EotS flag caps and getting a ton of honor.

There are people who got full honor gear EASILY and if you try and do it now it takes ~5 times longer.

Meanwhile the people who have full gear have been farming people in arenas for weeks and are already in gladiator range. It’s like Blizzard doesn’t even care.

What was the problem with EoTS flags? Were people playing the game wrong? Get OUT of here with that pretentious BS. If people want to flag cap and create their own objectives they should be able to do that.

Every patch it’s like more and more fun is being sucked out. Quit trying to change the game. You have ONE job. Decrease queue times for horde. THAT’S IT. Quit messing with premades, and EoTS flag caps. You didn’t make BC. Quit changing it. I’m paying for BC. Not some twisted interpretation of what you think it should be.


Bring back premades, I wanna stomp with 14 friends


I play on Grobbulus, At level 59 there are no BGs available at all.

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They added lore reason homie. It’s a training ground lmao.