Feedback: July 20-August 10 Same-Faction Battleground Test

All my RL friend have full time jobs and/or kids. They are gearing only through pvp.

They were ready to quit until I told them about HvH. I would wait 1-2 hours for a single Q during the last few weeks. God forbid I stepped out for a cig or to help around the house.

It would take us all season just to get geared for arenas.

Alliance seem to be less enthusiastic about pvp servers. The imbalance there is a vicious cycle. Blizzard can wave a magic wand to make people transfer (free $$), but that wont address the root of the problem, namely more horde want to pvp than allies.

1 idea: Allies get free transfers from pve to pvp servers. Give a hefty consolation prize to the losing faction, say+500 honor or something, just for zoning and sticking around for WPvP events (on pvp servers)

The only other option I can see is continuing to hemorrhage allies from PvP servers.

Discount transfers for horde to go ally?

It might be worse for allies leveling and using AH on pvp servers, but horde really needed this change.

Thanks, Blizz, for being open minded to solutions like HvH.


Alliance queue for AV is 4x longer than before overnight.

Alliance queues were supposed to be unaffected by this test. They are not. Whether it was a stealth change or something else, the queue has been lengthened and Blizzard had either misled or lied about consequences of these changes for Alliance.


This was the TBC experience. As horde, you would sit in queues for hours and when it popped you would drop what ever you were doing: Questing, dungeons, raids (yes, raids) and go do your BG.

What we have here is nothing like the TBC experience.


There are people posting that theyā€™ve gotten 10-20g worth of herbs in the crate as well.

Guess itā€™s just rng at this point.

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Really not pleased that I canā€™t queue up with my normal 10 man group.
Awful change that caters only to people who are too lazy to recruit their own premade.

Alliance getting rewards but really 90% of the BGs are Horde v Horde, why do they need a bonus, do we really even need them to queue once we have same faction BGs? WHY incentivize them when we can play against other horde.

All this and a priest still canā€™t MC someone without ruining the whole BG.
Way to take a good thing away, fix none of the bugs, and give it back worse.
Genuinely I think this is the first time Iā€™ve ever posted and itā€™s to say this is an awful change from the first test.
The first test was a thing of BEAUTY.


Iā€™m at work, but Iā€™ll help as much as/when I can.

Loving it. Being able to bg now is nice and Iā€™m back to trying to farm honor. Sitting in a 50+min que wasnā€™t something I was about to do for just 1 bg.


So what, yā€™all have to wait 4 whole seconds now? lol

alliance AV queues are 30+ minutes because of this changeā€¦previously they were instantā€¦ loot boxes suck arenā€™t enough incentive to queue BGs alone and now alliance is getting screwed GG blizzard killing the game jfc


Aww look at him fellas. You cryin boy? You cryin boy? Maybe go down to the McDonaldā€™s and get a whamburger with some French cries! How bout a Weineken? You little sissy boy!


You sure thatā€™s not because of all the premade Discord groups? Which also have likely discouraged Horde players from queueing for AV as much, especially with the other BGs allowing HvH again.

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The alliance loot box has to be a joke. Can you up the reward? Not very thrilling to get a scroll of protection and some silver winning against overpowered Horde.


Thereā€™s no Page 1 anymore, but ā€¦ reserving space on Page 1!

If you want the ā€˜authentic experienceā€™ then Q the longest 3 bgs and only take the last 1 to pop.

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Av was the reason for imbalance in classic. Honestly any alliance player complaining about faction imbalance should have used the internet more before classic for research. Imbalance of factions has always been a thing.

Alliance players should have expected it. Stop using lame excuses on my u unsubbed. Just say u took your ball and went home.

Thank for demonstrating why HvH BGs are a huge mistake.


Honestly the loot box isnā€™t even worth the struggle. With a vast majority of the hardcore pvpers are Horde for the better racials, I went Alliance in classic to play a paladin and stayed alliance for TBC for seal of vengeance and faster Q times, now along with having seal of vengeance for Blood Elfs, the Horde also have short Q times meaning I have absolutely no reason to stay Alliance at this point as the loot box isnā€™t worth anything and without being able to group with my premade group I now know what everyone meant by Alliance basically not being able to win a BG when before me and my friends could actually win instead of losing because we have all the casuals on our faction. May end up rerolling a Blood Elf Paladin or just unsubbing because doing a 1-70 grind AGAIN just to actually be able to pvp with other pvpers does not seem very enjoyable. Seems to me like the real solution to these problems is to somehow give incentive to Horde players into faction changing to Alliance.


The loot boxes need to give honor and be just for participation for it to be useful for the alliance. Alliance will continue to have a 10% win rate with pugs, which means having to win is not even an incentive at all. As well, adding these while also making HvH queues is completely pointless. Youā€™re adding an incentive to queue as alliance but also taking away literally the only advantage alliance has, which is fast queue times.
Put PvE and PvP in their own battlegroups and then do whatever you want, piling on more horde advantages for arena just makes me want to play arena even less.

Hereā€™s my take on it. Horde are just as capable of queueing premades as alliance are, so I feel that taking away premades and limiting them to 5m is counterproductive. Itā€™s not against tos to premade. Horde have the same advantages and the same ability to do it too. As for horde being able to queue against each other, I donā€™t like this either because it brings the alliance down. 30 minute AV queue and 10 minute WSG queue. Please find a way to fix the problem without ramming the alliance into the ground. Hordeā€™s already got itā€™s own benefits like running the world pvp scene and virtually every single summoning stone. What, so youā€™re going to give alliance a special shield to be able to summon without horde interference and give horde a little treasure chest for every successful alliance summon? Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?


Level 58 boosts, those gaudy mounts and the dark portal hearthstoneā€¦ the immersions been gone a long time friend.