Feedback: Hunters

I actually haven’t paid any attention. I only learned about the hunter changes from a Supatease video.

I’d also add that it’s a compliment to what you’ve created Blizz, that people are as attached as they are to their pets, and to the MM spec. You made a magnificent world to which people bring their own meaning to help fill it.


My take.

Putting players into groups based on assumptions is all I could do. Blizzard likely has some metric to gain insight from concerning who uses or doesn’t use pets where.

Min/maxing bleeding edge M+ 20 and Mythic Raid chads may not give a hoot about decisions Devs make about pets. Maybe the elite players just pick a spec designed and tuned well and play to the best of their ability. Those players are not here to ask to keep pets or rejoice the pet is gone.

I’m also not here to tell anyone they’re wrong if the subject is a matter of taste/opinion. As you mentioned, some players, just want their pet. They may not care to look at the other changes for 11.1 until they are reassured they will keep their pet on MM, nothing else matters to them if the pet is gone.

I could take or leave the traditional pet, even though I know it can still benefit me if that option remained. I am not surprised the pet issue is taking up so much fourm space.


bro is literally a two charge spender you keep from capping
you want iconic, you see back in Legion…


so far delves have been nothing but a joke i dont think that will change. i hope it would but so far ive found all that content lacking.

Level 3 delves are a joke already even as you level, this isn’t meaningful evaluation of the level of threat they would pose.

why are you lying? it’s not the least played in raid (thats sub rogue in mythic and heroic, but several specs are less popular than sv), it’s not the least played in m+ across ALL key levels (sub rogue again with other specs between them)—SV is even the most popular hunter spec in +10 or higher…

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After testing the spec in the PTR, I have a few comments:

-The rotation is pretty much the same, so no real change in terms of gameplay. Therefore, no real change in “fantasy”. If anything, it feels worse.

-The eagle is not real fantasy, if there was a way to choose your pet for fantasy purposes it would help a little.

-Removing Lone Wolf and transfer that power to other skills, I like that.

-This class should have stances to feed that Sniper fantasy rather than an Eagle. So we could have a stance that reduces our movement speed and increases our critical chance and crit damage (like if you were standing still), and another that increases our movement speed and evasion at the cost of critical chance and crit damage (like you are moving fast and strafing, so you are not as accurate)

-Removing complete access to pet for open world / delves creates a lot of problems, specially since the talent tree option doesn’t give the ferocity buff.

-If we are talking about “eagle” and full solo, this class should have additional CC / survivability options to compensate for the lack of aggro. More slows, a longer backflip, extra traps, evasion and speed buff.

-This “fantasy” feels pretty much like Dwarven / Night Elf / Human fantasy, so if you play other races it feels weird.


I do not understand the idea behind the complete removal of pets from MM. I understand that the itsy bitsy damage increase Lone Wolf gives in high end content OVER a pet is critical to those looking for that bit of extra DPS. But like with delves and gearing my Hunter is 8th in priority and has a 617. I was Beast Master to start as a mechagnome to save all the displaced wild mechs from mechagon. Later I switched to MM because I like the idea of a Mechagnome having a super advanced gun and utilizing supernatural forces to enhance the weapon. Keep my first Zappy by my side is the faithful hond I started with. Is my specific character roleplay unique… yes but the idea is not.

I don’t mind players that want to be the solo backwoods sniper, taking forever setting up to make the critical shot to determine the fight. but what is the fantasy spec/class that is Spellsword with a Gun. The Engineer marksman. They want sniper and stuff but give us RAPID FIRE. They can do many thing to this tree and i’d be fine but this complete removal of my stables unless I become Deadweight to a Zoo or melee tussling with 1 pet. Its so bonkers… that an elite idea of a spec is causing a paradigm shift this hard.

What happened to people having options and choice in their gameplay? What is this your body my choice mentality?


I’ve regularly done delves without a pet since the expansion launched and have even done deathless tier 11 delves. MM does not struggle with doing delves without a pet. Even with the ones that limit how much you can move, you will be fine as long as you space out your defensives and brann’s healing potions

all of then? i only believe with a video, sorry. This is anecdotal evidence at best


Have you tried doing them with a pet and comparing the differences?


Yes, I’ve done it with a pet to compare. I chose to use a ferocity pet for the leech/lust for the bosses. Doing it with a pet makes it much easier since I don’t have to worry nearly as much about dodging the telegraphed attacks.

I don’t have the capability to record something and send a video, but I could stream a petless tier 8+ on discord

Well, that’s what I’m talking about. I was doing T8s the day they became available, and having a pet made it a lot easier. So losing the pet is going to be a big change in how I play. I either do a more stressful version of MM or go over to BM, which I just don’t like as much.


That’s understandable. I know there are plenty of hunters who would rather have a pet for them in delves and other difficult solo content. I hope for their sakes that we can get a response in here from Blizzard so the constant back and forth can cease.


Congratulations its the current meta :clap::clap::clap:

Next time it gets a nerf itll be the basement spec in all categories including +10s lol

You know, I totally get the frustration with losing pets with respect to having gone out and tamed them, and named them, and spent so much time with them. THAT aspect, it makes sense. I get it. There’s attachment, there’s character definition, etc. Fully understand it.

What I don’t get? The whole “but we need our pets to go solo really hard things!” argument. A LOT of classes have had things re-worked that then make going out and soloing stuff different. Warlocks lost their demon form, frost mages lost their perma-pet, other DPS classes often have to resort to swapping to tank (or at least more tanky) specs to be able to solo stuff.

Yet for some reason, MM hunters feel it’s their right to be able to solo anything. Just because they could before. Tell them to swap to BM to solo a mob, and it’s outrage. If you told Fury warrior or Ret Pal to swap to prot to solo a mob, they’d just shrug and accept that’s how it works.

IMO, pick a lane. You want your fuzzy furry pet? Fine, complain about that. But if you want simply the ‘more power to solo things as a dps’ suck it up like the other classes do.

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Because that’s something all Hunters could do. Pull out their pet tank while they kill the mob. Now we’re losing that utility and being told to suck it up because other classes have it worse than us.


Well actually…when you read the description, the bombs dedinate forward in a cone IN FRONT of the user. So it is specially designed not to BLOW BACK on the user. I mean we are talking about fantasy physics here…

With that in mind, that is why the bombs work for survival. Even when you play, you need to linethe mobs up in front of you for maximum effect for the bombs.

I always thought of Wildfire Bomb to be akin to Molotov Cocktails, or something of the sort–where it’s just a flaming liquid that spreads over the target once the casing shatters. If you were to throw it at a target it would either splash to the sides or down to the ground more than anywhere (not that I’ve done such things IRL)… if anything their argument would hold water with explosive shot. Regardless, I think the Surv fantasy is crap–when if I think of a melee hunter, like a caveman or pre-BC character of sorts… I feel like there wouldn’t be any form of explosive, just hand-to-hand weapons causing significant bleed damage, traps/snares, and AT MOST poisons. The spell names are pretty ‘spot on’ with Coordinated Assault and the like… but bombs? Bit of a stretch… that’s more ‘Tinker’ than ‘Hunter.’