Feedback: Hunters

I see Lemonshark just going to resort to insults, so that’s it for that line of “discussion”.


truth hurts if you cant understand what an opinion is i cant help you.

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idk what you’re doing but it doesn’t feel slow on ptr at all and with improved streamline it can even be under 1 sec

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I think Stormbeasts is refering mostly to Aimed Shot availability, not cast time, since it’s cast time is long(sometimes).

Rapid Fire as needed as it is to lower Aimed Shot cast time, could use having its availability brought up to Aimed Shot availability imo.


i’m not sure what he is referring to tbh because he keeps saying it’s the longest cast in the game when there’s things like pyroblast and demonbolt.

i’d love to have rapid fire more often though.


Are pyroblast and demonbolt hard casted?


Players are logging into the PTR, going to the training dummys, and just pressing Aimed Shot once with 0 Streamline stacks and no cast time reduction from Rapid Fire and not knowing that is the worst thing you could do if having fun pushing Aimed Shot was the goal.

A hunter that at some point read the tooltips would know Aimed Shot can have a 3 second cast time, but it also can have barely over a 1 second cast time. It is ok if it takes Blizzard fixing the bugs, and players more than one day to master the rotation for it to be fun.


Definitely not tuned for level 70. I died more times at just going through the first TWW campaign with straight 480 ilvl that leads you to Khaz Algar on my fresh 70. On retail, with my petless (Lone Wolf) MM I had it so easy with the exact same gear, I barely broke a sweat.

Blizz doesn’t have a clue what they are doing.
They have an orc sniper, holding a knife, on what is allegedly a “sniper” spec.

No, most of the talent names and icons are all arrow/quiver related.
There are a few crosshair icons mimicking a scope and a few talent names referring to bullets.
The funny part about this whole “Sniper” spec, is majority of the class/spec ability icons are all bow or arrow themed.
There is literally one skill that is themed after a gun, and it’s Barrage/Rapidfire Barrage.
Atleast Blizz is removing that garbage.

I’m not really sure where you got that from.
BM Hunter has not once in the history of Warcraft been portrayed, marketed, or referenced by Blizzard themselves as a “Forest Ranger”.

So to recap, MM Hunter is a Sniper spec proning in the bush with a Ghillie Suit equipped.
It also has all Bow and Arrow themed ability icons.
Majority of it’s talent names are themed after Bows and Arrows.
It uses Arcane Magic.
It uses Poison skills.
It used to use Wind Magic.
It used to use Shadow Magic, unless you’re Dark Ranger, then it does.
It uses Explosive gunpowder/dynamite skills.
It uses magically enchanted traps. Guess we asked a Mage to make those for us.
It uses Tar with one of its skills (very fitting for a Sniper)
It takes on the Aspects of various animals to gain movement speed or defensive buffs.
It uses Pets or Lone Wolf.
It uses mechanical gadgets.
It uses Disengage to leap backwards, and gain a huge movement speed boost (very thematic for an alleged Sniper).

Did I miss anything?
As you can see, MM Hunter is a very thematic, cohesive spec with a clear direction and fantasy.


I mean the description says “a master of the wild”, preferred weapon bow, completely mobile. Sounds like what you want.

Well the wind arrows, shadow, poison stuff was all removed from the spec tree so it sounds like they are making good progress tbh. Reminds me arcane shot did feel a little out of place.

You can just slap a damage reduction on the pet for having it out, no talent point needed, and it would never be used but you know what? Even a 0 damage taunt bot I will take as a compromise.

And it’s not just about using the other tools - some stuff they don’t work, some stuff we need the buffer of the pets HP pool, we don’t have short cooldowns spammable self heals everything is on long cooldowns. Try and farm meander bees with and without a pet and you will see exactly the issue.

But as I said if we can’t have damage fine give me a zero damage taunt bot I am perfectly fine with even that.

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Beast Mastery:

Pack Leader: after tweaking my build. I am really enjoy the way this spec feels, especially when I switched to Solitary Companion, and tried it in open world/questing. On regular mobs (that die super quickly) the boar feels not just useless but kind of silly, as he appears when everything is already dead but still does his full charges through empty landscape. I ran the test dungeon with the same build and it felt good. I came 3rd on dps overall (with fury and ww) but it was quite close, and I topped the aoe damage on some big pulls which surprised me. I don’t think I will main hunter but I will play it a lot, do the campaigns, and open world things, and pug, preferably as Pack Leader BM.

Re MM no pets: I have been asked to provide Lust multiple times in my PTR dungeon runs; it feels important to have 1 thing to offer and I hope this is somehow factored into the future direction of MM.


Glad to hear it.

MM is getting petless lust


Melee survival is least played spec & they (blues-in their post) want to spin that its somehow closer to rexxar than BM.


It would actually help if they let us dual wield, at least transmog option for it

I love when RPers argue that spec mechanics need to match specifically their RP or that other RPers are doing it wrong. Comedy Gold.

A lot of the complaints about RP could be solved if Blizz would actually make any effort to remedy it.

It’s as if Blizz has forgotten about Glyphs and how players are constantly asking for new ones.


Delves are not unlocked on the PTR above level 3. You cannot comment on what they’ll be like as they are not open to testing at the higher difficulties. IMX, given how movement unfriendly they are already, coupled with how health spongey mobs become at high level along with resistance to CCs alongside diminishing returns - MM is going to struggle.


RP using your imagination is kind of the point.
If you want what you had, your own pet, I am sympathetic, that would make sence.
If you want more customization for in game visuals that also makes sence, but if it doesn’t happen or doesn’t happen as quickly as players want, they may ask for it.

What is funny too me is the idea that a game developer MUST provide, anything really. The IP owners sometimes change the IP assets. When they do players bickering about which players are correct about matters of taste is just funny.

Wanting in game assets that fit a theme for RP purposes is totally normal. Just the conversations I’ve read with players fighting with each other about how things should be is entertaining. How things should be is a functioning representation of how Blizzard Devs imagine it should be. Not millions of players wildly varying preferences.

It strikes me that the most potent arguments for keeping MM pets available are the ones based in emotion. I don’t like the playstyle of affliction locks as much as I did in cata or pandaria, but in essence, I only press different buttons - not a huge dealbreaker, just a bummer. The big thing is that there are lots of folks who love playing MM spec and at the same time, they love having the pets they collected and named and played with for years. Yes, a toolkit could work to make solo content just as doable without a pet, but it’s not really about functionality. I have no idea how many people play MM only as lone wolf and how many use pets. I think for some, or maybe even many who do use pets, the change is actually cruel, because it is an emotional bond, not just a functionality change. I also get folks not wanting to change specs. As an aff lock and since we no longer spent points in multiple trees, I have never played demo or destro, nor had any desire to do so, even when I was unhappy about affliction changes. To me it was about my identity as a player - an emotional thing.

It makes way more sense to me to just add a grimoire of sacrifice that fits the class/spec fantasy for MM hunters.