Feedback: Hunters

Aren’t you the one being ridiculous? You’re the one in favor of completely gutting a core classic fantasy that has been in the game for 20 years instead of leaving it as an option.


I’m making a point.

We don’t balance competitive vehicles to work on streets, and we don’t design street vehicles to run in competitive races.

Designing MM solely off of competitive mythic+ and raiding makes it worse for everything else. So there needs to be compromise. Letting MM keep it’s tamed pets is one such compromise.

And you’re being deliberately offensive when you refer to our complaints as ‘an emotional pad’ as you do below:


I think he has been one of those on the fence, like open to keeping it as an option, that has just gotten tired of being broad-brushed.

On another note, when it comes to the pet, and the specs, I really think they need to lean into certain aspects for them:

  1. BM, master of beasts, tamer of exotic ones (MM does not use the same pets as BM, MM would use a dog or wolf, BM a core hound, MM a raptor, BM a devilsaur, etc). Focus is on commanding the pets and the pets make up the bilk of the damage.
  2. MM, pet is little more then a tank/taunt bot, low pet damage, high threat, utility is on the hunter so no reason to use the pet in group content. Damage focus is on the hunter. Personally I like using the pet as a measure of my damage as I try to kill mobs before the pet reaches them.
  3. survival, pets of MM, melee working in tandem with the pet, damage between the 2 is fairly evenly split as it would likely be set up so one flanks the mob while the other attacks from the front.
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That is a charitable view of their stances, given this response:

Maybe I’m wrong, but their view screams to be strictly utilitarian. The game could be a spreadsheet of them entering formulas and they’d be happy.


It might be, but a few of us, myself included, have been in these discussions since the start, not that you have not been, and have seen a lot of vitriol from both sides. I was just pointing out that people do have limits and some of them, myself included, have been pushed beyond them dealing with certain types.


It’s also possible they view this as a zero-sum approach: Allowing player agency necessarily removes their ability to play the game.

That doesn’t justify them deliberately insulting or downplaying our concerns because they don’t view them as being as serious.


I’m just going to say after being on PTR for many hours yesterday and today, this rework for MM is just atrocious.

The rotation is terrible and clunky. Nothing flows or feels smooth. Aimed Shot still having a cooldown, charges, AND BEING THE LONGEST HARD CAST IN THE GAME is a design failure at every level.

The amount of times that MM focus caps because you are just spamming a lightweight damage steady shot to get Aimed Shot off CD is terrible. Arcane Shot being a filler spender doing the damage it does is equally as terrible and us being forced into just not pressing it anymore because we need to stay everything for Rapid Fires/Auto Shots makes this entire spec just feel clunky.

It’s truly ironic that the rework post started off with “ICONIC AND SMOOTH ROTATION” and this is what you came up with. The exact opposite. It is so much easier to just remove the spec as a whole and start over than continuing to ignore feedback from MM Hunters that will have to suffer with these changes where they’re going to matter most which is what you’ve been doing for 7 years and here we are, once again, another rework, because your previous ones have failed.

Are you guys ready to start listening now or should we all expect to meet back here in 6 months?


Isn’t that what they are doing atm? I mean the talent tree pic is a guy with a gun not alleria. Most of the talent names are shooting and ammo now. Mobile forest ranger is BM’s whole thing.

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Anyone who says “you still have a spec that can do that” is not expressing a valid opinion and can be easily ignored.

If I liked that other spec, I’D ALREADY BE PLAYING IT INSTEAD OF MARKSMAN. But I prefer MM Hunter. I want to keep playing MM Hunter. I shouldn’t have to change just because some johnny-come-latelys showed up to a pet class and decided they didn’t want to deal with a pet.


most mm mains didnt want to deal with the pet for years


Citation desperately needed.


My quick feedback of MM changes.

  • Give the “weird” definition of marks hunters (yes stuff should run at you when you shoot at them, that’s how it works) their pet back so this threat loses 1.5k messages from the same 10 people. No you don’t need a pet to kill 99% of open world stuff, most rares die before trueshot ends and most creatures die 1 shot or 2 shotted and lets not forget that you can slow mobs to not get close to you for like 10s or more using your entire UTILITY (not just pet tank, yes Hunter has more utility) helps a lot with stuff.
  • If you give the pet back make it do 0 dmg and just be a taunt bot which apparently is all these people need so the other players dont “feel forced” to have pet out or they miss damage (yes I dont want to pay another talent point to get what I already have on PTR which is doing full dmg)
  • Trueshot feels weird, maybe it’s just the bug making Aimed Shot being slow compared to RN. It’s nice that you can’t just roll your head on keyboard and do some dmg. It is way too costly at 5 points to get it to a decent place.
  • Both 2 pointers in capstone area are way too limiting for any good build, it was fine rn since you didnt have much to spend on.
  • Dark Ranger needs some serious changes after Withering Fire rework when the problem would have been fixed with an ICD on Ebon Bowstring.
  • There is a nice feedback loop in Marks rotation rn and some nice combos you can do which is a good adition to the rotation.
  • Lock and Load might need some balancing since it’s part of tier set and has more talents around auto speed/dmg.

Dismissive and condescending replies don’t help anybody.

We know we can kill most mobs before they reach us. We know a lot of rares can be soloed easily. But some rares can’t be soloed easily. Also, there’s this thing called DELVES that some of you lot seem to have missed the memo entirely.

Nah, just make it work the exact same way it does now, just with a flipped version of Lone Wolf where you get a small percentage debuff to make up for having a pet out.


And Brann is getting a tank spec so this point is ???

So my solution loses you 0 dmg but you prefer to lose dmg?

Are you serious? How do you expect a non-healing class (because Hunters are not a healing class in case you forgot) to heal Brann while he’s tanking? He’s just going to be a speed bump for the mobs.

I’m already taking a DPS loss by having my pet out. And how do you expect a pet to hold threat outside of Growl if it doesn’t do any damage? Give it a zero cooldown taunt?


By not taking any damage because Brann is tanking?

Pet already can’t hold threat?

Unless Brann’s tank spec is also heal spec, this going to be a bit of a mixed-bag of a result.


And what happens when Brann dies when we can’t heal him? They’re giving Brann a tanking spec for healers, because they can keep him alive by healing him. We can’t. So I wish people would quit parroting that silly idea that him tanking somehow means anything to DPS classes.

So your solution is to make things worse. Great idea.


Can we talk about Trueshot here? I understand that some talents are currently bugged, but it really doesn’t feel great. Even if all the talents worked, we are spending multiple points just to have a decent cd that feels a bit dull since all it does is give us crit/crit damage and cd reduction of aimed and rapid fire. I think it can be made more exciting through various means. Maybe giving it some interaction with consuming streamline will launch a barrage of winds arrow (that actually do decent damage) which will make casting aimed shot that much more satisfying

Also, with this rework, withering fire (and possibly dark ranger as a whole) needs to be looked at. Going with manual casts of black arrow instead of automatic casts when we get deathblow doesn’t feel good at all. I don’t really have any ideas of how to fix this, but I feel like it’s worth brining up


what makes you think he wont regen himself