Only rotation i could make Ranger feel good was loading points down the left side of the talent tree and using Black Arrow in place of explosive shot in the rotation (never using explosive shot at all).
Yes, that’s exactly how the dark ranger rework has felt on top of it. So now it’s gonna feel like 2x nerfs/worse gameplay.
I originally tamed it because I knew nothing about the game and at the time I was a Night Elf (Ive race changed and faction changed since Vanilla but its the same toon). Bears had a knockdown that made them INCREDIBLY hard to tame as if they didnt kill you, you had to rely on dodging/parrying 2 knockdowns during the taming sequence - it took me hours to get to the level needed and then to actually pull of a tame of the bears and Mauler has been with me for every single expansion.
Beyond the obvious utility of having an off tank when soloing, I just want to keep him around and play the spec I love.
Why are we pretending that his pet isn’t available as surv and bm
gO pLaY bM hUntEr
Because Wrath probably doesn’t play BM or SV. If that were the case, probably wouldn’t be commenting on MM changes.
the one thing I want to see is improvement to pets. currently it is absolutely garbage. pets get lost, they never are able to keep up with the hunter if the hunter gets any sort of speed boost like Aspect of the Cheetah etc.
100000% DISAGREE. I tested th MM changes in open world and in dungeons on the PTR and you constantly get in the rhythm buff reducing aimed shot casts with rapid fire and consuming precise shots keeping the buff up as well as improved spotters mark buffing aimed shots makes them hit even harder. So far really LOVING the changes especially the interactions with lock and load and explosive shot.
Wish they baked aspect of the hydra with trick shots though and removed the ebon arrow head talent as its a bit boring IMO but because it interacts with the tier set might be a must pick. Also the two pont nodes are boring passives that should really just be turned into a 1 pointer so we could have access to the bottom nodes
Pets are an iconic fantasy element to the Hunter class, and offer a unique style of gameplay that isn’t available on other classes.
I think all of the 11.1 PTR changes are great, except “Marksmanship Hunter can no longer use Call Pet”. If you changed that to “Marksmanship Hunters now deal 5% less damage whenever you have an active pet. Marksmanship Hunter pets no longer have access to Family or Specialization abilities.”, then I would have zero complaints whatsoever.
I guess marksman is no longer a ranged spec. Because everything I fight just gets straight up in my face. A pet keeps them at range and actually lets me be a sniper. This sucks.
I love you dude.
Everything I’ve been saying, but maybe explained better.
People like you are infuriating. Do you know why people play MM? Because they don’t want to play BM or SV… for .
And it’s never been an issue. 3 specs. Choose the one you like, and we did. We like the spec that focuses on shooting stuff from a distance with lots of cool attacks and if our pet dies our damage doesn’t tank.
But pets have always been an important part of that equation. A MM hunter is still a HUNTER. Imagine removing demons from affliction and destruction warlocks.
Now, because someone(s) at Bliz decided MM hunters have to align to some stupid fantasy of not using a pet, lots of MM players are understandably upset.
Get out of here with your “play surv or bm” crap.
The people who don’t want pets shouldn’t have rolled a pet class in the first place. They’re the reason we’re in this mess now.
You don’t want a pet? Fine. Here’s LW. But that wasn’t good enough.
You don’t want to ever look at a pet? Fine, we’ll rebalance things so you never need to look at a pet. But that still wasn’t good enough.
These people don’t just want MM to be pet optional. They don’t want any MM Hunter to have the option of summoning their pet. It’s fanatical at this point.
We cant take what they said seriously there are MANY improvements how the spec plays and if they can neither see them nor understand how the talent tree changes improve the spec then I am sorry but I dont think blizzard will take their feedback in consideration.
Pets havent been an important part of MMs equasion bar using them for their utility for 10 years mate they are like an appendix at this point and that
s why blizzard changed the spec and decided to remove them. Hopefully they will implement a way for those who like you enjoy MM and a pet but please dont say pet are crucial to the proper funcioning of the sepc cause they are not!
First, they said “important”, not “crucial”. Second, the people who don’t want pets shouldn’t have ever been catered to at all if they’re so fanatical that they don’t want any MM Hunter to be able to continue using their pets.
Just gonna add, I tried out pack leader on the ptr and I was neutral before but now am REALLY not a fan of the animal models they chose. They picked a really brightly colored boar and a wonky looking bear model with funky side braids and lame color.
If you insist on making pack leader use these things, let us customize them or I have to switch to Sentinel which I really don’t like visually either but it’s less of an eyesore.
At this point, I wish they would’ve just left PL as is.
If a pet wasn’t crucial to the spec, why did they give the pet abilities that MM was missing when not in use their own talents and castable spells to supplement them being removed? Not saying I’m all for the changes, but not saying I’m against them as well – I usually tend to play BM because I enjoy the pet/pack fantasy a bit more, but that argument seems contradictory or ironic.
Hey now, watch who you tar with that brush - I don’t want pets, but I’ve never advocated for their removal (and still don’t).
Sadly, there is no ‘archer’ class in this game beyond hunter, and their refusal to offer any other ranged physical class is disappointing.
Very good fedback and I agree with all your topics especially on how good it feels to have in the rhythm so often but the talents that just interact with auto shots are very boring and uninspiring and aspect of the hydra should just be baked in trick shots. I also felt like spotters mark wasnt proccing as often so maybe the proc rate should be revisited and addressed