Feedback: Hunters

All the tears and because you want a tank pet. #notyourfantasy

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Yes, I did. They’re faster casts, not slower.

There is, actually. Because you get it off and then can move or do other things - or you get it off and are not interrupted by CC. As a PvPer, you should know this.

Nope? I already listed live numbers, sorry.

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In-depth playing may reveal some differences but honestly after playing for an hour on MM and BM (Pack Leader) the specs feel virtually the same rotationally.
A little disappointed.

Side note, are all tier sets not working? My Hunter and Lock never triggered Jackpot!

You made some numbers up is what you did lol. Live aimed with streamline out of trueshot is slower than ptr with the same gear. The difference in trueshot streamline is negligible enough to not matter, especially given how much harder aimed shot hits as a result of its longer unbuffed cast time.

While you do want to press Aimed Shot during Trueshot, pressing Rapid Fire first is one of the requirements to reduce Aimed Shot cast time. So while it is true Aimed Shot = good, Rapid Fire is a great ability on it’s own and in 11.1 you want to use Aimed Shot after Rapid Fire. It isn’t as simple as adding Rapid Fires cast and Channel time and Aimed Shot together and saying it is Aimed Shots cast time. You pressed both, got both, and both are powerful parts of your rotation.

Nope? Live aimed outside of true shot, with streamline is 1.3-1.4s cast times. Wailing arrow a little less.

You already do that in live, and your cast times are shorter. Someone argued that it was faster on PTR to cast said things, all I’m doing is disproving that.

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How much haste did you say you had again?

Mine is 8%, compared to your 11%. So far hunter updates feel bad. Even the ‘re-designed’ Dark Ranger felt bad. Wailing arrow dmg has been awful since the upset honestly. I don’t know why they keep updating things and somehow making them feel worse.

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I think it’s pretty amazing that you have been able to hold onto a piece of the game that is dear to you for so long, even if it’s coming to an end now. Sadly I don’t have my original account from that far back, but I can still remember I was about to start a druid, but when I found out that hunters could tame like pretty much any animal in the game I was sold. I’ve collected the pets I just like, and I have a few that I have named after friends and such. It’s always nice when making a new hunter to figure out who is going to be that character’s core companion.

I guess I will just add that I am really sorry and I hope things can change for the both of us.

  • After trying new Marksmanship on the PTR, I have to say it feels like a downgrade in comparison to live. Having an on-demand pet for solo play that is not mandatory (or necessarily optimal) for raiding is a huge utility, and losing it is a huge loss for both open world play and delves.

  • Marksmanship does not have the survival (pun not intended) tools to be able to solo more challenging content (e.g. outdoor rares) without a pet. If the desire to remove the pet is non-negotiable, then a lot more help is needed on that front. The 5% HP and 3% reduced damage from the Tenacious talent feel negligible during play testing and are not anywhere near enough to make up for the large amount of utility being lost.

  • I spent a bit of time trying to figure out where the new eagle even was, aside from talents like intimidation, it does not feel like it really “exists”. Its presence, compared to the Sentinel owl for example, seems insignificant.

  • The talent tree seems way too focused on Precise Shots and Spotter’s Mark. These mechanics are not “weighty” or active enough to be felt in combat. You just do your rotation and they make you do a bit of extra damage. They don’t seem interesting enough to be the cornerstones of the spec. I was not a huge fan of the vulnerable mechanic in Legion, but at least the impact of that was more obvious to the player.

  • I intend to play with the spec (and Dark Ranger) a bit more, but these were my initial thoughts. I felt strongly enough about them after the first session that I had to come here and write it up.

EDIT: Just wanted to add that the removal of Barrage is another huge loss for open world play, old raid content, even follower dungeons. If there isn’t enough room in the talent tree, I suggest making it baseline, but removing it just for the sake of removing it doesn’t really make any sense.


Tensile bowstring is actually bugged. I figured out what’s going on. Basically it’s just way easier to keep yourself at 2 charges of streamline in ts because of the lower rf cooldown. Sorry tiger man.

Your aimed shots will actually get a lot faster than live even in trueshot once bowstring does what it’s supposed to. You actually get 1.1s (my haste) aimed shots outside of trueshot if you stack streamline to 2. As the talent reads, though, tensile bowstring should be giving you two 45% charges, which does not really make sense as a stacking mechanic because then your aimed shot is like .3.

IT doesn’t exist, its straight up just a visual effect that proc sometimes

And spotter’rs mark proc is awfull, i dunno if its bugged or not, but it barely procs

In general it feels worse and you spend more time trying to ‘amp’ your aimed shot pointlessly, I dislike all the precise shots and spotters mark. So really, next patch I lose a spec I like to play.

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I am at work, so I have only been able to test it out for a short amount of time, but I do want to say two things.

One: If Aimed Shot is hitting like a truck I do not mind the longer cast time. If it still hits like a Kill Command then I think the cast time needs to be shortened, Trueshot should reduce cast time, or it should be castable while moving.

Two: I think Kill Shot is being incorporated too much into the rotation. This opinion may change, but I feel like it’s a wrench being tossed into gears. It doesn’t flow as well when you are getting so many procs of it and trying to weave it into precise shots. When I get the chance I will check it out some more, but I have been a little busy so this was just my initial impression. There is more to discuss for sure. Edit: Just to add a thought, I think Black Arrow is better incorporated into Arcane Shot/Cobra Shot than Kill Shot. Having it with Kill Shot forces the it to be incorporated more into the rotation, and thus forces the damage to be adjusted to compensate for the increased use. I would like it to hit like an execute should.

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Yea, the more I’ve been fidgeting with the MM changes, the less I’m enjoying them–the ramp up doesnt ‘feel’ like it’s worth it in the rotation… get x2 streamline for Aimed not to crit–bleh. I’ll keep fidgeting, but it’s feeling less like a ‘re-imagine’ and more like a ‘unnecessary nerf’ to gameplay.


Survival Hunter Feedback

Tier Set

The 11.1 Tier Set… is not great.

Wildfire Bomb is one of our hardest hitting and most prioritized abilities.

Getting stacking bonus damage on it when you press it: Feels good!
Having a chance to lose all of that bonus damage when you press it: Feels bad!
The “Jackpot” effect being that you lose those stacks of Bomb damage to gain …250% Damage on your next Kill Command and two extra tip stacks? Not really very good at all. That feels like the opposite of a Jackpot.

Kill Command makes up a very small portion of our damage and even less in AOE.

We don’t need any more Tip Stacks than we get from playing properly either. With Relentless Primal Ferocity or Symbiotic Adrenaline as well as the new Pack Leader talents we’re overcapping tip stacks just to generate focus sometimes which feels bad.

Pack Leader

The Good:
Flavourful, seeing the pets charging in and out and doing their thing is neat, though the Chimera/flying thing can sort of obscure your vision at times.

The Bad:
The completely random order of pets is… not great, like others have said. What if you don’t proc the Bear at all in AOE? Or get more AOE centric procs while doing a purely ST boss? What if we painstakingly apply serpent sting to all of the mobs in an AOE pack in hopes of getting a Bear proc and it…just doesn’t happen?

A set order of pets would probably help. Increasing the frequency of their procs but lowering their impact to balance it so you’re likely to get 2 out of the 3 procs during a single mythic plus pull would also probably help reduce that bad rng.

Eg. In one AOE dummy test I got 3-4 Bear procs in the span of 2 minutes, large AOE impact.
Second test, also 2 minutes, 1 Bear proc, low AOE impact.

No Mercy currently uh, does nothing, I assume that’s a bug.

The Turtle on your Head Defensive. Very cute, but uhm, 10% damage reduction at 40% HP on a 2 minute cooldown is not going to save me from anything.

Currently Pack Leader doesn’t feel too interactive either. I assume that might change with No Mercy doing something, if not it probably should.

The Minor:
Other than the Chimera blocking my vision of the target sometimes it’s not very noticeable when you summon a Pack Leader pet. It could probably use a bit more of a sound cue or visual cue.


The Good:
Big moving circle good.

The Bad:
It stills feels terrible when you have to stop throwing bombs when a mob or pack of mobs gets to low health and you want to save your next Lunar Storm proc for the next mob or pack of mobs. Feels worse now that it’s a 30 second cd.

Please just…make Lunar Storm its own button, like Volley, like Wild Spirits, like Resonating Arrow.

The circle moving without the owl present is kinda weird. In my mind The Owl following the target would be the reason for the circle moving with it but that’s fairly minor.

Will give feedback again once some of the bugs have been fixed!

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Successes, Aimed Shot is your hardest hitting ability and you cast it a lot.

Downsides, precise shots is incredibly boring as mechanic, it’s entirely passive and so is spotter’s mark. Spotter’s mark is essentially invisible. Having your old pets appear out of nowhere and chomp would be better.

Visually the spec is still boring as hell and the flashiest parts are the magic hero trees that don’t fit all hunters.

The rework felt boring and static.


optional talents are never optional.

There is always one that is worse. Always.

Shockadin never worked because the holy tree was always balanced around healing, not damage.
Gladiator didn’t work because prot is balanced around tanking, not damage.
Single Minded fury doesn’t work, because scaling on titan’s grip is better since you get more raw stats. Conversely if they buff SMF to the point its competitive, TG would be the clear loser.
Lone wolf has always been a problem because You Either take Lone Wolf when its performing better, or you take the pet when it’s performing better.
Mover (Momentum/Inertia DH) vs Demonic DH has only rarely been close enough to making taking one over other a choice of preference. Usually only one build does good enough damage to be competitive.
Feral and Guardian were once spec, that had balance problems. And rarely were both feral dps and feral tank viable in the same patch. So they split that spec into 2 different specs.
2 Handed frost died more than once so that DKs could have a functional DW spec.
Frost and Unholy Tanking died so that dks could have 1 consistent Tanking spec, because trying to balance 6 specs with only 3 talent trees didnt work.
2h Enhance gone as well.
Smite Priest vs Holy Priest. I could go on.

If your pet matters more than your spec, you still have 2 specs to play. One of which is pet centric, and still uses ranged weapons.


This a thousand times. The spec is supposed to be about leading our pack of animals and they’ve locked us out of doing so! Only to saddle us with the same generic animals as everyone else, that we have no connection to! We already have our own packs to lead, blizzard!


MM feedback:

Talents interacting with auto attack speed are pretty lame and boring. I would prefer something more interactive and cool to replace them.

Trueshot is hard to get to in the tree and feels challenging to make fun to use unless you’re running all the Streamline talents.

Focus economy (especially in AoE) is really hard to manage with all the Streamline talents because you just don’t spend enough.

Steady Shot isn’t the most engaging button to press but feels good when you DO need focus in more single target builds.

Explosive Shot feels fun to press a lot more often, I like the interactions with Streamline.

Dark Ranger feels like it’s lost some power overall and you have far fewer opportunities to cast Black Arrow in some builds.

Several CDR talents for Aimed Shot had me over capping charges a lot more regularly. The RNG of the Spotter’s Mark makes this harder to control.

The Spotter’s Mark animation is hard to notice, could use a few extra frames of booping the target before it disappears.

Some talents feel bad to take:

Eagle’s Accuracy and Bullseye are expensive for their benefits. Should be 1 point each.

Ohnaran Winds feels like a rough idea because it’s a relatively low damage amp behind 2 RNG gates.

Moving Targets feels mandatory for any build.

Obsidian Arrowhead feels like a never take talent.

I like the direction overall, but I worry some of the blander talents will leave us with only 1 build, and Trueshot is hard to make good use of when you have so many other abilities to utilize besides Aimed Shot.