Welp all the other changes are awesome and cool but no pet when doing open world stuff feels so awful and depressing I might actually be done and shelve WoW if this goes through
They should just leave us with Den Recovery. That talent is awesome.
Windrunner quiver and headshot is pretty frustrating to use together.
You want to always spend your 2 stacks on deathblow procs, but you also can’t hold your precise shot in most circumstances, because you need to expend it to keep streamline going. Especially in trueshot windows where it’s happening faster. You’re going to end up needing a script to use it correctly. Getting a 2 proc without deathblow feels bad. Spending a 2 stack on arcane in ts because you have to, then immediately proccing deathblow right after feels bad.
Kinda goes hand in hand with withering fire not really doing anything. You spend the db proc and then it doesn’t really matter that it’s usable regardless of health percentage because it’s on cd and you still need another db proc.
Just replying to you based on what you said my man. YOU state there are ZERO pros to the new changes and the spec has been progressively feeling worse since the launch of the expansion. A pet has nothing to do with how the spec plays outside of being a pocket tank. So, if the spec is feeling that bad for you, bringing a pet back won’t help it.
The enjoyment decreasing from the start of the expansion to now(on live) for me was tuning changes more than design changes.
I pvp so it is coming from that perspective. For a while there Sniper Shot was really just too much. Casted from stealth and not making you leave stealth until it was fired while removing 25%-50% of a players health when it would hit depending on your stats and the targets stats was a bunch of fun for me, but it was too good. Then they took its damage, nerfed the range bonus, but more than made up for it by buffing Aimed shot and Rapid Fire a bunch, that was fun as hell. Then somehow MM overall damage took a nosedive, mostly from Dark Ranger nerfs but there may have been more nerfs. Now for pvp on live MM is certainly functional, it isnt bad per se, but it isnt what is was a few months ago. The fun meter for me is reading a bit lower purely from the dps going down some.
As far as you wanting to keep Barrage in the kit for 11.1, you might be the only player that liked it, due to its low dps, even with a second talent point spent to make it shoot RF shots. You are allowed to like what you like, but Blizzard has been removing talents that are unpopular this expansion and also some abilities that were super popular like Rets dispell with Judgment(Justice of the Pure PvP talent).
Sometimes things change we like, sometimes things change we don’t like. In either case you’re welcome to talk about your thoughts on changes here. For the most part Blizzard will do what they think is best and wont change things back they way they were without a fairly uniform outcry from the community.
We saw the community outcry get results when 10.0.7 Retribution rework went live, was strong, and it was hotfixed(nerfed) 3 days later and nerfed more every week for 5 weeks straight, and nerfed more since that. And somehow Ret is still good, had a great time playing it today.
Yep just tested, this is AWFUL.
The bird is like we though it would be, a damn glorified visual effect, it doesn’t exist until it proc the spotter’ mark, so it materialize hitting the target and goes away or appear briefly when you intimidate
This is truly shameful, you can’t direct, you can put to attack, its an useless visual effect, its awful in any way shape of form and i point the clowns who said would not be the case and we should have waited the ptr… its here and its exactly what we said it would be.
This is a tentative to please both sides of not wanting a pet and wanting a pet, so the clowns here can defend like this:
“if you dont like a pet nothing change to you, the eagle is barely visible! its what you want!”
"you like pets? you still have this eagle, its what you want!
Aimed shot takes way too damn long to cast, even with the stacks, its a 3 hard cast that consumes energy AND have a CD, nothing improved in that part, the spec feel slower and clunky than in live.
Only good thing is one extra charge of kill shot and casting aimed shot while moving with aspect of the cheetah, but tis a hard long cd, and only pvp, so the pve people doing questing or delves with no tank will get screwed
Use imp streamline. I’m at 11% haste on the ptr and my aimeds are 1.1-1.9s. Trueshot buffs streamline which makes aimed in trueshot almost exactly the same cast time as live except it hits way harder. You just have to press buttons in a generally correct order now instead of being able to just spam in ts.
That talent is pretty garbage. You want to run quiver and headshot if you’re testing pvp (despite the rough interactions i mentioned above). The extra black arrow you get with deadeye is not worth pressing because you don’t have precise or razor for it. Double precise deathblow black arrow is lethal though.
You can actually oneshot with marks right now super easily on the ptr even without using one of the known bugs.
b-but I thought MM was for super brainiacs and BM was the spammer spec…
Say it with your chest, homie.
Why this matter when you cant cast quickly due to true shot anymore anyway? i need to do one skill to be able to do something i already do ingame, and im suppose to be fine with it cause it hits harder? why it matter when i will not be able to cast anyway cause the game is fast and need constant movement? ah aspect of cheetah is a way longer DC isn’t worthy
I think is bad, and its not even counting the massive blow it is to lose your personal tank while taking so long to cast your skills and the utility to attack different targets
Well, better REMOVE from the game then, since its a suboptimal option right?
And i don’t care, it feels better to play with it
Comparing spec difficulty is somewhat of an opinion generally, but my opinion on the 11.1 changes are they do make you think just a tad more about your MM rotation, because it rewards you more if you’re using procs and ability interactions well…and BM is still super easy, pick the right talents and push all the buttons and you can’t do too bad, which I’m fine with. My 9 year old likes playing BM and I’m glad he likes playing wow possibly only because BM is easy.
Trueshot buffs streamline. So when you take improved streamline, it becomes 45% off of your aimed shot in trueshot. With other talents and correct pressing of buttons, aimed is actually consistently faster out of trueshot and about the same inside of trueshot. You’re just not pressing trueshot and spamming any more. Which is a good thing.
You’re not the only person that is unhapply Trueshot doesn’t speed up Aimed Shot cast times and that the base AS cast time was increased. Fortunately with the right talents and rotation and a bit of haste, low cast time, free instant, and repeating Aimed Shots are all possible. It may take more than one day to master and I think that is ok.
A thing that I do think would be reasonable is a moderate cooldown on-use mark. Maybe even tie it to hunters mark and let it be usable while cced. Once every 20 seconds, you get to guarantee yourself a marked buff and maybe the eagle sticks around on the target for a moment.
It doesn’t, with true shot or not, one rapid fire decrease the same amount of time. Unless its bugged and a tooltip is missing.
Is awesome to be worse, but think is better because you are smug and can say everyone is playing wrong.
The talent is called tensile bowstring.
Not everyone lol.
No scope makes rapidfire give you a precise charge. Moving target makes precise give you streamline. Precision detonation gives you streamline. You’ve got multiple ways to build streamline charges, and with imp streamline and on target, your base aimed is faster than live. In ts its about the same. You have to manage streamline charges and never cast aimed shot without a streamline charge unless it’s the opener.
It would be ok, if it was just that, we always take the dumb and bad changes and adapt, related to that, im a warrior, im used to it
What i cant stand is all this talk about “rework” when it plays pretty much the same, but imo, worse and with no pets on top of that, with a dump mechanic like spotter’s mark pretending to be a pet.
Well, as long as the M+ are happy, since they are the only players who matter
then its 100% bugged, cause its not working, right now with or without true shot aimed shot is 1.8 cast
Mine goes to 1.1
On live sometimes you have to plant and cast 2+ second aimed shots that don’t hit as hard.
Everything is manufactured depth. They give specs incentives to push X before Y and then Z if it lights up so the rotation isn’t as simple and a very basic priority list. The this buffs that but more so if this other thing happens is mostly to create replayablity. They want you to think when you play so you feel rewarded and good about yourself when you do it correctly.
I really feel the end result is a stronger spec in performance although it is a bit more difficult to play optimally. If becoming more difficult to succeed on makes it worse in your opinion, even if its peak performance is higher, your opinion is a valid opinion. If someone says, becuase the damage output can now possibly be higher, the spec has been improved, their opinion is also valid.
Some things are indeed bugged. When you find a bug report it on the PTR.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. I play ONE thing and I can’t get beyond thinking about how the game is going to march forward and they’ll keep adding new things to tame, and 1/3 of the class is going to be locked out of that (unless they decide pseudo pets for everyone is the way to go) Some of my fondest memories revolve around taming pets. Kinda kills any motivation to play.