Initial Pack Leader and Survival Hunter Feedback
Just wanted to share some initial thoughts on the new Pack Leader tree for Survival/BM hunters. So far, it’s definitely very thematic and it’s cool to summon pets and see them fighting with you! It really does fulfill the Rexxar fantasy. I think there are some elements to it, however, that could end up very frustrating in the long run.
Tip of the Spear Generation
It feels as if we are starting to be overwhelmed with Tip of the Spear stacks. The original design intention stated for Tip was to be a core rotational concept that creates satisfying gameplay. We are getting to a point where we are getting TOO many stacks of Tip of the Spear and there is nothing satisfying about generating or spending them.
Relentless Primal Ferocity is a powerful cooldown generating 3 stacks of Tip at a time. However, this is getting quickly out of hand as more additions are introduced. Pack Mentality in the new Pack Leader tree gives an extra Tip every time a beast is summoned. Additionally, the new tier set also gives 2 additional Tip whenever Winning Streak ends.
What is the point of having so many stacks of Tip if it just results in nearly every ability being tipped? It does not feel satisfying or rewarding. It’s not possible to generate enough focus to SPEND all of these stacks. It is very easy to just cap out on stacks on PTR and not have the focus to spend before needing to Kill Command to generate focus and again cap stacks.
Howl of the Pack Leader Randomness
Currently, Howl of the Pack Leader can summon a Bear, Wyvern, or Boar. These are completely random and can even pick the same pet multiple times in a row. This type of randomness can be very frustrating. For example, the bear spawn can do a LARGE amount of AoE damage, but whether we get the bear or not is entirely out of our control. This can be frustrating to plan around in raid, for example, when adds are typically spawning at a set interval/time and you are planning to optimize around that.
One example is Diabolist warlock. They rotate through pet summons in a set order and you know exactly what is going to proc and can play around it/plan for it. I think this would feel much less frustrating and more rewarding to be able to plan around this.
No Mercy
This talent just seems to do… nothing? This is a bit underwhelming, to say the least. The pets currently just charge to the target and do nothing special. If they’re already attacking the target, what is the point of this node?
What if we want to use Kill Shot without charging our pets to the target? We just have no option and this talent seems to do nothing and even be potentially harmful.
Shell Cover
This is just incredibly weak; 10% damage reduction for 6 seconds every 2 minutes is laughable.
Compare it to Dark Ranger, for example:
- Permanently healing for 15% of all Shadow damage dealt OR
- Smoke Screen, granting Survival of the Fittest (a 30% DR) whenever you exhil. This is roughly once a minute.
Or compare it to Sentinel:
- A 1% absorb shield every time Sentinel ticks, up to 10%.
How do these even compare? Shell Cover needs to either be cranked up by a large amount or changed to a new functionality, like an actual cheat death effect instead of this current value.
Envenomed Fangs
Survival currently struggles to spread Serpent Sting in a meaningful way. Contagious Reagents is incredibly slow to spread Serpent Sting and we seldom have time to cast Raptor Strike to even utilize this talent. Additionally, the new Hogstrider talent also attempts to add some AoE Raptor Strikes which would help spread Serpent Sting. The issue here is that this is ALSO entirely random. Having a random Boar proc which needs to be followed up by a random Bear proc just to utilize Envenomed Fangs does not seem very appealing or fun to play around with how little control we have over these effects.
Tracking the Current Bugs
Pack Leader (understandably, since it’s new after all!) has some bugs right now that make it difficult to gauge how things actually perform. For example, the Bear’s bleed, Rend Flesh, cannot crit and does not get buffed by some talents that SHOULD increase it, such as Cull the Herd and Unnatural Causes.
A compilation of bugs for the three hunter specs, courtesy of the hunter discord:
Thank you for reading and the new rework is fun to play with! Despite having some concerns over bugs and performance, it really nails the Pack Leader theme.