Feedback: Hunters

It allows MM hunter to be balanced in the future around not turreting around a taunt bot pet. I would prefer a MM hunter that can stand on its own feet rather than the taunt bot playstyle.

Make sure you’re using imp. streamline and actually using your precise charges between aimed casts. Trueshot makes streamline 50% more effective, which is -45% to aimed cast time in trueshot. You should never be casting aimed shot without streamline. Explosive shot, rapidfire, and expending precise charges give it to you.

Oh I was–made sure to read all the tooltips thoroughly… they didn’t change much, but what they changed makes a BIG difference.

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I kinda like it this way. Live trueshot windows feel kinda dumb and spammy to me. There’s not really a super wrong way to use it. New trueshot still requires you press buttons in some kind of congruent order to consistently keep your streamlines going. Aimed is slower in general but it’s chunking stuff.

That can be done without forcing the eagle onto MM, or taking away player pets. It’s not an either/or situation.


Have you played the ptr? You hardly ever notice the eagle at all. Like never

Its barely noticeable its not like a BM pet its a spell effect.

They likely dont want the difficulty of trying to balance a pure ranger spec with the ability to pick a taunt bot.


The animation is so fast that you honestly miss it

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Yea i feel like some people havent played the PTR because its not a pet at all.

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Can’t log in because no realms available for me. Hopefully that gets resolved… but even if you don’t notice, I likely would. I cringe during the screeching howl of the poop owl every time it procs. I also fully expect that the new MM will not be open-world friendly in areas like Siren where there’s a lot of elites.

It’s a pet, without the discrete HP and pathing. It functions exactly like Dire Beast, Shadow Hound, and other similar companions just it flies instead of lingering around you.

No trust me, just play the PTR and you will realize the eagle is like 0.5 seconds and its gone during like a couple of things.

test the PTR then come back to me would be my advice.

No it is not anything like dire beast. You really never even see it. It’s not following you or a target around. There is no pathing or anything. It just very briefly appears to mark or intim stun something. But it happens so fast that it’s extremely easy to miss.


If/when Blizz’s system is working for me, I will.

It’s a spell effect that marks the target. My feedback for the devs on it: make the animation ease in and out a little more so we can see it a little bit longer on screen.

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Played some on the PTR, I’ll be back on later.

For MM, what Eagle? Lol I tried to find it, see it, and maybe I am blind but I did not notice a eagle. A little laggy but playing Dark Ranger something seemed off. I will revisit.

Playing SV, packleader it was interesting. The Wyrven circles the fight, the BEar jumps in and does hs thing, I did not see the Boar charge. Kinda cool. Looking at my details *when I could get it to work) the Bear did more damage than JoJo?? (JoJo is my see thru Gorilla) . Will test this again.

So what I have seen so far, MM def seems petless now, as I do not see the Eagle, but you do get pet spells, was surprised the pet stun was in MM talents. So I think people who have not tried the changes need to jump and see. It looks like Blizz may have finally figured it out. Well for some.


No, please no. I want less of the eagle, not more.


Lunar storm is still inconsistent with its targeting. Even if it’s moving or I bring a new mob into the storm, often times it won’t target the mob. It’s disappointing to see it get wasted. I might just stick to dark ranger sadly.

I already have more people who signed the petition on ipetitions for hunters to keep the option to summon pets than there are individuals in the forums who are against MM ever being able to summon their pets. Most players don’t even post in the forums, it seems. Also most pro pet posts have more likes than anti pet ones. Clearly the majority is for allowing MM to keep their traditional pets.


New withering fire actually kinda sucks.

You go into ts with a free db proc, expend it, then black arrow is on cooldown until you get another db proc which ignores target% anyway. You can use deadeye for the extra charge but then you lose the precise shots benefit to black arrow, and black arrow without razor fragments buff is not really great anyway. If you’re playing with headshot (which imo feels best), withering fire legit does nothing because you’ve only got that one charge that goes on cd until you get another db proc. I guess technically it is doing something becasue of the cleave mechanic but still… I think this needs some work.

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Removing stealth from outlaw rogue and making it more of a sword spec\mobility spec or gunner spec would prob be welcome to some. I would play outlaw if i could swap stealth for a couple of mobility skills\utility skills and i dont have to play around the stealth sub window during cooldowns.

Comparing blood DKs death strike to MM hunter pets is laughable. MM hunter shouldnt be designed around a pet you dont interact with outside of being a taunt bot and wasting multiple keybinds because key utility is tied to it being alive\summoned.


All of the Hunter classes Specs should be designed around utilizing and interacting with a pet. It is a Pet Class. Why an entire spec, within a pet class, was ever designed around being “petless” is beyond me.

This change should have reverted Lone Wolf to be gone, and instead redirecting MM Hunters to utilize Pets, as they always should have done.

Now instead of MM Hunters standing apart for having the Lone Wolf Ability and having the option of being Petless… MM Hunters will now stand apart as being Truly petless with this stupid eagle that never even shows up.