I think this is a brilliant solution for the old problem MM had when dealing with a pet after Blizzard took them to the lone wolf identity and I am super excited to finally get the utility baked in the spec and not relying on actually summoning a pet a losing damage - MM never felt right having a pet for me personally as it is the ranger spec like the windrunners, brightwing, shandris feathermoon character. I hope they continue to interate and just bake two target cleave into trick shots and aimed shot casting while moving during aspec of the cheetah for both PvE and PvP and I think the spec would be looking even more promissing with those changes! Cant wait for the PTR and THANK YOU Blizzard for finally showing MM some love after the stale state we
ve been for years since BFA
Sylvanas, who gave up her ranged advantage in order to powerslide into a sword.
Alleria, has super special void powers in addition to being a Hunter.
Valeera, when was the last time she even did anything as a Hunter?
Brightwing? The faerie dragon? What’s “ranger spec” about a little magic dragon?
And Shandris Feathermoon has always struck me as being more of a middle ground between Hunter and Rogue. She’s a Hunter, but she’s much more focused on being stealthy, and is usually used for infiltration quests.
I wish they’d give up on making us be more like famous NPCs and open up new design possibilities. It’s a silly self-imposed limitation on their creativity. We have to have Elven inspiration for everything instead of making up a more inclusive class identity for all races.
Make it specific to Marks. Doesn’t have to be available to the others.
Pet cry uga buga…
Just quoting for truth.
You cannot put the toothpaste back in the bottle so to speak.
Yes, it is. What other class currently uses bows/guns as a primary weapon? Even BM is a ranged archer, just with more emphasis on pets than the weapon itself.
I agree it’d probably make more sense to make a truly pet-free archer on rogue (warrior would require reworking either plate or ranged weapons to provide the correct stats), but that isn’t likely to happen either.
In the meantime, I’m fine with MM providing that fantasy as close as possible now, and am against this rework as it both forces a pet onto me (the Eagle), while also removing player choice from those who do want pets.
Let the game evolve, go find security in other departament of your life
If I don’t like the sound of a change I usually shrug it off and try and go in with an open mind until I can be hands on with it, then make a decision. The MM pet changes sound so horrible I don’t even want to try it out. It sounds ‘ick’ to play. All the pets I’ve tamed and camped over the years will just be worthless now, while other hunters get the ability change their pets utility and open more player choice for them regarding pets they use. I will now be restricted. I don’t want to be locked into an Eagle even if there are glyphs to change it visually eventually. I think I might have one flying pet currently because I don’t like them and now I’m going to be forced to only have a flying pet. What happens to the pets I have in the stable and my pet call utility? I can’t use them at all anymore? Since I don’t like BM or Survival specs I’ll be benching my first toon ever that I always main from when I started in WotLK. If they want to ‘repair’ the relationship between MM hunters and their pets, fine no problem, but I’d rather they just remove the Lone Wolf talent node from the game rather then forcing a very specific relationship I don’t want.
making one spec out of 39 have it’s own unique hero tree is not a reasonable suggestion
I haven’t seen a duration yet. I think what’s important to understand is that MS is way way way more important in arena than battlegrounds. It’s not that you’re never getting aimed shots off in arenas, but there are frequently long windows against various comps when it’s not practical to get aimed shots off. Arena matches are won and lost in windows, and it’s a huge deal when one spec’s healing reduction falls off way more often than others for these windows.
I dont understand why BM isnt the melee class, given rexxar…like how much more sense does it make to be right next to your pet while you take “master” of them
on rouge.
Literally just read, people. SV = 1 or few pets but you have more of a connection. BM = summon lots of pets but each individual one is not that consequential.
I dont care how they try to justify their now 9ish year old mistake…another great de-activision call
That’s why the new bm spec is summoning Rexxars boar, bear etc…sounds like someone is speaking out of both sides of their mouth
Put sv back to ranged-single pet, make bm dual wield melee…and then you dont have to explain your mistakes, because it’ll actually make sense.
Do this, & the vast majority of us wont care about MM.
Sv is only hot because you boosted it to meta, previously it was the most dead spec.
They needed a beginner spec. That’s the reason.
Had they just created a Ranger Class back then, we wouldn’t have had the problem then and we wouldn’t be facing the same problem now. They could have done so much cool stuff had they done that.
Ranger is a dnd class. A lot of WoW classes/specs follow fantasy archetypes that more or less came from dnd (or someone thought of them there first, before video games were even a thing). You’ve already got overlap with warlock, rogue, monk, paladin, druid. Might as well rename fury warrior barbarian, mage wizard, priest → cleric, etc.
Ranger even gets hunter and beastmaster as subclasses in dnd.
yall like to ignore surv alot, when it really grown into a very fun and fluid spec in its own right. its not even meta rn and its probably my favorite alt rn
Because actual hunter mains don’t want another melee class…it was the least played til they buffed it, and still almost no one plays it.
no one played surv from the getgo, atleast now it has some popularity and its not even that strong of a spec compared to everyone else. i know this cause theres logs and parse ratings.
Its the top dps hunter spec & still least played…tells ya something.