Feedback: Hunters

They really can’t, though. They’d need to replace the marking function with something else.

Arena is literally the only thing I do any more lol, and I have always used pet. You can’t send marks pets at stuff unless you’re already in combat with them. You technically can’t send bm or sv pets either but you have KC leap. Marks has to get in combat and be in range.

The way you interpret information is odd. Agree to disagree and good luck to you.


Then someone need to tell that to blizz, cause i’ve being doing that this entire season

No you have not been sending pets to things you’re not in combat with or in range of since Legion. That changed with the rework going into bfa. You can literally test it on a training dummy. Left click only then /petattack. Your pet won’t go to it until you get in combat with it. If you’re already in combat with it and in range/los, you can send pet to it. If the healer is already drinking, you’re not in combat with it. It would be a very rare circumstance that you would have otherwise been keeping your pet on a healer to prevent a drink because you are losing MS on the thing you’re trying to kill. Rogues would be a bigger deal, however, they have the tools to get the restealth currently with your pet, anyway. There’s also nothing saying that the eagle isn’t going to keep stuff in combat. Nobody really knows that detail yet. It might even turn into an advantage since you can’t target the eagle.

I’m not excited about the marksmanship hunter pet changes. I personally really enjoy the lone ranger fantasy, and many others here have said they enjoy having a pet as marksmanship. Removing the players’ ability to choose which playstyle they prefer for marksmanship feels like a step backwards. Additionally, being able to choose and tame your own pet is a core part of the hunter fantasy. An eagle companion doesn’t feel like it fits my character thematically. I’m hoping that you will reconsider these changes.


Have to is a strong idea. I could see a world where the Eagle non-pet/just an animation remains while having the option to add the traditional pet, not replace the Eagle.

Then marks has two pets, which is twice as offensive to one half of the spammers. But sure, that would work.

The incoming version will feel more like this fantasy than any previous version ever has.

This has always been a false choice. Pet is mandatory for pvp. LW is mandatory for pve. You lose utility for taking lw (or summon/dismiss pet at awkward times), which isn’t something that other specs have to do. The point of the eagle is literally supposed to be a more fluid compromise than LW.

Those pets will still be available while you’re playing the other specs.


Maybe it works differently on the dummies? I went out into the Isle of Dorn and targetted a mob, then hit attack from the pet bar. My pet went and attacked said mob as soon as I hit attack from that bar, without me having hit the mob at all.

Edit to add: No, it doesnt work differently on the dummies.


It’s different on players than mobs, I think. I don’t really pve any more. You used to be able to just send your pet at something from unlimited range/outside of los and immediately get in combat.

Except it will not, since you are forced to have a bird, you cant have your own pet, neither you can be petless

It wasn’t, even if you account for min-max, it depends on the content you do


fantastic changes absolutely despised ever having to pull out a pet as MM for utility, God Bless


This is a measured and genuine response to losing an iconic feature. The pro-pet removal crowd acts flabbergasted when more and more people keep showing up to say they don’t want to lose their pets that they care about, and shockingly, don’t want to start playing another spec.


The better among them are starting to accept things, like the pet being a talent point, but the worst among them are still “I don’t understand those that want a pet when it is sub-optimal, and they should play the way I do at all times”


Idk what game you are playing but these days it seems like nothing prevents a rogue from going stealth.

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if they keep pets lone wolf should be baseline, having to spend a talent point cause some casuals like their pets (which is fine they like them) sucks


I mean, I can dismiss my pet right now and not like it. They’re not going to massively buff our survivability to the point where we’re on par with tanking specs. The only things shown so far are very small buffs to survivability.

This is cause vanish and shadowmeld, but pets can keep then in combat so they cant enter stealth normally if they are out of charges or saving then

Most players and 20years of wow gameplay says the Eagle being just an animation is not a pet, so to me having the Eagle animation is 0 pets, adding back the traditional pet would be 1 pet, with a second animal you sometimes see when you use utility and proc Spoting Eagle.

If Blizzard wants to call the Eagle a pet, and I know they did, it should also be doing damage on the target we choose and holding threat/be able to have misdirection casted on it.


I think the current idea for the talent is more along the lines of keeping the changes as is, but enabling people to choose the pet for a trade off, like a damage reduction.

Sending pets to an out of combat player enemies works just fine for MM now, probably even if the Hunter is CCed but the pet is not CCed. A rogue can still use Vanish to at least temporarily disappear with DoTs on them and any Nightelf can leave combat with Shadowmeld for at least a moment, but if the player is trying to get out of combat to use stealth without using Vanish or Shadowmeld, staying is combat from a pet does its job.

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