The “problem” is awkwardly activating one ability that in many groups isn’t even your primary duty.
You can have zero eagles, right now, on the live servers!
The “problem” is awkwardly activating one ability that in many groups isn’t even your primary duty.
You can have zero eagles, right now, on the live servers!
I agree with that first sentence, kind of. I think the problem that you invoke, however, is that marks would then technically be using two pets. The marking function from the eagle seems pretty core to the new spec design and that function wouldn’t make sense coming from a regular hunter pet.
There’s a give and take between this pet not taking damage or being targetable, and you wouldn’t want your marks talents that currently make the eagle do stuff hinge on a pet that can be killed or cc’ed. You’re then even more of a pet centric spec than before.
I think that the new ms function coming from aimed shot is also less than ideal, with the other hunter specs (and other classes) still passively applying it. Marks ms will fall off a lot more, so it needs to either last way longer than others or be a better Ms than the others.
Not like I’m saying this first glimpse of the new system is perfect or beyond criticism.
It’s not just about lust and you know it. All of the passives and actives and pet effects from specific pets (Mortal Wounds being moved to Aimed Shot) that you can’t access unless you have a pet out across many forms of content. In pvp you have to sacrifice damage for a root break. Feelsbadman.
Tbh Im not even commenting on the function of the new design with the eagle stuff.
For now any discussion of it is going to be derailed by people rightfully angry about losing access to their pets completely.
It creates a feedback nightmare where you cant discuss design without getting bogged down in the lost pet debate.
Same thing with the set bonuses, the common names have bypassed half of the real discussion and half the feedback there is noise about it being uninspired and boring(regardless of whether it is or not, folks like making noise regardless)
It does feel bad. We’re disagreeing on what direction it should go in to make it feel good. I want more pet control. It gives me the option of using pets I tamed and named years ago. Variety is the spice of life.
I never viewed Lone Wolf as a reasonable bargain and now the situation is coming to a head with losing what drew us to the class in the first place, and we’re being told to “play another class” as if calling BM an equivalent option is a honest answer. That feels way more bad.
That is, in fact, the very basis of asymmetric warfare.
Thats because only one side is getting screwed over by this change.
Yet its your side that is constantly trolling and even opening open threads in spite
Obviouslly more people are against
One big thing, that should not even be lost in the first place
Almost, key word here.
And is not even the case, is nothing, it cant side tank, it cant pull agro, it cant fetch, it cant attack on command, it does nothing, is a glorified visual effect, and you lose any kind of agency or choice in the pet you want
None of y’all are. And it’s actually a paramount function of how the new spec will work.
This is why I stop in every few days to try and encourage people to drop it and make constructive feedback instead of spamming the thread with the same dramatic nonsense.
There’s been a good amount of feedback. It’s just drowned out by the spammers, which is probably going to result in nobody’s feedback getting taken seriously.
Pet sac, freedom, pet passive you get from the eagle. The MS you were getting from your old pet now comes from aimed shot. You now have your own lust button. The rest of it is pretty much only relevant to leveling and maybe delves? Also don’t forget about the marking function.
I’ve not seen one compelling argument or idea to keep pets on MM other than keep them to make those who are upset happy. Both sides are creating such threads. Stop it.
Why obviously? There’s no way to know either way. Do you honestly think the devs are purposely trying to piss more people off than make happy with what they’re trying to do with MM?
The opposing argument is that it should be changed to make some other people happy – but only one side is being displaced.
I love this story. It shows the emotional attachment we have for our pets.
So many of us play Hunter BECAUSE of pets, it’s hard to fathom why Blizzard decided to do this. I understand they wanted a Dark Ranger and a Rexxar. I don’t understand why they didn’t create a Ranger CLASS for them instead of taking defining parts (ranged pet class) of the class away.
The opposing argument you’re referring to is a decision made by the people who design the game, though. It’s not like the two “sides” are equal. It’s not a wash. Lone wolf was a problem, this fixes it. Maybe they scrap it and do something else, maybe they don’t but the point is that there’s a lot more to cover and y’alls spamming isn’t helping anything.
BM offers the MOST pet variety and utility and tamable pets. MM offers pets that simply auto attack, basic attack and growl. And sure, BM and MM play differently, but it seems what you want from pets is going to be better obtained by the spec that is exclusively about your control of your pets.
And in PVP
This is again,a reminder that the game isn’t all about M+
All pointless that can be done with the pet anyway
No, you have seen, you wanting to accept is another story
They arent, people opening threads to say 'blizzard, dont remove our pets" are not the same compared to the people who open a thread to say “omg i love the eagle, please continue!1!” or "finally MM without pets, no one uses then anyway!" those are clearly troll nonsense.
Go to the first post, see how many people liked the blue post saying they would remove the pet and see the next comment, about not removing the pet, see how many people liked.
This change is 100% tailored to M+ players who are minority in the game.
This is YOU making this argument, not me, but this would not be the first time blizz made chances that DID piss more people off, unless you live under a rock to miss the whole flying removal fiasco;
Their ego makes them think they know better.
You haven’t been able to send pets at stuff out of combat as marks for several expansions now. Nothing else that you said matters to pvp, except for the separate MS effect which i’ve already brought up and covered.
Another piece of feedback that I have, unrelated to the pet spam before I go:
There are several potential issues with the talents and tier set as it pertains to the use of discrete numbers of seconds instead of a variable/percentage.
Precise shots increases the swing timer on your auto shot by 2 seconds.
In the rhythm reduces the swing timer on your auto shot by 1 second.
2-set reduces swing timer by 2 seconds.
Base swing time is 3 seconds on all ranged weapons that I know of. Haste impacts the swing timer of your auto shots.
By making these values hard-coded, discrete integers instead of variables (i.e. precise shots making your auto shot 66% slower instead of 2 seconds longer), you’re invoking some weird risky edge cases. What happens when you actually reduce your swing timer to 0 seconds or less than 0 seconds? It’s my understanding that this is why everyone else’s white damage uses % values instead of hardcoding.
Also, it’s unclear how these values are to be applied. Is the change in seconds between auto shots calculated before or after haste? I.e., does my haste now apply to a 5 second base auto shot and then recalculate when I get an in the rhythm or jackpot! buff?
The fact that I don’t have to worry about a pet in PVP and I get the utility pets offer is pretty sweet.
Having a pet for solo content is not compelling when most solo content can be done with your eyes closed. And if I’ve seen a compelling reason, please remind me.
There are threads for and against changes. They aren’t trolling the pro-pet players for wanting the changes. Are the devs also trolling you? Like huh
So less than 100 likes on a forum post is enough to convince you that more people are against the changes? Go look at other places man. The hunter discord, youtube videos, etc. You’ll see a lot of support for the changes and some defiance. It’s not as definitive as you are currently led to believe.
Think about it from the devs point of view. They know that what they’re doing is going to make some players unhappy. Any decision they make about anything is going to make players unhappy or happy or indifferent. It’s not an argument being made. It’s thinking about the motive behind making a controversial change.
Flying removal? You’ll have to enlighten me to this as it seems like you are referring to something that happened 15+ years ago. If I had to guess, when flying first came to the game people were unhappy about it as it would reduce player interaction. Some players wanted to remove it, but obviously, it stayed. If I’m off on that, please enlighten me.
I was just going by what you had said, sorry if I did not think of the spec change.