Feedback: Hunters

If you have to interact with this new eagle in ANY WAY, how is it different than a pet, especially if they are going to make it to where it addresses the ‘pro pet’ groups concerns about losing functionality by letting it tank or be misdirected to?

I mean after all, part of the argument from at least some people is they don’t want to have to manage a pet.
Well, you’re still going to be clicking buttons with this new thing, just new different buttons.

Seems to me the only difference is a coding difference where you can use this eagle without losing Lone Wolf buff, and of course the visual difference where instead of picking ANY PET IN THE GAME to use, you have… a bird, that maybe has some minor visual customizations.

I really want to see this on the PTR to pass my final judgement, but right now all I’m seeing is “MM Hunters don’t get pets anymore”, and that’s such a bad BAD change.


Where does it say you have to interact with the eagle? Everything said in the blue post leads to it being passive. The tank and misdirected portion is completely my idea, not said anywhere else. It’s to include functionality that currently exists moving into the new changes.

Yes, you won’t be managing the pet with the new changes. My idea simply adds functionality to an already existing button.

Lone Wolf is gone. Remove that, in ANY capacity, from your thought process. My other idea is using any pet from your stable for the spotting effect. Remember, Blizzard’s changes are happening, the ideas I’ve stated, that you’re referring to and I’m restating are in response to the incoming changes AND keeping current pet functionality in mind.

You want to see the changes to pass final judgment but it seems you already have by saying is a bad change…

Keep pets as is, at the very least. Having pet talent trees come back could be interesting as well.

They’re already making BL a baseline ability.

Lose Mortal Wounds on Aimed Shot if we have a pet out.

Lose Tenacious/Cunning as a talent choice entirely. Make it something you go to a stable master to change. And the option would be replaced by whatever type of pet you do choose to summon.

Give a percentage DPS decrease for having a pet out.

Solves all the friction while preventing any double dipping. I’ve already pointed out this stuff before, only to be told about how it wouldn’t work because it’s “janky” or “too much work” or some other excuse.


As described, it is a bad change.
However, there exists the possibility that they have been reading comments and tweaking it and making changes, and maybe it won’t be the worst Hunter change in the last 15 years. It’s a small chance, but it exists.
And that was me trying to give it a chance.
My preferred solution? Keep it the way it is. I’m NEVER going to play as BM, I LOATHE it. And obviously SV is right out. If I wanted to play a melee class, I’d switch to melee class. So YES, I want to play my hunter as Marks, like I always have,r even when the meta was something else, and I want to keep using my pet collection that I have accumulated over the last 20 years. Call me crazy.


All of it, some of it, be specific…because if you mean all of it, thems be fightin words!

Keep it the way it is, hmm ok. So are there zero problems with the spec for you? It’s perfect?
What was another bad hunter change? Except SV becoming melee. That’s an obvious one that many people don’t like and for a long time I’d agree. I’d implore you to try it now. It’s pretty fun!
You’ve played since Vanilla? I’d honestly love to see that Rhok’Delar mog and some of the Legion Mage Tower appearances. I was a rogue main in vanilla and a warrior main until shadowlands.

Ok so let’s break this down.

There’s some agreement here to keep traditional pets in the game to one extent or another. Pet talent trees really take me back. Although I’ve mained other classes in the past, hunter has been a class I’ve always enjoyed to one extent or another. Reimagining pet talent trees for the current game could be awesome. How would you incorporate pet talent trees into the current version of the game and with the changes that are coming through?

So would Mortal Wounds be baseline on every pet?

So, the specialization is being removed from the pet species with 11.1 but yes you can change which specialization you want for your pet through the stable, regardless of the pet you choose, freeing you up to use whatever pet you want. But you would keep the utility tied to a pet?

Just reflect on this for a moment. Do less damage as a player to access utility. In regards to what I quoted from you. Does that ring any bells for you, in terms of friction?

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You already do, it’s called Lone Wolf, you lose 5% damage, more actually, because the pet does NO aoe damage.

I’m the one who questioned the validity of the stuff in the video. Because it assumes things not in the patch notes.

I think you are conflating two different posters.

Another example of what I’m talking about. Literally read the post you responded to. I explain it all. There is some guess work, but also some stuff that is relatively safe to assume. There’s no where for me to go if the person I’m responding to can’t following the discussion we’re having.

Im legitimately confused.

Correct, yes. Lust is baseline - the new ability Harrier’s Cry.

Correct, yes. I am assuming we have none of the pet passives by default, and we are able to choose either Tenacious or Cunning, with no access to Predator’s Thirst.

Correct, yes.

Correct, yes.

Correct, yes. From what I can tell, the final utility kit will be Harrier’s Cry and either Endurance Training and Air Superiority, or Pathfinding and Master’s Call. This is in addition to Manhunter, as well as the MM-specific changes to Intimidation and Roar of Sacrifice.

Correct, yes. That was all pure guesswork on Dalaran Gaming’s part, which is what I was trying to point out.

This is where I’m confused. We are saying the same things, but you seem to still be correcting me and I don’t understand why.

i like how this thread derailed hard


Looking forward to concrete details soon


Holy hell we’re on the same page.

Because you were saying there was nothing to be found about the passives and actives with the various pet utilities.

most amount attention MM has gotten since 2018 and people are aobut to ruin it because they lose their world content tank


We will have to test out how lunarstorm feels with MM. Now that we have to move around and kite my concern is that it will be too slow and suffer the same fate as the current version.

I want to give sentinel a chance. The other concern I have is just with sustained combat. In torghast I ran into this issue constantly needing to stop because my heals were on CD and I was playing without a pet.

Not to be that person, but you could have always gotten a group for Torghast or called a pet so you would not have to stop and wait. The fact yo did not because you were determined to go without a pet might paint you as one that does not want to rely on tools native to the class. Not saying that is good nor bad, but a lot of the arguments and sniping from BOTH sidesseems to be over teh idea that some want all tools of the hunter class available for whatever reason, and some think that anyone that wants those tools is bad.


Pet Talent trees would be for more customization, and it’d be for more than just MM.

No, you’d just lose it unless you chose a pet with Mortal Wounds. Or keep it and give the pets that currently provide Mortal Wounds with a different ability.

Yes, pets would work as they do now. But I’m also talking about removing the talent tree node choice because it really shouldn’t be one in the first place.

It would be a percentage loss to make up for the damage the pet would be providing.

Besides, Blizzard seems just fine adding a large amount of friction towards MM Hunters who want to keep their pets. We’re being told to just accept it or change to a different spec. All these changes to help petless people while people who want to keep their pets get kicked to the curb.


I think this approach is better TBH

Tie mortal wounds to skills rather than pet abilities(aimed shot, barbed shot and i dunno i dont play survival) and give these pets another skill comparable, that would increase options.


To be honest, even though I’m liking the majority of the upcoming changes to MM, I’m not a big fan of aimed shot having another .5 secs added on to the cast time, especially if we’re going to be the only hunter spec required to stand still all while loads of swirlies & ground explosions are going off in M+ dungeons. Neither of the other hunter specs have anything like the aimed shot cast that messes with their dps output because they can’t get off that one shot that hits like a truck because they have to keep moving around.

The solution that Blizzard has in mind for MM is a 50% solution. When MM loses the pet, there should be compensation that works in solo content including delves.

Previously the pet could act as tank by absorbing damage that now goes to the MM hunter himself. Accordingly the utility tied to the pet before, like cower and mend pet, should now go to the MM hunter tool kit as well, in the form of defensive cooldowns and improved self heal. Also as the MM hunter loses the HP pool of the pet, his own HP pool should be increased.