I like my mechanical sheep, Tesla. Shields and seems to hold aggro fairly well.
Yes, we do. Not everyone raids or does M+. I do some, but my MM keeps her pet out and noone has ever said a thing to me about going lone wolf. I do not even have it as a talent.
Make it a talent node toggle to remove the pets from MM, or scrap the rework entirely.
Completely removing player agency over whether or not they want to run with core class mechanic is stupid as hell.
Just a bit of a tangent here - they’ve significantly reduced the audio of guns in somewhat recent years.
If you’ve got a mechanical sheep named Tesla, and you don’t like regular gun sounds, then you should look up the Mechagon energy rifles.
Meh, I like my quiet bows though. There was a glitch at one time where guns mogged to look like bows still had gun sounds. Was really weird.
Might try reading better, i was saying that P`VP and open world dont matter to the game.
The ability to command the pet to attack who you want, keeping then in combat or to spin and defend flag is not something that will be “given” to us
If more people would not be dense and understand there is more to this game than doing M+ and raids we could have something better with less clownery on this post.
when you pay my sub you can know
Someone was saying something about this earlier, let me see if I can find it.
To surprise of no one you cant understand sarcasm, as reading comprehension is not your strong suit
And its also to no surprise M+ andys think any other game mode don’t matter, thus my comment was made
More ad hominem, not that I expected anything less from you. Outstanding job.
Since I was replying directly to the blue post as feedback specifically for Blizz, I was really trying to focus on that. I’m as upset as anyone about the changes, I was trying really hard to stick mostly to what they said and being constructive while also critical.
I’d prefer traditional pets. It’s hard to really analyze the Eagle since we don’t have a lot of details about how it will work mechanically, but I am basing my premise on the idea that it’s going to be like the elementals a shaman summons (maybe less temporary, but very inconsequential). Even if it looked like a pet from the stable… That still doesn’t jive because it’s just an entity sitting there. Plus, have you looked at Petopia lately? I don’t know how they would cover the Eagle up with every possible pet and all their variants. With how hunter pets work now, they mostly are just letting us scoop up mob assets they were already making anyway (each patch with new zones or each expansion the list grows bigger) and slapping the pet mechanic onto it if tamed.
Well I know what I want, others want something else. We can’t really “split the baby”, so sometimes we need another baby. This game has a single class that has 4 specs and they just keep poking and prodding the specs we already have, unless they add a completely new class/race.
I will say this. I don’t personally see what sounds so good about this eagle beyond “I can lust or :insert ability: without worrying about a change in DPS or watching to see if my pet died”. Thematically it seems as plain and uninspired as anything ever has. Can you explain what sounds good beyond the ability thing?
Also, are you referring to the friction of “MM is a SNIPER” vs. “MM is a PET SPEC”? Or is there something else?
Pot meeting kettle got triggered after trying to troll, more news at eleven.
Ad hominem, and now projection… Hang on guys we’re getting there…
Go on
Good point. This is probably why they’re sticking to one type of animal and narrowed the focus down to just an Eagle.
To me the eagle or type of animal is inconsequential. The changes solve the gameplay pain points with MM. Sure there are other ways this can be accomplished and maybe based on feedback the devs may iterate on their proposed changes. Hopefully we hear from them sooner rather than later. Also, after playing Surv for awhile now, dealing with Pet AI is annoying. The idea of a hunter spec without having to deal with how Pets behave sounds great to me.
The friction I’m referring to is how Lone Wolf and Pet Utility currently function. The proposed changes fix those issues and like previously mentioned, there are certainly other ways for this to happen from just a gameplay perspective. Blizzard has more in store for the spec though. It has been mentioned in this thread that the devs have tried to take away pets from MM before. From what I could find, it was simply a gameplay change. The War Within brought hero talents and a further exploration into various specializations and their fantasy. While I did say the idea of an eagle specifically is inconsequential, I do think it’s cool, albeit, very shallow in scope and imagination. Further iteration could help that and such iteration was mentioned in the blue post.
I understand where you’re coming from and I want us both to have what we want, but if they go through with this as it stands it will be pretty one-sided. Players who are focused on gameplay only win while players who despise pets and players who love their own pets lose.
It would be trivial to remove “Marksmanship no longer has access to Call Pet” and replace it with “You deal 5% less damage whenever you have an active pet. Your pets cannot use their Family or Specialization abilities.” That, combined with the rest of the 11.1 changes (and glyphs to customize or hide the eagle), would resolve this issue entirely, and leave both camps of players happy.
Keep your pet if you want, but you’ll take a DPS loss, and thus have zero reason to be forced to use a pet, ever.
Just saying, this is an entirely manufactured problem with a readily available solution.
The issue with what you suggest is that MM damage and skillset would still need to be design with a pet. There would be some, like now who will want the pet out. So now you have to design the class as a pet class regardless if you take away a % of damage. That is what lone wolf is now.
What Blizzard is trying to do is make MM a petless “dependent” class. By creating the eagle and putting it into the non game space, it allows Blizz to tune MM as a true PETLESS class. The Eagle is not a true pet from the pet programming, it is an extension of the MM spellbook. There is a difference when you are programming abilities.
MM is moving more into the space Warlocks have with summon pets while they are casting spells. Those pet come out, cast a spell, and they are done. They are not affected by pathing rules, cc rules, attack/defend/passive rules because the exist out of the game space. This is what MM will be, and I honestly belive it is not a bad change at all.
The absolute refusal to make real changes to MM that actual MM Hunters have asked for is why this rework will be another failed experiment and another hotfixed nightmare.
There is absolutely no good reasoning for Aimed Shot to still have a cooldown, have charges, and have the longest cast time in the game as a stationary ability WHEN IT IS THE CORE BUTTON OF THE SPEC.
Huh? That’s the whole point behind the spec, to try and get off aimed shots despite the difficulties. It’s what makes it feel rewarding when you’re able to pull it off in difficult fights.
It’s good that hunter has one spec that is friendly to people who want a super mobile playstyle that doesn’t require much movement planning. But that doesn’t mean every hunter spec needs to be like that.
for a melee spec survival learns its primary melee ability pretty late compared to literally every other melee spec which all start with it(even shaman has primal strike which while it is piss poor damage and scales off int, you can still serve your role as a melee dps). also, enh is getting stormstrike baselined so i must ask: why is it a talent?
next is mongoose bite: since the anniversary rework it certainly seems that both mongoose bite and bloody claws are both dead talents. how would survival’s playstyle change if raptor strike were baselined and mongoose bite took its place on the tree?