Warrior, just equip a gun/bow I guess. :3 The shoot ability is in your spellbook
No warrior abilities work with guns/bows. Same for rogues, who also can use guns/bows.
Like I said, could be a gear issue you’re quite a bit higher than I am.
It is not a pet, it is a spell effect you have no control over. It does not tank for you, cannot use fetch, does not run by your side as you quest and is an abomination.
Oh well, that’s too bad. That’s one of the petless classes
It’s an abomination, yes, but even the Blizz defintion calls it a “pet”, just not a traditional one. And I agree, it should die.
So, there is no petless archer?
Why should there be, outside of someones very optional choice to dismiss a pet
Blizzard can go hijack a warrior spec and give them a ranged spec and stop tying to hijack MM hunters for some stupid ranger thing it was never meant to be. OR make a whole new ranger class and leave MM hunters alone.
I guess I should clarify that the second option you noted would also lose LW in my example (I didn’t state it at the beginning) which means the pet would add a bit of DPS over not having one. Is that still better than the Eagle for you?
Because MM already fits that niche for us now, with the option for those who want to have a pet being there. Keeping the damned eagle out of the spec and allowing people to summon pets keeps both sides happy.
BM cannot work without pets. SV also is pet centric.
If they removed the lone wolf talent, yes. Because you can still dismiss your pet.
The eagle (Even if you can customize it) Is very bad, yes.
When MM exists on live without a traditional pet being an option, whats your plan? Reroll? Play without the pet?
Yep. The option to do a little less DPS without a pet, vs forced pet selection without any player choice is still better than their proposed changes for me.
I already run SMF warriors and refuse to raise dead as DK, playing suboptimally to maintain a healthy class fantasy to me is already acceptable.
The rework prevents us even summoning a pet, at all. So it takes away player agency from those who want to use a pet in MM.
I’m aware, which is why I’m saying they should remove lone wolf instead of removing the pet option. Doesn’t need to be increased dmg for going without a pet, clearly they didn’t balance it properly if top-end people always run it.
Cheers. I have no more likes so I am replying.
I am going to edit to point out the LW clarification.
Ah, fair then.
Move the utility into the talent tree, let people summon a pet if they want, and kill the eagle entirely.
First off, fantastic well thought out post. Many points you made are great and hard to argue. The others who are on your side of this issue should take note on how to express their opinion on the proposed changes.
This is a great point. From a surface level, this makes perfect sense. I think the main issue is that Lone Wolf has been in the game for almost 10 years in one iteration or another. The devs now are dealing with a decision made almost a decade ago. Could they do what you propose now? Sure, but obviously they have other plans in mind than just gameplay. I do agree the eagle is narrowminded, but the overarching changes seem great.
I agree completely. They are getting rid of Lone Wolf. It’s a boring talent that caused too many problems. If the proposed Eagle could instead be any pet from your stable, would that be ok or are you strictly wanting traditional pets? And obviously still having a Marksmanship Hunter able to tame new pets. Also, as you suggest, if any pet could be used from the stable, the eagle themed spells would simply be renamed.
So, just to keep this concise I’ll use the eagle in my solution here. I offered another solution to this problem in another thread that I’ll paraphrase here. I’d be interested to know what you think about it.
Throughout DF and now TWW, we’ve seen the devs combine spells and effects together to reduce button bloat. My idea is that Growl can be added to Misdirect. The functionality would be: if no friendly targets are selected pressing Misdirect calls down your eagle to hold the attention of your target for X seconds on a short CD. I think this Growl+MD coupled with being able to use any pet from your stable instead of the Eagle solves a lot of the issues that players are having (except if you only want traditional pets).
The idea of a fourth spec gets thrown around. I wish that would stop being an idea as a way to shove any new ideas to the side because “change bad”. I think we can all agree something needs to change with MM. There’s too much unnecessary friction. I’ll be anxiously awaiting the devs’ response to all the feedback. Thanks again for your thoughts.
I did this back in October, so my gear was quite a bit lower then. The specific pet I’m using is an Ankylodon in the Scalehide family, which has a shield ability. It’s also a ferocity pet, which adds 4% leech for me and my pet. It’s weird that a ferocity pet works better as a tank than most tenacity pets, but it works fine for me.
Brann as a healer: Tosses potions into the webbing, fire or anywhere else that they are not useable
Brann as DPS (when he is below 30): Dies…dies again…dies again… glitches…
Brann as a tank?: LOL… yeah right…