hopefully there’s a glyph to just hide it. MM already has a problem with too many class fantasies shoved into it. if I like playing MM as a sniper with a gun, well now I have an owl popping out, or i’m turning into a banshee, and now they want it to be a falconer or something. the game really needs more ranged weapon specs/classes.
Falconers are a pretty widely used fantasy for marksmen in games.
I dont even have MM spec’d lol
To you…
So, I don’t really play MM hunter, but I think the current direction with the eagle isn’t sitting well with many. What they should do, instead of assigning a static eagle, just let them use one of their own pets as part of the new system. For example:
- When a player casts Call Pet, the summoned pet could replace the Eagle and perform similar roles.
- The pet would use abilities like the ones described for the Eagle (such as the line of sight Intimidation, unique Bloodlust, or Master’s Call).
- Spotters Mark ability could trigger your specific pet to mark a target and enhance your next Aimed Shot to keep the interaction they’re trying to achieve.
I could be wrong, but it doesn’t sound like much of a hassle to implement something like this. The eagle could be a placeholder if the Hunter doesn’t cast Call Pet, but when they do, that Eagle is replaced with the summoned pet.
So, did you have a counter argument to my opinion or did you just want to point out that I had stated my opinion?
you’re delusional if you think current MM and current SV have the same level of pet synergy. lone wolf SV would not function lol
So, did you have anything to say as a counter argument or is it just more insults?
i put in the same exact effort in my reply as your suggestion of just making a lone wolf tree lol. but sure if you don’t want to go look at the kits yourself. sv abilities that require the pet
- Kill command (and the 8+ passives tied to kill command)
- spearhead
- flanking strike
- coordinated assault
mm abilities that require a pet
That’s up to them to work out. Still a better option than tearing out pets from MM.
Or just make the hero talent MM only if it’s that big of a deal.
So you basically want to say the youtube comment opinions are valid - people who may or may not be playing the game/actively subbed - but the official foruns, where everyone at least have an active sub isnt?
Are youtube videos not an echochamber? especially when mostly comments will agree with what the youtuber is saying?
No, they literally told you in the blue post, because people felt “frustrated” to summon the pet and use its utility, then dismiss it, and the only people like that are M+
We already know why they wanted to change, to catter M+ crowd
No they aren’t, they dont give a damn about it, otherwise they would not shove a dumb bird on it since people argued all the time that MM was the choice spec of no pet or having one pet.
great suggestion! might as well suggest a melee MM or lone wolf BM too. they can figure out the details later
I like how you glossed right over making it an MM-only hero talent tree. But, hey, whatever it takes to make you feel superior to others instead of making any attempt whatsoever at having an actual discussion.
there is 0 spec specific hero trees in the game. you are operating in a fantasy land where 1 spec out of 39 get special treatment.
very ironic accusation since when I asked you a question how lone wolf SV would work you said “they can figure it out” very good actual discussion there
Six months ago there were zero hero trees in the game.
Isn’t that what’s already happening with them giving us a rework mid-expansion?
They “figured it out” when they went from ranged SV to melee SV. They can figure out some more stuff.
The Blue Post makes clear that they want to push MM into a solidified fantasy of a sharpshooter, with the proposed middle ground of a “pet” that is providing gameplay utility (lust, call of the wild, etc.). I don’t really understand why you keep needing to insert some ulterior motive underneath those design goals, but it seems like you just feel hurt by the devs in some way. The devs just want to make the spec better and meet certain design goals. It’s very unlikely that it’s an intentional decision meant to hurt specific players.
Like, we can give feedback that certain players feel it’s a bad change to remove pet tanking functionality without resorting to “wtf dumb bird” type comments.
Alas, I think I’m fighting against an emotional response to something I’m much less emotional about. And when you’re highly emotional, there is a lot less focus on actual comprehension of the text in this format.
that’s an entire rework of a role. that’s not a single optional hero tree with limited functionality that somehow removes a pet from a pet spec. please be fr
yes? and now there are hero trees each shared by two specs. what’s your point
like I said, if more options are what you want we need to focus on a melee marksmanship and lone wolf bm first. that would be cool
It certainly feels that way when all they discuss is how the current system impacts group players. There’s no mention or care given to solo players.
So changing a 20 year old spec is fine, but the five month old hero talent trees are sacrosanct and can’t be altered in any way. Make it make sense.
they’re not changing a 20 year old spec though. they’re cementing their clear goals for hte spec seeing as how lone wolf has been around and the pushed playstyle for >50% of that.
if pet MM was the intended fantasy, why is there ZERO pet synergy on the spec tree?