Feedback: Hunters

There’s an assumption in this thread that more players dislike the changes than like them. This thread has 11.5k views. There are youtube videos with many more views who see the changes positively. Seeing opinions from many different outlets is showing that this thread is a vocal minority of haters for the changes. Of course opinions, no matter where they are sourced, are all important and hopefully the devs can find a happy mid ground.


Its not an assumption is basically a fact, Because:

  • This change is made with M+ players in mind - as stated in the blue post - and they are the minority of the playerbase.

  • The update the in class - the rework - could have being done without removing the ability to summon the pet, so this looks like its made out of spite, especially when they force an eagle on you. History shows when you force things that don’t need to be forced to the playerbase, especially the majority, it will be rejected

  • They tried to do this already, TWICE, they FAILED TWICE. They did remove and the blacklash was overwhelming that they had to put back. If this alone, is not a cabal proof that majority of the playerbase want the pet, when they tried and failed TWICE, then what the heck is?

You cant possible be serious here, thats an entire different demographic and echo chamber, a lot of people who watch wow videos dont even play wow anymore, they watch people playing from streams

forum in isolation, is like a controlled envirolment that reflect the game. You may think its only a vocal minority, but i remind you:

They tried this twice, and failed twice. Again, if this isn’t a defact proof that majority want pet, what proof could possible be used?

The answer to this is pretty simple:

  • Make the changes, roll with the rework, but remove the dumb bird
  • Change the name of the eagle ability for ranger’s mark instead of spotter’s mark.
  • Make Lone wolf work like grimoire of sacrifice, beside the 5% increase in damage, make so that you get the pet abilities when dismissed, so you get to cast bloodlust, master’ call or bear’s tenacity as you wish;

People who want pet to do their content can still do it, people who don’t want a dumb bird and want to be alone like a ranger/sniper can do it, people who want a bird can tame and use it.

I only se a win/win scenario here.


I’m not as quick to dismiss positive feedback on youtube. I’ve seen youtube personalities tell their viewers X is great and the comments show the viewers thought X was terrible. The opinions of potential customers may matter more than the feelings of those already addicted. If Blizzards adds what they announced but, added the option to keep a traditional pet I would count that as a win.

The eagle as a theme not resonating with everyone makes sence.

The eagle as a mechanic (spotter’s mark) for utility sounds excellent.


I think the vast majority of people would agree with you.

Right. Glyphs help here, especially if one of them removes the eagle visuals entirely.

The eagle isn’t a mechanic. A proc on Precise Shots consumption is a mechanic. A ranged stun that ignores LoS is a mechanic. Disabling a damage buff in exchange for an ability to protect a teammate is a mechanic. The eagle is a spell effect and flavor text on spell descriptions, nothing mechanical.


I would still prefer AiS to be a choice node with old Explosive Shot, and Barrage to be reworked in place of current Explosive Shot into something like, “Barrage: 1.5 Second Channel. 45 Second Cooldown. Fire Four Rapid Succession Aimed Shots at your primary target. The shots splinter upon impact, spraying shrapnel on up to five surrounding enemies, dealing immediate damage and causing all affected targets to bleed.” I will die on this hill.

Edit: And keep Salvo how it currently works, with the newage Explosive Shot built into it.


Im hyped for every change, just not the loss of pets. A glyph to change the eagle spell effect to be either your pet or just some other spell effect thats not the eagle (Because thats all the eagle is, a spell effect animation) as an option would be fine for people that dont want the eagle or any pet.

I just want the option to keep my pet for when Im running around doing my own thing and they can do that without affecting anything else so its really more of a why not?


I level alts a lot and have 4 hunters, so I like having my pet tank so I don’t have to strain my arthritic wrists kiting and trapping all over the place while trying not to kite into more mobs. Really, there is no valid reason to not offer the option of summoning our pets as MM hunters. I also use the FETCH glyph a lot. I doubt that stupid bird they want to stick us with can use the fetch glyph…


Im an engineer so I use the Loot-A-Rang which is better but before I picked up Engineering I used Fetch constantly and thats another good point.


Only a few of my many alts are engineers and Loot-A-Rang doesn’t seem to work in some expansions.

What ones? Because Ive spent a lot of time farming old content and the ONLY time it hasnt worked was TWW during the opening Dalaran attack.

I farm old content for mogs and was having issues in some instances. At any rate, my hunters are not engineers and fetch works everywhere. Even when something dies on a cliff and gets stuck where you can’t land or reach it. Pet scampers right up and fetches it.


There are far more eyeballs and opinions outside this thread than inside the thread. Those opinions are leaning more towards viewing the changes positively. It’s not an assumption. Also, do you know how players who don’t use the forums view them? Or are you stuck to just your chosen echochamber?

So a thread with less views by almost half than a single youtube video isn’t a vocal minority? Whether they are currently players or not, opinions can still be had over such a drastic change.

Right, it failed before and the devs keep trying…hmm why could that be? Maybe they’ve been unhappy with how MM feels and plays from a gameplay and thematic standpoint and want to make changes?

All of the gameplay changes you suggest may work from a gameplay standpoint, but they are looking to change MM from a thematic and philosophical angle too. Meaning, simple gameplay changes isn’t going to be enough this time around when maybe it would have been in the past. While you think the eagle is dumb, I think it’s pretty rad, but would agree it’s too narrowminded to limit the spotter to just one species of animal.


Hate to break it to you but if you are needing to trap and kite all over the place without a pet tanking for you, you might have other issues with the spec in general.

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Adorable pet turtle… Is this a joke? How does this align with the class fantasy of a hunter?


oh you mean ilvl ok I thought you referred to M+ score havent heard people using the term gear score in a while. Yeah I raided this season but never really got AOTC only KSM becuase of work schedule and what not. I mean your amory does show that you are running lone wolf in your MM talent tree but maybe is just a glitch but wait you dont even like MM and yet you are advocating so hard against the changes? I dont get it but all good you do you and I wish you well

I want to talk about the MS effect moving to aimed shot in a little bit more depth.

I really feel like this is the right direction. Not just for marks, but for all of the specs that give MS. Having it passively applied via poisons, pets, and random melee damage is pretty much 100% uptime on MS, and it’s not a big deal to reapply it when it falls off. For right now, although I agree with it being the right decision, everyone else’s base 25% ms effect is way more passive which makes this change still kind of a nerf. I think that there should be some kind of modifier that gets applied where if you’ve allowed multiple aimed shots to go off on something within x window that it becomes a slightly bigger MS for a moment in order to balance it out.

Please don’t. I hate the idea of magically coercing animals that I haven’t tamed to assist me in any way. One thing a hunter would do in the wilderness is hunt animals for food. Hunting for food is necessary for surviving in the wilderness. Any animals that I have not actively gone out and chosen to tame with Tame Beast (those in my stable only) are targets to be killed for food. Food shouldn’t be assisting me. Food that I am hunting would want to kill me, not aid me in combat. Honestly, when it comes to theme and how I see survival hunter, I would prefer to have the pack leader tree removed from survival and replaced with something else. A pet based tree is better focused on the single pet that I have summoned and am bonded to, not magically coerced animals that I have no bond with. A “smaller suite of (so-called) ‘pets’” is far too big. A stable of one, the one pet that I have out and am bonded to, is the only animal I want fighting for me when it comes to using pets as survival.

I have a similar problem with the MM eagle - it’s not a pet that I have gone out and specifically chosen to tame with Tame Beast. It’s also limited to a bird specifically. Plus some MM hunters have a good point, outside of instanced content (and especially when solo), where having a pet to tank for them can be useful. I get that it’s been awkward for MM to have to summon a pet, use the pet utility, and dismiss it, which is a problem. I just think there’s gotta be a better way to do solve that problem that doesn’t involve completely losing access to the pets that MM hunters have gone out and tamed over the course of 20 years. 20 years of taming pets being lost. The time to rethink whether or not a spec uses pets was the vanilla beta, not decades later. It’s even worse that this is some random patch in the middle of the xpac, not even an xpac launch patch where there would be a longer period of alpha and beta to work on things.


I mean, there are like 11 ret pallies in every group killing things 3 seconds before anyone can get to them. No sense in moving :smiley:

Where did I type “play another spec”? An entire “lone wolf” HERO tree makes 0 sense when both other specs play with a pet. Y’all are truly are a special breed.


All three specs can currently play with a pet. Having the option removed for any one of them makes zero sense, yet here we are. So put in a Lone Wolf hero talent tree between MM and SV, makes about as much sense as anything else they’re trying with this change.