so you’re saying you can make pet utility that doesn’t require a pet? why didn’t you just include this in Lone Wolf and leave the option for people? the whole eagle thing just sounds like a fancier way of saying precise shot gives you a buff sometimes anyway.
Sure thing Echo and look we are both running lone wolf! I dont think we have the same score though cause you havent done much M+ but that doesn
t mean your opinion or view in the game is any less valid and I apologize if it came out that way on my previous post. We both want a good MM spec and BLizzard is taking us in a good direction I hope they can make it so people who want a pet can continue to summon it and those of us who like the Windrunner/Legolas ranger fantasy can enjoy the Eyes in Sky passive. Speaking of which I wish the spotted mark was buff on the hunter and not on the target as it might die before we get an aimed shot out and I also think they should just bake Aspect of the HHydra in trick shots already so multishot lets us cleave two targets too
No. They could keep our current pets. Build ALL of the spotter eagle talents into playing around your active pet, then make the first talent node a 3 choice.
- Active Pet, 5% Less Damage. All pet family and pet specilization abilities are un-useable, all eagle abilities now trigger off your active pet.
- Eagle, as written.
- Ranger’s Mark, all eagle abilities now flag on your Hunter Marked target instead.
Boom, all three playstyles of MM are happy. We get pet interactivity (which is apparently why MM needs pets removed), we get their cool new visuals, we get a true lone wolf sniper. Everyone is happy.
I sir, am not running lone wolf, I dont even like MM it’s a boring af spec to me. I prefer ranged survival.
You’re confused if we have the same gear score? You can literally see your score from your profile, we’re both sitting at 622.
I got my items in the heroic raid, just as I assume you got yours in 5-mans.
I would never chose lone wolf, I also refuse to be a melee hunter…so I’m stuck being a stupid zookeeper
This is a great change. I have played the class basically since the game came out and I am thrilled to get a real archer spec that is not muddied up by a pet.
Any time you would pull a pet out you would be better switching to BM for that content. Playing marks with a pet out is just a gimped version of BM.
Then you are not getting that, you will be muddied by a eagle pet
You already could be a real archer by picking lone wolf, so maybe you didn’t played with the spec or the class very much.
gO pLaY bM hUntEr
This! Restore hunter to ranged + pet for all specs. Make a new class or put the non-pet archers in Rogue and Warrior.
This would actually be really interesting as the Surv/MM hero talent. Sentinel is basically the whole MM-eagle thing already.
I have played the class since before the game came out and I am utterly unthrilled to have MM be gutted to create a new spec instead of making a real petless spec for those who want it.
I keep checking in on this thread every couple hundred replies in hopes that the spam over the pet thing has stopped. Y’all need to let go and allow something else to get talked about.
We’ve come full circle and now the eagle is a pet? I would like to move on to other MM topics. Excluding the MM pet debacle, anyone have any thoughts on tbe other 50 or so 11.1 MM changes?
I’m most excited for the proper mortal strike and buffed Bloodlust. And of course all the utility that no longer requires having my pet be close by, not in CC, alive, and what not.
It always was.
I’m excited for some MM tree Explosive Shot integration
Although I love what I see of the upcoming MM changes, I decided to brain storm a bit and see if there was a more versatile way to approach hunters and their pets. The following are those suggestions:
Pet Customization
- Reintroduce pet “talent trees” and allow Hunters to customize their pets through a Stable Master, including pet’s family specialization (Ferocity, Cunning, Tenacity, etc) and special abilities.
- Beastmaster Hunters could simply be allotted additional talent points as part of being a Beastmaster, or have access to special talents that other hunter specs don’t (such as those currently found on Exotic Beasts). This would also open up exotic pet looks to Survival and MM hunters.
- Alter the way pets are “saved” in the Stable. Instead of individual pets, save “Pet Loadouts” (but use a cooler name) which can be assigned to Call Pet 1, Call Pet 2, etc. Include the pet’s name with the loadout, granting hunters significantly more flexibility to customize their pets.
- Treat pet visuals as something that is more cosmetic in nature. When a hunter tames a pet, it doesn’t replace his existing pet but rather adds a customization option (similar to unlocking Warlock Pet appearances for the Barber Shop) which can be selected/set via the Stable.
- This would allow “beloved companions” that some Hunters have had since 2004 an opportunity to “age” and/or “evolve” with time while still being (in the head-canon of those hunters) the friend that they’ve known and loved since forever.
Rework the “Cunning” Pet Specialization
- Rework Cunning to function similarly to the new “Eyes in the Sky” ability mentioned in the 11.1 MM rework, effectively transforming your pet into a passive influence that still allows you to use your typical “pet-related abilities” at the cost of not being able to leverage your pet as a tank.
- The pet would still be customizable as mentioned above.
- The pet would still auto-attack and use offensive abilities, prioritizing targets with Hunter’s Mark.
- Pathfinding would still apply to the Hunter, as normal.
- Master’s Call would still function, similar to as suggested in the 11.1 rework.
- Both BM and Survival specs could benefit from this option as well without detracting from their core fantasies (since their pets would still very much be a part of their regular combat loops).
- This Cunning rework doesn’t need to include the new “Eyes in the Sky” damage boosting mechanic introduced with the 11.1 MM rework, nor does it need to intrude on any of the MM-specific fantasy introduced through that mechanic.
- Provides an option for players to ignore issues with PetAI (such as positioning in many circumstances while traveling) and never need to leverage Mend Pet or Resurrect Pet, and wouldn’t be disabled from using pet-related abilities due to the pet getting CC’d and such–all at the cost of not having a pet available as a tank.
- In combination with the pet customizations mentioned above, hunters with a cunning pet would have an easier time taming new pets to unlock new cosmetic looks. Simply channeling Tame Beast while using a Cunning Pet would just temporarily deactivate the pet–making taming easier than ever.
My concern for MM w/o pet is survivability while solo. Never use it in group content except if lust needed.
For me I will just swap BM, but I can see argument that shouldn’t need to leave MM to do solo content because you don’t have a pet to act as a damage sponge.
If we had a shield on 25 sec cool instead of exhil on 2-1.5 minute cool… if are abilities constantly slowed…
Yeah and one of those specs they already ruined beyond hope making me switch to MM, i’d like them not to do that a second time,
There are currently no 3-way choice nodes, for any spec, so this is likely a significant technical hurdle in a way that many other changes wouldn’t be.
This does not need to be a talent. It doesn’t even need to disable family/spec abilities - with MM getting Mortal Wounds on Aimed Shot, the only offensive pet ability is a 50% snare, hardly gamebreaking given diminishing returns and that it doesn’t stack with Concussive Shot/Wing Clip. Pet spec abilities will share a cooldown anyway - Harrier’s Cry and Primal Rage will both apply Sated, and Master’s Call is the same spell.
This can be a baseline passive learned at level 13 (when you get Eyes in the Sky), like Lone Wolf was a passive increase in BfA and SL without requiring a talent, or tacked on to another talent. There is no need to have the pet apply the Spotter’s Mark, the eagle can still do that, since it’s just a spell effect rather than a distinct unit.
This does not need to be a talent. This can be a glyph. You are changing the spell effects and descriptions only, this is what the glyph system exists for. Spotter’s Mark triggers when you consume Precise Shots, and is a buff on yourself - there is no need to tie anything to Hunter’s Mark. This can be combined with the above suggestion so that MM+pet players can also use the glyph.
The new rework is good design from a gameplay perspective. Removing the pet for everyone without an option to keep it for those who want it is not.
Its their own facetious word:
Its a fake pet that you have no control or agency over yes
I like it.
Great for you, many don’t.
The idea is reaching a compromise that you can get what you want and the rest can get what they want, especially when both are possible.