Feedback: Hunters

Here’s my feedback

I don’t like hero talents at all. I think they added too much bloat to an already bloated class structure.

I don’t like dark arrow replacing the killshot animation and when I tried to switch to sentinel, I noticed that during the storm it would only target one target and never switch, even when the first target died rendering it useless.


As far as the pet debate goes

I’m willing to try it out when the ptr drops. I don’t have a strong attachment to my pet since for so long we’ve been pigeonholed into only a few species and never got a proper pet talent tree for buffs.

In rare cases I might have to use BM to solo difficult content but I did that already during the torghast days.

How about we all see how it feels on the PTR

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Surging Shots
Rapid Fire deals 35% additional damage, and Aimed Shot has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Rapid Fire.

One suggestion that would be amazing - and probably for other proc classes too. Could the proc happen when Aimed Shot is pressed instead of when it hits the target?

What I’m trying to get at… Right now it’s optimal to immediately use Rapid Fire if it procs off of Aimed Shot. But you don’t know this until the second it hits. So you end up pressing Aimed Shot and then spamming Rapid Fire hoping for a reset, if you don’t get a reset you press something else.

It would be nice if when we press aimed shot, as the shot is going off we know up front whether or not it will proc Rapid Fire.

This would be a QoL adjustment and would probably be desirable on lots of proc based specs.

Edit: Example would be Wailing Arrow. We know up front it’s going to proc Rapid Fire because we see the icon change. Having the icon change when Rapid Fire will be reset by Surging Shots would be awesome.

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The Hero Talents are lit.

They’ve made several of the specs I love somehow even more fun to play, and some of the specs that bored me are now interesting. Fantastic game design.

  1. Misdirection is significantly more efficient at gathering mobs, and pets are squishy.
  2. Just shooting and leveraging a tar trap can work in a pinch.
  3. The Loot-A-Rang from Cataclysm is still available for engineers.
  4. Didn’t MM lose access to Kill Command in the recent Hunter rework? This is a moot point unless having your pet run at a mob is somehow faster than you just running a bit further and shooting it.
  5. You can still find, tame, and display your pets, just not on MM anymore.

They should just add a Hero Talent tree called Lone Wolf dedicated to having no pet.


Its remarkable how you address every of his points with non sequitur or nonsense and end up telling him to go into another spec all the same, like “you lost the option to fetch loot with the pet, something super useful, fun and good for RP, JUST LEVEL UP ANOTHER PROFESSION LOSER”

Can 'yall stop pretending to know how people play and what they like, when you clearly dont like the pet and dont play with it, and stop giving those “advice”?


I’m honestly surprised Hunter isn’t getting a 4th spec at this point.

All the pets!!!
Melee w/active pet
Ranged w/active pet
Ranged w/passive/no pet

The MM update sounds like the last option, and it does sound fun as a new falconer fantasy. Since there is no traditional/active pet to control or toggle/talent away, the eagle related abilities seem primed for visual options (magic, nature/wind themed, etc.) for those who don’t want a pet at all with no gameplay impact.

By separating the ranged active pet and passive pet/no pet specs, the ranged active pet spec would have more flexibility to consider the pet in abilities, while maintaining the player as the dominate damager dealer assisted by a loyal companion.


Try a ferocity pet with a shell shield ability. They’ll last longer than you think.

Assuming the mob can even be slowed. Or doesn’t have a leap/teleport like it seems every other mob has.

Yeah, sure. Let me stop and switch spec while hoping nobody comes in and tames/kills it while I’m waiting for that to finish. They want to talk about friction? That’s some added friction right there.


You do realize the other two specs use pets right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :person_facepalming:


If you are a falconer, then you definitionally are using a pet, therefore it fails the ‘no pet’ part. I don’t want passive pets. I don’t want active pets. I want no pets. I want to take that spotting eagle out and shoot it from the sky.

At the same time, if players do want pets, then the option should be to let them. Expanding/protecting player agency should be the first goal of any rework. Not taking it away.


:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Tired of these condescending clowns telling people to go play another spec just so they can take something away from people who were playing the spec they wanted to play. Just ask Blizzard to leave in the option to use pets for MM if they want to use them and stop demanding YOUR way as the only way. You can take the lone wolf talent and never summon a pet again, just stop taking pets from others.

People don’t want to change their spec, they want to play MM WITH their pets.


You do realize that different specs play differently, right? Someone might like how one spec plays, but not like how the other specs play. Which is why they’re playing the spec they like in the first place instead of one of those other specs. I dunno why this is such a difficult concept to grasp. Some people like playing MM with the option of having a pet. They don’t want to play BM. They don’t want to play SV.


No, all my experience isnt only from cata, maybe you can creep harder…sorry my raid leader stepped away for personal reasons when we were 6/8 heroic. In the interim ive neen doing a few mythics with friends.
We literally have the same exact gear score, so to think I have the skill to make a heroic raid team but couldn’t do a measly 6 (if that was my focus) is a tad silly.

No you’re not elite, anymore than I am…Ive just played the hunter pet class since vanilla, i didn’t cry when I had to dismiss my pet when i jumped off a balcony 20 years ago…and you shouldn’t cry you chose a pet class now.

Do you work for Blizzard? This has “don’t you own a phone??” energy.

My suggestion, fwiw, was genuine. I really like Hero Talents and I think Lone Wolf getting its own dedicated Hero Talent tree could be really fun.


So just looked at the new talent trees.
You cannot avoid the stupid eagle, as our main DPS Cooldown is inextricably linked to the dumb thing.

This effectively kills MM as a viable option for me to enjoy.


First time? I remember when they nerfed retribution in dragonflight, with an emergency hot fix nerf, and every week for 5 weeks after that. Sometimes blizzard does things with their intellectual property not everyone’s going to like. You are welcome to say how you feel about it, the forums are good for that. At least this is to make the spec function better, even if it’s not your preference.

It’ll be the last time.


I’ve been working on relearning my MM Hunter solo tactics. Adjusting talents for non-pet/group play, better crowd control, and utilizing kiting and LoS movement in preparation for Undermine(d). This has been primarily in Delves using the tools at hand on all mobs prior to bosses (will move on to solo bosses without pet soon).

I have to say, not as difficult as many may think. It is actually entertaining pulling the mob back through the tar trap they thought they were almost out of, or rapidly changing direction to always stay behind them keeping them from completing some of their abilities. Using all traps and DR skills (to bad MM doesn’t get FotB any more). Of course, making mistakes along the way. Looking forward to giving the changes a try on the PTR.


I totally agree. I’ve been running MM without a pet forever (since shadowlands) so I’m used to it.

I tried delves without a pet and did up to 10. 11 I think might be a gear issue? I was at 610 or so when I tried… I can get to the last boss in an 11 without a pet, no problem, but I can’t put out the dps to kill the boss. I tried with a pet also and was still unable to do it, I just need more practice. But I did it without having to face tank anything, I just pulled 1 or 2 at a time… tar trap with roots, binding shot, knock back, concussive shot, stun, scatter… I can control 2 mobs indefinitely and prevent them from touching me.

I’d like to share a macro that I think a lot of people would like. It’s simple, been around forever, but it makes it super easy to Scatter or Intimidate an off target.

/targetenemy [mod:shift]
/cast Scatter Shot
/targetlasttarget [mod:shift]

Put it on your bars… Make one for Scatter Shot, Intimidation and Concussive shot. When you press the button, for example if you put it on button 1… you press 1 and it scatter’s your target… However if you press shift-1 it will scatter the closest target to you that is not your current target - in other words the off target. It will use the CC on the off target without losing your target… Super fast, super easy. You just face your camera towards the off target you want to CC then press shift-1… You can change shift to ctrl or alt as well.

More people should use it, it makes it so easy for me to control groups of mobs. That plus the trap mouseover macro

/stopattack [stealth]
/cast [mod:shift,@player][@cursor] Freezing Trap
/petfollow [stealth]

Press the Freezing Trap button and it will throw the trap at your mouse cursor… if you press shift and then press the freezing trap button, it will drop the trap at your feet. Super helpful.

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