I’ve been playing a BE MM hunter for 15 years. My fantasy is BE Rangers, Fastriders. I don’t see any of them with a pet. Sylvanas, Alleria, Vereesa, Halduron Brightwing, do you know them? Did you see them with a pet? Also an eagle? do you see any eagles in Eversong Woods? Please don’t tell me what my fantasy is.
Also, I like to be able to summon a pet when doing solo content. And I want that pet to be with me all times, not a proc. Also I want to choose the pet I want.
If the problem is Lust, just add lust to the toolkit. For all hunter specs. Keep Lone Wolf. MM is the only spec that let you be range, have a pet, or not. You killed SV when you made it melee. BM is just a zoo keeper. I don’t want to lose MM, I’ve always played MM.
IDK about this, the four piece bonus isn’t really as good as they’re making it out to be for SV. KC hits really weak, so empowering that doesn’t really do much. Having extra tip stacks isn’t useful either, as your strongest abilities have more than enough Tips currently so you’re just empowering…nothing really.
When Microsoft/Activision/Blizzard changes something that is part of their IP, they are not telling you what your fantasy is or isn’t. I feel there is a disconnect with some of the forum posters. I’m seeing folks we may expect to take part in RP in a game make statements outside the game like they are still RPing. In the real world a massive corporation is not concerned if a small feature of the game does not match the cannon or theme of a fictional character that only exists in one customers mind. You can be sad, that you have a right to feel and maybe by 11.1 Blizzard will somehow allow MM to keep traditional pet use as an option. But try to not focus too much on this feeling that Blizzards IP must match your characters chosen RP. Hopefully the eagle will get some customization options for some variety if not traditional pets being possible. If that doesnt happen though it is going to be ok.
Oh yes, for a loooong time it has been known on MM it is annoying to have your pet despawn because it travels too far from you. Pet pathing is a nightmare. Spending way too much time in combat healing, rezing, directing, dismissing, and summoning pets. In arena if you make your pet fiegn death you might not be able to get it to stand up again and then it cant do ANY of its functions for the remaining match time. It’s a problem to have so much effort tied to using utility from a pet sometimes you cant get to cast the utility because it is in CC or dead. 11.1 fixes all of that and buffs MS and Lust. The main complaints are just, I like to see my pet/it fits my chosen theme RP, and I like my pet to soak damage for me. I am sympathetic to those concerns and the easy fix is have just those two functions remain on the traditional pet with a smige of auto attack damage.
For me having the pet exist just to auto attack someone trying to click a flag near me while I’m CCed would be nice, so I’m all for it. The pet utility moving to the Eagle sure does sound way more useful though since the eagle cant be CCed or killed.
After playing Surv for an entire season, the way pets function drives me crazy. Countless times I’ve not been able to Kill Command or Spearhead because my pet is off in Narnia. The fact that MM is on the brink with not having to interact with them at all is very exciting.
because with lust as a pet ability, there are situations where you’re expected by your group to use a ferocity pet in order to be the luster. which can feel kind of lame, especially after the leech got nerfed to just 4%
if ferocity’s ability was something that’s not a group buff then pet spec would always be a personal choice, not a group one
Ain’t no one gonna source that either - in fact the ‘minority’ so far is those that want the pet gone.
Brann is sorta a pet, why are you not lone-wolfing it and going with a pocket healer? Kinda strange.
Making the assumption that elsewhere it will be different is hard to prove - but you sure didn’t try to say ‘stance on changes in unknown for majority of players’ to the person I replied to.
In this thread. For the vast majority of players, the stance on the changes is unknown. The pain points being addressed have been issues for awhile, so that could have something to do with the devs making these changes.
I find it absolutely hysterical that the MM rework is “Marksman Hunters can’t use pets anymore because they are lone wolf sharpshooters sitting in a tree far away sniping by themselves with help from nothing. Here’s the mandatory imaginary eagle pet you will be required to use and you literally can’t play without it”
I don’t want the eagle. If MM is to be the ‘no pets’ spec Blizz is doing, why are they shoe-horning in yetanother pet to do things, rather than just letting me do it myself?
(And for the record, I don’t want Lone Wolf to go away, let it stay because for some people they want the option to use the pet - and that’s perfectly fine!)
Nope, I haven’t. I just don’t want yet another ‘pet’ animation tossed into my class.
Pretty unlikely. Functionally, the non-pet eagle is a more usable, well it makes the utilities more reliably usable the first time you push the button as the eagle cant be CCed or dead.
It’s not set in stone yet, the 11.1 PTR isn’t up yet.
And I will be giving plenty of negative feedback, and I’m sure others will be. And if they still force it in, then I’ll just remove it from my action bars.
Yes, I hate the idea that much. And I’m sure I’m not alone.
That’s an option I suppose. On the paladin forums at least two people said that they hate wake of ashes so much they don’t use it even though it was the single highest damage source from one ability pressed at the time for their spec. You’re welcome to hate something that’s effective for cosmetic reasons or role playing reasons or other reasons that you can come up with. I’m not surprised that people are not excited about giving up the pets they’ve had for a long time while playing MM. I think the chances of them announcing the no pet version of MM, and then not doing it is about as likely as it was for them to announce Hero Talents and then not using them.