Feedback: Hunters

I’m confused as to why the dev team thinks a 30sec cooldown causes too much cognitive load in our survival rotation? It seems more like they want to take away our ability to do solid single target/cleave damage without having to respec more heavily into one or the other. As well as remove some minor utility. Survival is fine as is, and is still probably one of the easier specs to play.

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You win this thread, IMO, Rustov. This is what I would like to see and I even like your name for it! I wish I could like your post more than once.


Considering that what he wrote is literally an explanation of what I said, yes.

Go be a mathematically illiterate troll somewhere else.

I am in love with these changes. This will finally give MM the unique feel it deserves. It will no longer be something in between a pet spec and a archer. It will have a true identity all its own. There’s already multiple options for people to play with a pet. But we’ve never had an option before to just be a guy with a bow.

Thank you!


Big brain idea right here.


I’ll try it in earnest on the ptr. I doubt I will play retail though until the next expansion. I’ve only managed to stomach getting to 74 since launch for a variety of different reasons.

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Yay finally proper petless MM! Hyped to try it out on the PTR


Merry Christmas!

I only call out my pet on my MM hunter when I really have that “Oh, sh*t!” moment. I have my bear ready for that to taunt the mob away from me. Otherwise, I play without because it’s a damage sink. Why would I want one out all the time if it inherently lowers your dps? That’s part of my class fantasy. These new changes look pretty cool, but I’m holding my judgement until I actually play the new spec changes and experiment with them .

Happy Ho Ho, everybody!


Blizzard giving us the bird… We need to give one back if they take our pets away.
(involving the middle finger)


Too lazy to make a separate Ranger class. This is a pity because a stand alone class like that would enhance the next expansion. But no, they want to hijack the MM hunters and take their pets away. Pets that some people have had for 20 years. No, we don’t want to change to BM or Surv. Telling people that is condescending and an insult.


Blizzard, it is past the time to read the room.

  1. Not all players are concerned with min/maxing their through put to kill your over-tuned max level raids that cater to your hardcore 1%.
  2. Not all players pvp hardcore (lets be generous and give that 5%).
  3. So that means the 90% to 94%-ish players play a mix bewtween casual to some pvp and raid content and a lot of those may never put in the time to make this a second job rather than just fun/relaxing.
  4. Of that, it really doesnt matter how many are hunters and how many play only one spec of that class (my opinion, not fact for all but more a baseline). Yes, as I’ve already said, your sandbox that won’t exist if we the casual player base don’t pay for it.
  5. As someone that tends to main tanks for content because I do generally enjoy it and my friends get to run their healers and dps for that content we do play, I still have dps & healers. Of those, I do have hunters I run. Predominately I tend to run BM because I’m usually solo but I also play MM or Survival in dungeon/raid content as you tend to smack BM into the dust.
  6. I genuinely don’t give a fig about Rexxar and his lore. IT IS NOT MINE. I collect pets. I hunt for them. I’m excited to be able to pull out some of my cunning pets as Ten/Fer because I’m not a fan of cunning for my play style.
  7. I will probably continue to run two pets for BM as I enjoy it.
  8. Should the dev’s involved with the choice about removing the MM ability to have a pet (of our choice from those find have tamed) and not listen to what I’m seeing as a large part of the hunter players response, I question whether you have the intention to listen to your customers at all.
  9. I’ve said it before, but this reminds me of your choice to listen to a select portion of your dev team about flying. Also when some went on record complaining that players didn’t want to go into caves that had no content and the only difference was the skin texture used to ‘remake’ an existing layout new. Listen to your player base.
  10. The proposed change to MM will fundamentally change how that spec solo’s content and levels in the future. It may be thought to be a good change/update by some of your dev’s and even some players. You know what? Those of us that dont want to lose that functionality likely dont care about their thoughts or feelings. We don’t want this change. Ive already read and heard from people that this will mean they don’t play MM. Yes, by this I mean taking away MM pets.
  11. SO HOW DOES THAT LORE SIT WITH YOU? Players will again not use/play with something that some thought was great but really wasn’t. Honest opinion? If this is a great idea that improved the game for 25% of the MM hunters, it would be a loss. If this improved the game for 50% of the MM hunters it’d still be a loss. At what point do consider alienating some of your player base for something they think is dumb to be a good idea?
  12. It’s already been stated at least once. Add this concept to another class like rogue, they used pistols in the past if I recall correctly. Keep MM the way it is and add your new concept as a fourth hunter spec. This way you can have your devs mediocre idea still added and people can spec to that if it fits their lore as to how they want to play.
  13. Finally, please stop that one dev from making his DUMB announcements over holidays or long weekends. We’re still not impressed.
  14. One final comment edited in at a friends suggestion, this line of thought about removing MM pets is kind of like saying that you are planning to next look at Warlocks and turning their void pet into an occasional summon because you want to change how the Warlock “feels”. Feels like you are picking on Hunters right now, what do you think Warlocks? Want to lose your void?

bah humbug,

BTW, my lord humar, king bangalash, brokentooth, and my rare wolf from felwood said, “this is a stupid idea”, and they are very old pets.

I could not even begin to count the hours I spent camping those pets.


I really, really hate this. My hunter fantasy is a cool archer with a neat animal pet. I do not like how BM plays at all, and never have. I was ranged survival when that was a thing and now I’m marks.

My hunter will be retired from DPS main if I can’t have a pet anymore in marks.

Why all the visual & mechanical changes that make the fantasy you’re allowed to have for your MMORPG character so limited now? It’s not a hero shooter. I’m not at the character creation screen to decide to make Widowmaker or Rexxar; I want flexibility that doesn’t tell me “well, there’s three very specific personas you’re allowed to have”. Don’t make me have an eagle.

This is like the unremovable effects on priests if you take hero talents…


Right, where the dumb bird enter this identity then?

How can you keep enemies from affard without a trust bear/wolf to hinder your enemies?

You dont know what you are talking about.


Kill them before they’re close enough to be a threat. You have a range advantage, make the most of it.

The shoe-horning of a pet, into the historical no-pet spec is dumb. It’s bad enough we have it from the hero talents which I hate, having another one just eats away the main draw of the spec.


Sorry bub this is not a single player RPG where you can turn on cheats and do those absurd things, its not feasible in a game like WoW.

You are not a mage, who can blink all battlefield, or a priest who can heal himself and use shields, you are like a warlock, you use beats instead of demons to halt the enemy advance so you can cast your thing

Dumb is thinking something that existed for 20 years is shoehorned, what is shoehorned is the removal of of the option to use a pet in the historical PETCLASS;

you will still have it with the forced eagle, are you even paying attention?


I routinely drop mobs before they get into range of me out in the world. In dungeons, there’s 4 other idiots between me and the enemy. Your ‘real world’ nonsense is not true.

Mages can’t blink all over the battlefield, it has a cooldown.
Power Word: Shield isn’t that strong.
And as a Marksman, between Aimed Shot and Rapid shot, I can kill most enemies before they get within distance. I have distance and I have burst.

MM has been billed as the “no mandatory pet” spec since Classic. I am fine with it being there as an option for whatever content people choose - I don’t want more pets tied to my spec: the stupid hawk thing we’re getting, plus the two pets tied to our hero talents. Get rid of them, and leave Lone Wolf as is for people who want to have a pet.

I am. I want that eagle dead. I want it gone. It doesn’t belong in our talent tree. That is what I am complaining about.


not the elite ones, srry, and you are not everyone, like i said, this isn’t a single player rpg.

Your choice of words speak volumes, lets calm down shall we

What real “world”, i said a “game” like “wow” LOl

Pretty small one, they can blink back and forth, mirror image and be invisible.

that’s why you also have healing

Cause sure you only face one enemy at each time.

It wasnt, it only became a thing with the lone wolf talent

That is literally what we are advocating here, THE OPTION, to have one pet or to not have any at all.

so do I


Us ranged survival mains was told to switch spec, so i guess just live with it

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