MM feedback - I don’t really play the spec much at all on my hunter, the last time I did was during WoD so I can’t speak to the projected playstyle adjustments to it, however losing your own customisable pet who you’ve gone out of your way to tame and make friends with and even named for a passive you don’t have a connection to kinda kills off the class fantasy a bit.
Why not just keep the same ‘spotting’ focus with the pet in the first slot of your stables? At least then you’ll have some sort of agency in the process. A hunter’s companion irl is generally a hound type of dog like a beagle who’s used a lot for tracking/spotting and chasing your prey.
SV specific Feedback.
Now this is a spec I’ve played regularly since legion onward and have enjoyed most iterations of it, the recent rework was pretty fun and I do understand the reasoning for talent changes and the merging of Butchery/Flanking Strike into the same node.
But I also don’t like that they’ve been merged since it puts you at a point where Flanking Strike will only ever be taken on pure single target encounters at all, what was once a staple thematic ability to the spec has kinda been removed almost entirely from gameplay at any point you’ve got 2 or more targets.
It’s just removing a decent amount of skill expression in the gameplay itself and the issues that have overloaded gameplay with abilities CDRing each other is mostly removed with Covering Fire’s removal, so the intended ‘fix’ is kinda useless at this stage.
I do like the projected changes to Pack Leader which make it a lot more based on Rexxar who I enjoyed a fair bit playing with in HotS during it’s peak, but I’m also concerned about the lack of identity behind the three companions of Bear, Boar, Wyvern.
Would it be feasible to have 3x additional slots in our stables to choose who we want out of our pets to cover these roles of Bear, Boar, Wyvern?
Specifically allowing us to customise what we want to do said actions? Sure we could have it with limitations in place where “bear” could be overrode by similar heavy weight/bleed inducing families like Gorillas, Wolves, Cats etc. Boars could be Boars more ‘charging beasts’ like Riverbeasts, Direhorn etc, and Wyvern could be any flying type of pet Feathermanes, Dragonkin, Sporebats etc.
Allowing something like this would enable more of an attachment to your pets and enable some really cool thematic gameplay at least to the hero talent itself rather than a nameless bear, boar, wyvern helping us.