Feedback: Hunters

??? you seriouslly think complains and feedbacks don’t matter? let me remind you about the flying fiasco a few years ago, or more recently the awful coin distribution for the event.

Still yet to be seen, the blacklash has being massive, there is no way they are not addressing this crapshow before the patchland

I can even say we might see a blue post before the ptr launch due to the valid outrage this is causing


It doesn’t matter before we see it on the ptr. I legitimately believe we will see this hit the ptr before we see if they let people have their pets and before they have a chance to address concerns properly.

MM feedback - I don’t really play the spec much at all on my hunter, the last time I did was during WoD so I can’t speak to the projected playstyle adjustments to it, however losing your own customisable pet who you’ve gone out of your way to tame and make friends with and even named for a passive you don’t have a connection to kinda kills off the class fantasy a bit.

Why not just keep the same ‘spotting’ focus with the pet in the first slot of your stables? At least then you’ll have some sort of agency in the process. A hunter’s companion irl is generally a hound type of dog like a beagle who’s used a lot for tracking/spotting and chasing your prey.

SV specific Feedback.

Now this is a spec I’ve played regularly since legion onward and have enjoyed most iterations of it, the recent rework was pretty fun and I do understand the reasoning for talent changes and the merging of Butchery/Flanking Strike into the same node.

But I also don’t like that they’ve been merged since it puts you at a point where Flanking Strike will only ever be taken on pure single target encounters at all, what was once a staple thematic ability to the spec has kinda been removed almost entirely from gameplay at any point you’ve got 2 or more targets.
It’s just removing a decent amount of skill expression in the gameplay itself and the issues that have overloaded gameplay with abilities CDRing each other is mostly removed with Covering Fire’s removal, so the intended ‘fix’ is kinda useless at this stage.

I do like the projected changes to Pack Leader which make it a lot more based on Rexxar who I enjoyed a fair bit playing with in HotS during it’s peak, but I’m also concerned about the lack of identity behind the three companions of Bear, Boar, Wyvern.

Would it be feasible to have 3x additional slots in our stables to choose who we want out of our pets to cover these roles of Bear, Boar, Wyvern?

Specifically allowing us to customise what we want to do said actions? Sure we could have it with limitations in place where “bear” could be overrode by similar heavy weight/bleed inducing families like Gorillas, Wolves, Cats etc. Boars could be Boars more ‘charging beasts’ like Riverbeasts, Direhorn etc, and Wyvern could be any flying type of pet Feathermanes, Dragonkin, Sporebats etc.

Allowing something like this would enable more of an attachment to your pets and enable some really cool thematic gameplay at least to the hero talent itself rather than a nameless bear, boar, wyvern helping us.


The biggest problem with all of this for and against is there is LITERALLY NO REASON FOR IT TO BE ONE OR THE OTHER.



Absolutely not a single one.

Make every single change they are going to make - lust off pets, integrate tenacity and stuff into the base spec directly, integrate pet abilities into existing spells, all of it EXACTLY as they plan and just keep the 5% damage reduction for having a pet out and keep the option of basic pets with just bite, claw, growl, dash.

This literally gives EVERYONE what they want with no balancing issues whatsoever - dont like a pet? Cool never run one or hell never even tame one you are literally unaffected by keeping pets. The damage debuff means they still wouldnt be used in dungeons and raids the same as it is now. Everyone who uses them in open world content, delves, whatever gets to still have them.

THATS what makes this such a dumb decision. This isnt a “look to make these changes we HAVE to make this sacrifice or there is no way we can make it work” this is literally “Here is a whole bunch of changes…also we just decided to take away your pets. No practical reason just kinda felt like it when I woke up this morning”.


I’ve done a lot of thinking about it, and i don’t really take the decision lightly. It actually saddens me as a 20 year hunter main.

But if this goes through i’m done with the class.

I loved survival, they destroyed it. I went to marks, now they’re doing the same thing. (BM has always been crap IMHO)

I don’t know what the gang over at class design are thinking but before all else there’s a hunter and their pet. Whatever comes after that is their job. Removing the pet is a step too far.

I’m gonna go play druid for the next 20 cause these changes are slowly ruining the class I used to love, and I simply can’t do it anymore.

Get it together Blizz.


This is just gtfo. Last time i checked rangers were hunter and they dont have pets. And guess what MM kinda represents rangers. So gtfo with your idea that everyone that doesnt use pets shouldnt play hunter. You get so butthurt when someone tell all you casuals to swap to bm but you tell us to swap class. The irony of your dilusions are amazing

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People are telling you to play another class because people are telling us to play another spec FIRST.

Thats the point of the statement, show how absurd it is to say to people do something else


So because someone did it first you get to do it?

Its called sarcasm, especially because you could play WITHOUT a pet just fine, by picking up a talent called Lone wolf

We cant do that now, there is no option for us when there was for you, you think that is fair?


Yet i have to spend more points in the tree because of that choice. How is that also fair?

Its the price to pay to remove the pet from the petclass, AND on top of that, increased your damage making a decent trade-off

You will still need to spend the same amount of points now, so nothing changed for you.

In fact it did change, you who didnt want a pet, will not be forced to have a fake bird pet :smiley:


Oh the irony. I need to deal with it. But you pet wanting casuals dont

Again rangers are hunter and rangers dont use pets

We had to deal with it, we had to sacrifice the pet for damage sometimes

the CHOICE was there, now there isnt a choice

Hunters use pets, if rangers are hunters then rangers use pets

the crux of the problem is CHOICE. choice that plase both, not only one.


Im gonna pretend you didnt say this. Because this is literally the issue with these entire post. You are literally doing mental gynastic to get your point over, and sadly its prob gonna work.

Rangers are hunter and hunters dont all use pets stop saying this bs lie to pretend you are playing correctly and everyone that doesnt play with pets is wrong

What issue? if you dont want a pet pick the damn talent Lone wolf

You are the who did that by saying this:

You could play MM with or without pet, its your choice, the only one lying is you.


Apparently by people in these post. I cant MM without pet and i should reroll class

And you keep telling me i could play without pet when i had to pay like 3 extra talents points to have pet utility. Or i had to summon it and dismiss.

But that was fair for me i guess

you could, by picking lone wolf. :call_me_hand:t5:

Thats not true, at all :smiley:


Guess its 1-1
Pet stun without having pet out.
Lone wolf

And i lose max hp or speed or leech.
Or i had to lose dmg to BL or to have freedom and lose a defensive because of it.
Or the fact that it would despawn in certain terrain making me summon again.

It was totally a fair choice to make. Just get your pet back so blizz can focus on making the spec playable because the rework is being overshadowed by the vocal minority

First time blizz looks at this spec in 10 years and all people talk about is their pet


When it comes to BM and Explosive Shot, there needs to be some rotational tie into the spec like there is for Survival and MM.

For BM there a no rotation altering talents in the tree for Explosive Shot (Explosive Venom doesn’t really count since it is easier used with Multi-Shot), so it comes down to pure damage and since it isn’t affected by mastery it will end up dropping out at some point.

Additionally, I think BM should have Multi-Shot by default like these new MM changes.

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Why does it have to be a talent? Just bake it in and make pets only have bite, claw, growl, dash. Dont like pets dont summon pets. Literally unaffected by the existence of pets.

Just do literally everything they plan to do but leave basic pets with their basic skills and a damage reduction for having them out baked in.

No talents wasted, lust and everything else is removed from the pet, everything is literally identical for you if you choose to never summon a pet.