Feedback: Hunters

sounds like you’re describing BM with this. kind of sad if BM and MM are hardly different with a fantasy :confused:

Made up? My friend, look at this thread! BM and survival is getting broken because of the rework of MM.

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Please, explain what you’re talking about here lol. SV is not getting bugged because of lone wolf on mm existing.

If you want to talk about weird franken-specs, then traveling the world with a circus of animals in your back pocket is a better candidate for “confusing fantasy.”

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You know this is a fantasy game, right? Realism has no place in wow and never did

So fantasy doesn’t matter, then, since it’s a game. Ergo, MM has no fantasy issues. Glad we cleared that up.

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So why try to staple on a pet that does nothing for the spec? Again, adding a pet to outlaw rogue would have the same effect as a pet on MM would lol

Jesus, take this type of thing to GD please. This is a bug forum for people testing.

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Marksmanship is not “stapling on a pet that does nothing” – Marksmanship in its current form is a botched attempt at removing the pet that was, and always should be there. This is class malpractice being performed at the behest of people who don’t even like pets and should never have picked the pet class.


Take it to GD.

I’m gonna keep talking now just because no one respects tattletales and hall monitors.

You do you.

specs on a class need to do different things and have different fantasies. if you listened to people on the forum all 3 specs on hunter would be the same ranged weapon user with 1 pet that does the same thing. that’s boring design and why they moved away from it.

it exactly is. the pet does nothing unique for MM

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There is no stapling occurring. That’s like saying you’re stapling on a second arm that you were born with.


Aw, darn. I wonder what changes they made.

I really hope it’s been fixed, but last I heard, both BM and SV can’t use Master’s Call. That’s a big thing in PvP. It only popped up after Blizzard put in the eagle and returned MM’s pets in different coding. (Removing utility from MM’s pets but not BM and SV’s pets.)

That’s the issue. Utility and defensives are tied to pets. Divorce MM from that, and both BM and SV developed bugs.

EDIT: my post belongs here because it’s a bug report. I really hope it’s already been fixed and I just missed it.


Tested on all three specs right now. Seems to be working for me, unless it happens under some specific circunstances.


Thank for testing that out! That’s good news. :grin:


It seems like today’s PTR updates nothing of note, I guess it’s for something unrelated to tuning.

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They did some hotfixes. Enhance Shamans received a buff on Wind, and a nerf on storm.