Feedback: Hunters

You don’t need to hit anything with volley to get the effects. Volley dam itself doesn’t really matter and people are just gonna walk out of it anyway. I go up to 62 yards in my 639 gear.

And I could reach out and touch people at 75 yards if I focused on mastery in dragonflight, although as mentioned, for shorter durations with more casting and effort. On ptr I actually did not test what the new max range is with the tier set or pvp gear provided.


Just tested with the mastery pieces from new season mixed in with 639 mast pieces (668 pvp il, so like half geared for the season) and i can get it up to 68 yards. 70+ will probably be pretty easy in full s2 mastery gear.


Noice :+1:10char

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I think ur right that it’s gonna cook pretty hard in blitz.

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You are missing my point. Why do the people that define hunters by their pets think it’s fair to demand 3 pet specs and the people that define hunters by bows/guns/crossbows and traps not get 1 spec?

11.1 effectively is a petless spec, optionally. Any time you choose not to talent to have a traditional pet you can get a decent damage increase too. This all requires not seeking out the eagle animations, but if you don’t try to see it, you likely wont see it.

I don’t think I was clear the first time.

You’re right that the original classic Hunter was classified by three things: pets, ranged attacks, and traps. I’m not arguing with you there.

My point is that right now, there’s only one thing unifying the three specs — pets. Ranged attack is out of the picture, because of melee SV. And traps are weak these days! Traps have been weak for years. The only trap that we really use, in PvE, is Freezing Trap. Others are way more niche, like Implosive Trap in M+ and Binding Shot, etc (and I’m saying this as a player who loves CC. I almost always pick CC over DPS).

That’s my point. The current Hunter only has one unifying theme.

I’ll be happy if they make SV ranged, baseline, with an option to go melee. I’ll be happy if they make our traps more powerful again (and give us back Snake Trap! I loved that one). I’ll be happy if they make pets matter more to both SV and MM (pets do approximately 2/3 of BM’s damage profile. Why not have pets do 1/4 of SV’s damage profile and 1/8 of MM?).

There’s a reason I keep playing Classic, Hardcore, and SoD… I miss the original Hunter!

But I’m also okay with the current Hunter — while at the same time realizing, and accepting, that we’ve got to look at what we have right now.

THAT is why I keep saying pets are the unifying factor. Remove pets, and MM and SV have nothing in common.

(If Blizzard makes our traps stronger and “mandatory…” oh boy, prepare for fallout on the forums. I recall the outrage over that during the early days of melee SV in Legion, and during WotLK through MoP, people whined constantly about having to use the trap launcher in combat. It’s not popular with the majority.)

EDIT: also, I do think you’re painting a… hm, how do I put it… a distorted picture. Currently, we have 2 specs for ranged attacks. We have 3 specs for traps. So there’s nothing wrong with having 3 pet specs as well.


If they want to add another spec that has no pet involvement, I don’t care. If they want to add it to another class I also don’t care. Why would I stand in the way of that?

What we are talking about about when it comes to MM is taking something earned away from one group of players to give a new identity to another group of players. It would be like Holy Paladins waking up to an announcement that next patch they will only be able to wear and mog cloth despite all of the mogs players went out and collected over all the years, except it’s more like they just lose the ability to transmog at all.

Blizz didn’t even want MM to be without a pet with in this new development. They wanted the Eagle to take the place of traditional pets. For utility, the Eagle is going to replace them so that players who didn’t want to summon a pet don’t have to. They don’t lose anything by not summoning a pet now so unless the player is bummed about the Eagle, they won.

So now my question for you is: if I take Unbreakable Bond so I can still summon a pet what is there to be upset about?


So what you are saying that players should not be given the option to choose to have a pet or not. They all should be forced into not having them, and if they don’t like the change too bad.

This redesign covers both play styles, those that want to be a solo ranger, or those that want to be a sniper with their companion.

No one is forcing you to use a pet as it’s optional now. On the other hand, the other choice is there is no option you don’t use a pet that only one.


Why do sniper desirers think it’s fair to take away a pet that’s been a central class feature for 20 years?


Brother, re-adding the pet has done zip zilcho to the rework’s rotation. If the rework sucks, then it sucked before pets got restored.

If Blizzard genuinely did not anticipate that they might need to re-enable pets and designed the thing in such a way that doing so would destroy their workflow and stop them from fine-tuning the reworked spec, I mean… I have no words. Someone is almost inconceivably out of touch with the customers.


I believe Blizzard is expecting players to buy tokens to turn into gold just to buy this pet.

Blizzard has become very deceptive with thier greed. They are trying to make a pet that requires you to pay to tame.

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Half of this thread is people either on level 10 hunters with random names or people on non-hunters just brigading and burying any actual feedback given on the spec.

And we wonder why people have just given up and allowed class design to become the disaster it has the last 2 expansions.


Okay, seriously, I cannot be the only one who actually likes the BFA-to-TWW 11.0 design….

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Outside of 2 target cleave I have liked MM for this period.


The return of pets was mainly meant for open world content like quests and delves.

Those for it have even said it would be better to go no pet for dungeons and raids especially M+ and Mythic Raids

Matter of fact some of those people for pets do both open world content and group content and since players can have multiple talent tree load outs they are probably going to have a pet build for open world and a non pet build for group instanced content.

Also saying bringing pets back is going to affect things is a farce since Blizz has said all utilities are still going to be tied to the new eagle system . All the added damage being given to pets is to make them better pocket tanks in solo situations.


Nothing has changed all utilities are staying with the new eagle system . Pets being brought back is primarily for open world content.

All group content will be better without using a pet . Since one can make multiple load outs people that want a pet for open world will do a pet load out and if they do group content they will do a now pet load out.

Getting the pet back for MM does not give the pet the utilities back if you choose it , those will all stay with the new system . Blizz has even said this but I guess facts don’t count if they don’t fit the agenda I see.

As for them not doing anything else for MM since returning pets I guess this is Blizz doing nothing

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Because we lost a range spec and are tired of Blizz taking things away from us .

What’s next ,they take away all range bow/gun attacks from BM and all they do is tell their pets to sic the target?

If they do that then maybe on details or any raid logs maybe the pet’s name should show up and not the characters name.

Also they didn’t get rid of the sniper spec. They just gave people a choice to use a pet if they want and that is mainly for open world . Blizz has said even with the return the utilities will still stay with the new eagle system ,which will be optimal over pet for instanced content .


I still want BM to have an option for melee. Maybe they can start now and have it by next expansion.