Feedback: Hunters

Another thing you could do would be to buff steady shot by like 500% and let it proc deathblow and precise shots. That would make the dead time less dead if 1m trueshot is just not going to fly.


I agree with all but one opinion you shared. I’m no expert but MM must be in a great place for pvp for me to play it, as Skillcapped just mentioned in their most recet video… they expect MM to be C tier as it is easy to shut down and only halfway decent if left to do their pve rotations in pvp. Love your passion for improving Hunter.

1, 2, 3, 4, I’m 100% in agreement on. I am not willing to lose Sniper’s Advantage being as strong as it’s tooltip suggests. My largest gripe with the rework is Trueshot, its up-time and what it offers when active feels inadequate. While I would be ok as a PVPer to have MM obliterate swaths of players for 10 seconds and then have low dps, we dont have that on the PTR. The damage profile is 1 part ok damage, then 2 parts of nearly no damage. So hopefully we receive tuning that provides large burst or strong sustain, I dont expect both but MM needs at least one of the two.


Can we just talk about the fact they added a pet that costs 500,000g to tame?

Like, what? That’s crazy.

And it’s just a recolor of a peacock that has existed in the files since Dragonflight and never made tameable until now.

No pet should have a $40-60 price tag, which is what 500k gold is essentially doing. At the MOST it should be 50k, which is what you price event things like dragonriding armor. Not 500k.

Photo from Wain from Petopia.


I am of the genuine belief that they fully intended to remove pets and make MM this new unique thing fully petless and they were all ready to go with it. And because some people threw a tantrum and brigaded every thread everywhere about it for weeks on end until they caved and went back on it, that they are now just refusing to do anything else with MM and going to let it go live in its current disastrous state as a “see what happens when you guys throw fits”

Which 10000% has happened before with other spec reworks/changes.


Hundreds of thousands of current or previous Mustang owners commented on YouTube videos, reddit threads, facebook groups, and Twitter exclaiming their dissatisfaction with the 2024 Mustangs having screens that extend above the dash and looking like a hybrid cars interior, not having the bi-level dash, and locking the ECU so power modifications are exceptionally limited without spending more money for a stand-alone ECU. Then Ford saw they sold 10% less new Mustangs compared to the previous year.

There are financial consequences for companies that make unpopular decisions.

MM players that ONLY want to play MM, and ONLY if it has it’s traditional pet at least optionally, could be 100 players, maybe 1000, I’m not really sure. But as you mentioned, the outcry was common and heard. The right call was made to keep the pet, even at a dps loss to use it. There was no long term financial gain for Blizzard to potentially lose subscribers over taking away the pet.

In Fords case, they had the resources to pubic records request addresses for Registered Mustang owners in 2022 before the 2024 model was in production and gather customer feedback about what they planned to change, they chose not to and sold less vehicles and hurt their own stock. If Ford left a long form question for previous customers to make their own request like a wish list, a lot of Americans would have asked for the next production model to look like the 1969 Fastback, but they didnt ask, so they wont sell an extra couple of million vehicles in the next 6 years.

Meeting and exceeding if possible customer desires gets companies paid. Inconvenienced customers buy from someone else.

As for “petless” MM, that is avaliable in 11.1, if you dont really try hard to see the eagle. The lone wolf playstyle enjoyers pretty much got what they asked for, while pet enjoyers kept what they wanted, it is a win win if the rest of the spec functions and is tuned well.


Might be true because after they returned the pets there has been no new development whatsoever :smiley: Last week 5% aimed shot damage and this week 10% trueshot critical damage.


Like when Ford found out at the unveiling of the 2024 Mustang, folks are still dissatisfied with MMs design and tuning, which is warranted in my opinion. But at least fixing MM is easier than redesigning a new car in the same year it needs to be shipped to customers.

So are there issues to fix with MM? Oh yeah, no doubt in my mind. But Blizzards got maybe 6 weeks until season 2 launches to make all the little (probably difficult and time consuming) bug fixes and tuning adjustments. I’m trying to give the devs the benefit of the doubt. If things are unsatisfactory enough I can freeze my Subscription. Just like I kept my S550
( ^∀^)


That’s my point is like, once people threw a fit about the pet they just decided they don’t care anymore for this patch and they can’t be bothered to do anything.

It’s very telling that after they made that decision feedback has gone completely unheard and the spec is now in a horrible and nearly unplayable state.


The sad reality is that people only truly cared about the pet, not about the spec in general, the rotation, how it will evolve in the future, this kind of stuff…

Once the pet was back, all the buzz and hype around 11.1 MM died down

In the end, the dude who tamed some wolf in 2005 and wouldn’t let it go, and the guy who named his pet after his late dog, and the bro who said he wasn’t good enough to do world quests without a pet, and that other bro who said “but how will I sit bases in BGs without a pet?”, won.

The one who lost in the long run was the Marksmanship spec itself.

It had the unique opportunity to be tuned around not having a pet not simply in 11.1, but also in the future, and could have gotten unique tools and capabilities in the months and years to come that wouldn’t be shared by the pet specs. But now and probably forever, MM will always be developed with the presumption that you CAN call a pet, if the situation requires it, therefore it will continue having the conventional tools shared by the other 2 specs.

So, dear Blizzard devs, the people who wanted a pet, got a pet. Fair enough. Now give the people who want a good Trueshot, a good Trueshot! :wink:


On my part, I’m okay with sitting back and seeing how it turns out. I’ve played pretty much every version of MM (the only one I’ve not played was the launch version, the patch 1.0 - 1.8 version).

I learned how to play them all, and well enough to do what I want — even the one version I disliked (Legion… but I did the Mage Tower challenge for the bow).

I’ve learned, over the years, that Blizzard can be incredibly stubborn when it comes to rotation and tuning. Pets are a slightly different matter, for multiple reasons.

I’ve been seeing people praising the rotation on the PTR (mostly on YouTube and other media). I’ve been seeing people posting their equally valid dislike of Trueshot (mostly on here).

But at the end of the day? Blizzard is gonna Blizzard. We still have about, what, 4 to 6 weeks until season 2 starts. Blizzard can move quickly when there’s plenty of outcry — and when this goes live, if people really dislike Trueshot… they’ll make it known! Blizzard will tweak it sooner or later. I’m betting on last minute changes in PTR or changes 1-2 weeks into Season 2, personally.

I think it’s ridiculous and pointless to waste your energy finger-pointing at players who “threw a tantrum,” because they had a perfectly valid reaction — nobody wants to lose a specific playstyle that they’ve had for 20 years. (Goodness, people. I’m honestly amazed by the number of people still angry that the “inferior” players who want to keep their pets… got to keep the pets.)

Seriously, people. It’s Blizzard’s own nearsightedness and lack of understanding that the entire Hunter class (of which MM is part of) was built from ground up to include pets. Notice the pet-related bugs BM and SV got when they tried to radically re-write MM’s pet code? Notice their own words — “Hunters are a pet class! So we’re giving MM their own special pets.” They just went around this the dumbest way possible… for the fourth time. :sweat_smile:

But back to the rotation. I sympathize that it’s frustrating to feel like your feedback has gone unheard. Alpha and beta testers warned Blizzard about Arcane Shot being ignored during our current version of Trueshot, back in the BFA beta. But Blizzard ignored them and went ahead with it; that’s how we ended up with the version of MM that we’ve had from BFA to TWW 11.0. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I’m naturally optimistic, so yeah, I think they will take a look at Trueshot. And from the sounds of it, more people than not are satisfied with the new rotation/playstyle (Trueshot aside).

I’m not mechanically inclined. Math has always been my weakest subject. So I know that I wouldn’t be able to provide precise feedback on bugs and interactions and what-not. What I can do is, “Hey, this is easy” or “Hey, this isn’t intuitive.”

But at the end of the day? I’m not worried, honestly. I’ll just learn how to play this version of MM, I’ll learn how to go around doing the content I like. As long as it’s not Legion MM, I’ll be fine. :wink:

(And if we get Legion MM back? I’ll whine, but I’ll stubbornly stick it out. My problem is that I’m too stubborn for my own good.)


Fair enough, you make some quite good points.

I have to agree it’s unfair and even condescending to blame the allegedly “bad players” for wanting a pet, and I do realize everyone is equally “right” to want what they want.

Maybe I’m just angry at Blizzard for caving in and not sticking with a design I was agreeing with. At the same time, I see they’re in a “we’re listening” phase in their game philosophy.

Anyway, it is what it is.

I personally believe MM has improved and will reward skillful play more than in the past. At the same time, I think a lot of players will be very disappointed to press Trueshot and not have the “big damage”, especially in non-ideal circumstances.

Also, I firmly believe they should add one of these “built-in” weakauras in the default UI for streamline (no idea how they’re called officially) like the one for precise shots where it shows 2 blue arrows to the left and right of your character. Playing around streamline is very important now, and a lot of players who just use the default UI with no addons, let alone weak auras, will for sure struggle.


We were right. Not sorry.


Or you know they could have done a killer rework that WASN’T guaranteed to produce volcanic backlash and force them to backpeddle away from their core design goals. A five year old could have told them this was going to happen; I’m amazed that they seem to have been completely unprepared to have to shift course.


I would be surprised if they don’t add this. Like you said, there’s already build-in auras, like the one for Precise Shots (or whatever it’s called these days). Other classes/specs have them too — Ret Pally, Frost Mage, etc…

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I don’t want to sound rude or anything I love hunters, don’t want to fight anymore. But I just want to ask, why do pet loving hunters think it’s fair to demand 3 pet specs, and not let other hunters have just 1 sniper spec?


A lot of people that spam posted and brigaded threads about the pet, claiming that they cared about the spec as a whole, have suddenly stopped giving any feedback at all about MM despite the fact that there are a plethora of glaring issues on the PTR that takes less than 5 minutes to find. Which tells me my suspicions were completely correct that the devs caved in to the pet issue and then gave up on doing anything else with the spec.

Now we just have to wait for 11.2 or 12.0 to get a decent rework and be viable again.


You will not find many in that small minority of screamers and fit throwers willing to have an honest discussion about this question that everyone has been asking for a while now. Thus MM will continue to suffer.


I understand. I just feel like having 60 yard range for the entirety of trueshot and volley is just a bit much. The fact that it activates on the same button press as doubletap is also going to be problematic, imo.

Picture opening in a solo shuffle. Open with volley (procs dt and sniper) rapidfire then cc, then trueshot (another dt + sniper) into another big burst. You’re effectively able to take advantage of sniper shot’s buff for 26 seconds instead of when you had to recast and actually land a long sniper shot for a 6 second range buff. Being able to consistently outrange stuff by more than the normal 6-8yd marks range tends to be a toxic mechanic for the spec because you can make it impossible for anything to peel you. Especially considering that now you’ll have long periods with the buff, you’ll be scattering from 45+ yards and stun/trapping from 60+ because those spell ranges get modded too.

Because the Hunter class is a pet class.

Furthermore, the idea of a class is that all the specs have something in common.

It’s pets for the Hunters. If MM’s pets are entirely removed, then there’ll be nothing in common between MM and SV.

(Traps? What traps? They’ve been gutted over the years!)

That’s a huge thing people don’t talk about. All specs in a class must have something in common.

For Druids, it’s shape shifting. For Rogues, it’s stealth. For Hunters… it used to be ranged weapon + pets but then they changed SV into melee so now it’s just pets.

MM without pets isn’t a Hunter spec, IMO. And Blizzard agrees — it’s why they gave us the Eagle, after all.

EDIT: it’s why I keep saying we need a second physical ranged class, one that is petless. So people can get their petless fantasy over there without grossly distorting the Hunter specs into something that’s not Hunter.


Volley does not have a 60 yard range, but I suppose you could backpedal some after it. With pillars and platforms to los the hunter, I don’t think that the range will really cause too many problems (MM benefits) in arena. MM is a bit more mobile while doing damage so maybe there’s some validity to your concern, IF it is also tuned well in comparison to other specs. The durations of increased range um, increasing, will play into MM strength in BGs, which make me happy. Maximum range I believe will stay around what we have now on live with more stats availablefor haste and crit. But also Frosty DK is looking so great that you could have players like me on Frost DK focusing on crowd controlling and relocating the hunter. As a plate class with a 30% nerf to armor effectiveness and few ways to deal with physical damage there’s an incentive for Death Knights and other plate specs to harass hunters and keep them ineffective through CC. Cloth wearers will also likely still have a good reason to keep track of hunter locations to help kill them. I don’t expect MM to be permitted to free cast its rotation in any PVP environments often.

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