get over yourself; you aren’t even a hunter (probably just hiding behind that 11 'lock). you don’t single-handedly get to wish bad fortune on others JUST. BECAUSE. what a selfish, snide comment from a selfish, cowardly poster.
there is so much wrong with what you have posted, but I’m not interested in having a trollfest with you. instead, I’ll just say: one day maybe you’ll remember how unkind you were on an anonymous, public forum just because you think “it’s only a game” and that consideration and kindness aren’t necessary and that meanness is funny and somehow makes you a powerful person.
Thread is once again being hijacked by moot points and discussion so to reiterate the actual feedback people are giving on the spec that needs to be addressed and quickly so people can test it and get feedback again:
-Trueshot is still extremely weak and needs help. This is the nicest way I can put it. It is the worst DPS cooldown in the game without question and there are 6 TALENT POINTS spent on BUFFING it.
-Aimed Shot still feels terrible because streamline having RNG factors as well as waiting game makes things very rigid and not smooth or “iconic” at all.
-Lock and Load is currently proccing an average of once every 1.5-2 minutes. That is just absurd. The lottery and gambling tier set is a failure waiting to happen for MM if it’s gonna be built around Lock and Load in its current state.
-The spec overall is way too RNG heavy and way too sluggish.
-The amount of Haste that will be required to attempt to make things less rigid is going to be way too much than we can get next patch.
The talent tree itself is it’s own issue. A lot of bloat for no reason and a lot of things on there that shouldn’t be. Prime example
-Trueshot takes 6 talent points and you have to take all of them to make it feel like a real cooldown. Why not just throw some of that into Trueshot baseline? Bullseye (execute) used to be 2 talent points and people told you it felt bad so you made it 1 point. Now for some reason it’s back to 2 points just to remove talent points from play. This makes no sense with how bloated the tree really is. This also contributes to the below issue of talent bloat.
-There are multiple talents around explosive shot and auto shot that again, are just bloat and all do very similar things.
at spell effects level a hunter without pet its just a cheap mage, no pet. since legion it has been meta petless. im not trying to offend but hunter soul has always been with having a pet.
ive been wating to having a pet back without penalty to see ppl asking to make them cosmetic, a little decoration like the useless arcane companion of mage. ive been watching blizzard butcher MM since pandaria, trying to make a gimick a thing, making it useless in pvp a joke in pve
Wait so what’s the point of the rework if they are just going back on it all and giving lone wolf a new name “unbreakable bond?” Now it’s no longer a choice once again, it’s whatever sims best. Wish they’d just commit to something.
Think you are not getting it. All the changes of the rework is still happening. Lone wolf is just now the norm, all they are doing is putting another talent choice where Improved spotters mark is.
So if you want your pet back, instead of picking improved spotters mark, you pick unbreakable bond. If you don’t want you pet, you pick improved spotters mark.
But like, what’s the point? they added a pet back in so now it just comes down to what sims best again. Pet or no pet. Nothing has changed from live. They’ll still have to balance everything around both situations and people will still just pick what sims best.
The point is you have a your pet again for world content. That is it. THat is the point.
Most likely, improved spotters mark will be better for group content and that is okay. But if a MM wants to have their pet tank for them, they have the choice now.
Basically like how it is in live but the opposite direction. Major difference is all the utility is now on the hunter instead of the pet.
Improved Spotter’s Mark > Unbreakable Bond for group content, because its more DPS.
Unbreakable Bond > Improved Spotter’s Mark if you want to have the pet around for more survivability, ie: solo content.
Until the PTR change goes live, it’s impossible to say with certainty. I believe the point is that their only giving the pet a modest DPS boost from that talent, so it’s not a complete DPS loss - but it won’t be as good as having the eagle only.
Failure to read? Goes both ways dude. You aren’t understanding that this is a false choice. It will still depend on what sims best. Adding back in the pet adds a layer of complication. They’ll have to balance around pet or no pet again. It makes it harder for it to be balanced. Sure it’s good they moved all the utility to the hunter, but if a pet gives more dps than it will be the go to. They said having a pet out with the talent will make the pet do more damage, so it’s not just a world content thing, it affects everything.
I was commenting more on the trend of people misconstruing what was said by Kaivax.
Lone Wolf is not persisting. All the utility has moved to the hunter, and is no longer on the pet. ISM will be a higher damage output, UB will be lower damage but more solo survivability, putting MM back on par with BM and SV, who don’t need to make that tradeoff.
No, it’s really not - the choice is damage vs survivability. If you only value damage, then Improved Spotter’s Mark will be a clear winner. The survivability of Unbreakable Bond doesn’t exist in group content, since pets can’t tank raids or dungeons by default.
There is ‘no pet’ MM hunter. All hunters use a pet. The choices are eagle only, or eagle + tamed pet. And given the intent from Kaivax, tamed pets are intended to be inferior in damage to just using the eagle.
It’s more damage relative to the talent, not the hunter overall. Tamed pets are not intended to be your optimal choice for damage.
Pretty sure the new build isn’t out yet, we can probably expect it Tuesday if they’re updating weekly. I’m holding off testing until then as this is a significant change to the tree again.
This is something a lot of people ignore. Marksman are still hunters, they will all be considered a balance to their pets. Even if it is only for the other two specs, the class will be viewed through a balance of a pet…ALWAYS because that is what majority of the hunter specs have.
It’s sad that I’ll be forced to take a pet if I don’t want to just because it sims higher. It’s the same as people who feel forced to not take a pet because it sims higher. There isn’t a choice. At least if they made MM pet less, then you’d have a choice between BM and MM if you wanted a pet or not. Now it’s MM back to having a pet or not based on sims. Additionally, if having a pet gives more defensive capabilities then it will be required for PvP. It’s just adding an unnecessary layer of complexity when the simple solution was BM for pet. MM for no pet. IDK we’ll wait and see, but it doesn’t feel like they’ve done anything worthwhile with this rework.