To all of those that are saying, “stop with the pet talk”:
Blizzard reads everything on the forums. So the info that is being presented by anyone about the PTR issues are still being heard.
Just like they remained silent until they decided about reinstating the pet, they will remain silent until they make changes.
You are not going to be able to silence the people that are still talking about the pet, because there will still be some issues regarding the pet. Which at some point Blizzard will address.
You may now continue with your regularly scheduled forum discussions.
I am genuinely trying to understand your position.
I believe I understand you are talking about playing in arena and BGs.
You are saying now that MM once again has the ability to choose to play with a pet, you will be “forced” to play with the pet. Do I understand this correctly?
If so, I have a follow up question.
If a pet is so important in PVP and MM could no longer access one, wouldn’t “they” force you to play survival or BM so as to have a pet?
He has no clue what he’s talking about. He has an irrational fear of pets being forced on him despite how little reason there is for that ever happening. He fears the very thing he was willing to impose on others.
Read the thread.
MM was never petless as per the rework, so your fantasy would have never existed nor was intended to be supported.
Read the thread.
I disagree that it is extremely clunky, but I will concede it is less than ideal. However, I’m not letting the good be the enemy of the perfect. It solves the issue with the least possible number of complications, without requiring significant rework of talents or abilities to accomplish.
Thanks, Blizz!! So happy I will still have the option to run with a pet of my choice as MM in 11.1
Aimed shot is coded to 100 yards/second as its velocity. It’s always had a travel time.
The problems invoked involve the flow in and out of streamline with explosive shot and also deathblow procs. Streamline stacks are not dropping until the aimed shot actually lands, and deathblow procs don’t happen until the aimed shot actually lands.
For streamline, you don’t run into problems with arcane shot because it also has a travel time, so you cast aimed shot with 2 stacks with arcane shot queued up, the aimed shot hits before your arcane shot and consumes streamline, your arcane then generates another streamline and you exit the sequence with one stack of streamline. You can cast aimed shot with explosive shot queued up instead of arcane, which detonates the explosive shot immediately, but if you were at 2 stacks of streamline, you exit the sequence with no stacks of streamline because the explosive technically landed before the aimed shot, and your streamline stacks aren’t dropping until aimed lands, so the explosive shot overcapped you instead of giving a charge. This is very disruptive to the flow of streamline charges in and out and has very negative rotational consequences.
Deathblow works similarly. You don’t get the proc until aimed shot lands. You want to use Windrunner quiver precise stacks on headshot black arrow every time you can. However you don’t know if you are going to get a deathblow proc until aimed shot actually lands. This means that you need to invoke small amounts of dead time after every aimed cast and potentially stand closer than you would otherwise intend in order to never waste precise stacks on arcane shot when you have a proc.
Glacial spike and flurry is a wonderful example of how spells with travel times and instants can be engineered to interact properly together.
Streamline and deathblow need to be calculated as the aimed shot cast finishes instead of when it lands and these problems should go away.
Seems you’d need to rework it so the selection is right at or near the top of the tree for new players, otherwise it’s lvl 17 until they get the choice to have their pet back. Give us Aimed Shot when we choose the spec (like you do Kill Shot anyway, since it’s mandatory) and put the choice right at the top. That’s just one level without the pet. Ofc, then you have to make another talent in place of Aimed Shot somewhere…
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-Trueshot is still extremely weak and needs help
-Aimed Shot still feels terrible because streamline having RNG factors as well as waiting game makes things very rigid and not smooth or “iconic” at all.
-Lock and Load is currently proccing an average of once every 1.5-2 minutes. That is just absurd.
-The spec overall is way too RNG heavy and way too sluggish.
-The amount of Haste that will be required to attempt to make things less rigid is going to be way too much than we can get next patch.
The talent tree itself is it’s own issue. A lot of bloat for no reason and a lot of things on there that shouldn’t be. Prime example
-Trueshot takes 5 talent points and you have to take all of them to make it feel like a real cooldown. Why not just throw some of that into Trueshot baseline? Bullseye (execute) used to be 2 talent points and people told you it felt bad so you made it 1 point. Now for some reason it’s back to 2 points just to remove talent points from play. This makes no sense with how bloated the tree really is.
-There are multiple talents around explosive shot and auto shot that again, are just bloat and all do very similar things.
The only situations it ever becomes mandatory:
- if you get to double dip on pet family passives, command pet abilities, and pet specials like ms.
- If taking talented pet does sac and command pet while you’re cced and eagle versions do not. Eagle versions currently do not. Is unclear how command pet and ros will interact if you have pet talented.
- If the eagle marking mechanic is really buggy or undertuned, and however they implement scaling is really over tuned. I’m actually really curious to see if this pet does more or less damage than marks pets currently. There are also major bugs present with marking. So we’ll see.
I really don’t think that the concept of having to spend a talent point to get your pet passive and then another talent to relearn call pet really makes sense given that it’s all still just passive for the others without spending talents. Trueshot already requires 5 talents to be worth pressing. As long as it’s not causing the same problems lone wolf did and works properly, whatever.
It sucks that things like proper use of masters call and roar of sacrifice had to go away because of a set of changes intended to replace the pet. The new aimed shot ms is inferior to pet ms. I feel like all of these things also need to be taken into consideration, assuming that you aren’t supposed to just be able to double down on them by taking a pet. If it’s intended for you to be able to double down with family passives/command pet, specials, and what not, then the pet will absolutely be mandatory for ranked PvP and even more of a headache. If the only way you’re going to retain the ability to mc your healer out of root beam while you’re in stun or cyclone is by taking the damage loss and using the pet, you’re taking the damage loss and using the pet.
How are you testing 2? Duels?
thank you very much @ devs!
now that the pet stuff is settled can we focus on this part. flow of the rotation atm stalls out and ends up spamming steady shot because all the cds are too long. trueshot is also not smooth at all even with 5 pts.
For low level hunters, it would be nice to not lose access to the pet until they can choose between Improved Spotter’s Mark or Unbreakable Bond. It’s a bit awkward to lose access to call pet, mend pet, etc. if a player is planning, from level 1, to play a MM hunter with a pet.
I leveled my hunter as MM during WoD and was enjoying it with a pet; I couldn’t choose lone wolf until max level. I think it was an overall better experience to retain the pet until I could choose lone wolf than losing the pet (and the abilities tied to it) before choosing Unbreakable Bond to regain access to all the pet abilities again. Losing abilities and regaining them during leveling just doesn’t feel good. I would recommend keeping the pet abilities available, even if they are not used, instead of removing them and restoring access to them through Unbreakable Bond. The MM hunter without a pet can choose not to put the pet focused abilities on their hotbar if they are not using one. I don’t have Arcane Shot on my hotbars as survival (since it requires a ranged weapon and survival is melee) and I am fine with that.
I am very glad that the utility of MM hunters is being separated from the pet. Honestly, I wish you would do that for survival as well (at least for Primal Rage) so that I am not required to use ferocity pets as survival every time I need to be the one to provide hero/lust. Thank you for allowing us to change pet specs; that is a great change.
When I read this part, it was like the final piece of the puzzle falling into place.
That explains your previous posts (and the others) discussing this.
Um, yeah, Blizzard — you need to take this into account!
(Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate it very much. I’m not strong in coding or mathematics. I tend to look more at themes, motifs, and “the bigger picture” when it comes to soloing, leveling, etc. So I really do appreciate this.)
There’s these big naga brute mobs in Siren Isle that charge and stun you if you are too far away. I was using them to test the skills.
Still not interested in the fake eagle. If you want to shift lust off pets, there’s no logical, mechanical or thematic reason not to just make it a native hunter ability available to all specs instead of introducing a weird bit of visual fluff that’s more often than not going to be completely unfitting to the existing characters it’s being forcibly applied to.
I came here to shoot a gun, I don’t want a ghost floating around my head.
ok, the conversation is over, they are pleasing all tastes about hunter mm! play the way you like! and stop worrying about how others like to play! Thanks Blizzard!
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