Feedback: Hunters

Thank you for listening! I understand there are two types of MM players, and I don’t want either side feeling snubbed, but it was frankly unfair to make a change that resulted in the removal of player choice. While I usually try to be level-headed about class changes, this was one I just couldn’t move past. I’m excited to test out the new MM changes now and see how the spec evolves in the future.


Has anyone been testing Headshot extensively? What are your thoughts on it?

And that’s all we were asking for. Some of us do other stuff besides open world ,maybe not mythic raids or dungeons but even we know pets suck in dungeons for mm .


I don’t think so .
I believe the eagle will keep all of the utilities and the collected pets will just be mainly for open world for MM .

Still think they should of made the lust spell a class spell for all 3 specs but I’ll still take this as a win .


Not extensively. And im not the kind of person who gets into damage meters and sims and whatnot. But it feels neat to me. There’s lots of ways of proccing deathblow that I feel like I can get by without the extra charge.


Facts, it’s almost like wearing a sign asking to be dropped honestly.


Feel like all the utility should be with the hunter overall…

Also still want my pets instead of random ones at least as an option for things like pack leader. (and the eagle).

Also can they let survival use dual wield? Lol


Honestly I think all utility should be with the hunter and the pets can be meat shields for BM and Surv too and yes even though I don’t like melee hunter spec ,if they are going to make them melee then let them dual weild like Rexxar.


I completely agree with the first two points. On the 3rd, as long as dw/2h are balanced enough that I can use a 2h and do just fine, then I will be ok with it. I strongly prefer 2h weapons (to say the least) and enjoy using a 2h sword xmog on my hunter. I think ww monks are balanced well enough between 2h/dw, but frost DKs are not (and I wish frost was more balanced). I will acknowledge that it is odd that Rexxar is dw while melee hunters don’t even have that option.

tyvm; this is a good fix (even if it needs to be adjusted a bit in the future). thank you for hearing us; thank you for making this possible; thank you for letting the lone hunters still get the new style; thank you for letting us all win a little.


I agree wholeheartedly, Syegfryed is a hero to me, too…:wink:


Oh yeah, I want the dual wield to be a choice not a meta. They need to balance it (also on Fury Warriors and frost DKs. I actually use a 2h on my frost which I think is suboptimal these days…) so that its not something that has to be taken. I don’t want to see things we have now taken away. I want options so we can be the hunters we want to be. (and also other classes)


Dude, I do not get who wants this. It is so good for class fantasy for a Marksmanship hunter to not have a pet. If you want a bet, go BM, if you want to be sneaky and up close, go Survival, if you want to be a badass sniper then Marks is the spec for you. I get that tuning basically dictates your spec to an extent (lol melee surv), but why the hell would a marks hunter want to have a pet…I hope having a pet is terrible for marks.

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“Dude, I do not get who wants this.”

Vast majority of everyone.


Me, for one.

Since when? Like, when did they not have pets in the past, and why is suddenly such a good idea now? Because you think it is?

Nice. I wonder if someday they decided that Destruction Warlocks don’t need their demon pets (an absolutely iconic part of being a warlock) you’d be happy to have me say, well, you can always go play Demonology, you don’t need that other spec.



WTF I never thought of that, because having a pet as destruction is literally useless. I would gladly take 10% damage for not having a pet. LET DESTRUCTION FREE.

OK, might be fun for the levelling warlocks to not have something to control threat while they blast away with their big bang dps.


You mean when they added grimoire of sacrifice and it became optimal in anything except single target not to run a pet for pretty much two expansions?

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Yeah, I agree with both of you on this and it’s part of what I find so offputting about BM. It would be very cool if they let you have more control over which pets the various abilities summon. For example I used to really like the WoD version of stampede where you could pick exactly which pets from your stable were in it, if I’m remembering correctly. Not sure if there’s anyway to do that now though cause I only touch that spec to level.

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I use a 2h on my frost DK as well. It is most definitely suboptimal and yet I am doing heroic raids as 2h frost anyways. Frost DK needs a redesign away from auto attack procs to help balance 2h/dw since a pair of 1h weapons gets significantly more auto attacks than a single 2h. During Legion and BfA I would do really old content with a 2h weapon as frost - anything where howling blast spam was enough to get by since I couldn’t use obliterate or frost strike with a 2h weapon at the time. Thank goodness that change was reverted and 2h frost was restored.

Even though I can’t stand 1h weapons in this game, I do want to see SMF fury closer to TG fury in terms of dps so that it is a real choice. Right now SMF is probably best for prot warrior off specs since it’s easier to get a second 1h for SMF fury as prot than to have to switch to a dps loot spec to farm 2h weapon(s).

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