Thank you for respecting player choice and fantasy for wanting to have their own pet where possible.
You’re still getting that vision.
You can opt into the eagle for more damage, or you can opt to keep your pet. You have choices, nothing has been taken from you.
The pet isn’t purely cosmetic so we don’t know this for a fact atm. The pet is getting a damage and durability buff built into the choice node so we do not know that the eagle is more damage or not atm.
Eh. Not really liking how you’re handling this. Having to change talents when you go from soloing to a dungeon, lfr, etc that pops is tedious.
Why are you guys so against just letting us summon our pet and while it’s out, spotters mark is disabled?
Your overcomplicating it.
This would be like having a choice node for healers that removed their ability to heal for increased damage.
They’d complain about having to constantly change talents as queues popped.
While I agree, 7 levels goes very fast these days.
As it stands now, there will be no point to using a pet in group content where there is a dedicated tank and healer. So basically: if you’re there to DPS, Eagle. If you’re doing solo content like delves - Pet.
You’re trading off damage for survivability. Honestly, that’s a damn near perfect solution.
No. Perfect would be literally just summoning your pet disables spotters mark.
We knew we would be sacrificing damage for utility when we asked for us to retain our pets.
They’re doing it in literally the worst possible way, no where near perfect.
I doubt it is meant to be competitive with the eagle. Hopefully whatever choice node it is on will be obviously superior just like lone wolf was, since that is what everyone asked for. They didn’t want to be competitive. They just wanted their pets.
The eagle doesnt do any damage…the pet is only getting the damage to make up for opting into it instead of improved spotter’s mark…you will still have the eagle doing your utility for you.
While I was looking forward to working solo with the toolkit at present, I do feel that returning the choice was important. I’m a little apprehensive about the statement:
“Additionally, this talent will improve the durability and damage output of your pet to better compensate for the potential throughput loss.”
Frankly, I don’t think that having a pet out should be anything more than something to Misdirect to. There should be no damage related to the pet. If anything, having a pet out should impact nothing else with the revisions going forward. Even Harrier’s Call should remain with the Eagle effect {or just disable the animation when a pet is present so no one is the wiser). This would allow for them to continue without having to balance two separate playstyles and trying to make them competitive.
I’m with Rae. I think that this is the best possible solution.
You can choose DPS over survivability or survivability over DPS.
It’s one talent point, Maizou, in a choice node. Hardly “tedious.”
I’m specced into BM only because I couldn’t stand the way MM worked currently, even though I love MM conceptually and am very excited to try it again in 11.1, and hopefully go back to being an MM-only player like I used to be. I sucked it up and accepted pets even though I didn’t want them bc I just couldn’t stand how unenjoyable MM was. And I’m dual wielding swords because I’m an RPer! Hope that clarifies all points.
This sounds good to me—I hope that’s how it is when things go live.
Dope, so you can all shut up now and we can stop burying valid feedback in arguments?
I think you’ll find that having a pet out is still sub-optimal for DPS which is perfectly fine and how I think it should be.
When changing talents is a cast time, it is tedious, Watermist.
Again imagine they added a healer talent that sacrificed their ability to heal for increased damage.
So if a healer wanted to solo adequately they had to use it. But EVERY SINGLE TIME a queue popped, they had to cast time change talents.
That’s what this does for MM. People would complain.
If that specific talent change is made instant, sure, fine. But the cast time makes it tedious. Period.
I never said it was perfect, I said this solution is near perfect. There’s always room to improve, and anything that preserves player choice, even with trade offs, is worth celebrating.
Things that do 0 damage, hold no threat. The pet needs to be able to do some damage in order to function.
On a mandatory talent you have to take anyway, no less. You aren’t losing anything to get it.
It was valid feedback, and they listened. That major pain point has been addressed, we can go on with the rest.
It’s called changing specializations, and that already exists.
Dismissing pets is a cast time. In my eyes, there’s no difference between changing talents and dismissing pets, per your suggestion.
I agree. Others are questioning about how having a pet out will be balanced against Spotter’s Mark. The issue is diverging playstyles and how these are to be compensated/balanced. This is a slippery slope.
I wish people would stop complaining about every little change and just give it a chance. All the feedback about the new spec design is getting buried beneath this stuff and it’s exhausting.