Feedback: Hunters

Not a fan of pre-nerfing Streamline effect in PVP by 50%, since MM is already doing about half the DPS of some other specs(on PTR).

I dont know if the less than 3 million dps MM does is the goal, or if the over 5million dps Arcane mage does is the goal, but tuning cant be finished right?


Tuning is a concern only near release. We are at the stage where we just “feel” how the changes work.

(Doesn’t mean they’ll balance it right, thought. It just means they haven’t done a real balance pass yet)

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But that is already the case. Like it has been for MM hunters in groups having to pull out their pet to cast primal rage, so to do BM and Surv. And so they’ll continue to have to do in spite of being given the choice of pet specs. With baseline PR though, outside of groups though just doing their own thing, it means they’ll actually be able to make use of that choice without giving up such a powerful cooldown.

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Yes, it’s certainly undertuned, and there’s also still major bugs crippling output. Windrunner quiver buffed kill shot/black arrow not applying spotter marks, travel times of aimed shots blocking critical flow of streamline stacks as they interact with explosive shot, etc. Even with those bugs fixed, it’s still probably not tuned high enough.

I’ve actually kind of changed my opinion on imp streamline now that I’ve put a decent amount of testing in with tensile bowstring working. The PvP values honestly feel like what they should be for everyone. -90% in trueshot with two stacks is kind of nonsensical to do on purpose because you push aimed so far underneath the gcd floor that you actually prevent yourself from interacting with explosive shot in a completely different way. It’s also kind of just a waste because you can’t do anything with global dead time. It feels like aimed should get another +20% damage and .5s more cast time if you take imp. Streamline. Or that imp streamline should just be 25/50 for everyone. -75% off in trueshot is just barely under the gcd cap for someone using normal pve amounts of haste.

Or maybe imp streamline could give everyone 30/60 out of trueshot and 50/75 in trueshot. That would also make sense.

Also, of note, while marks is doing less damage over any given segment on a dummy on ptr, it’s also considerably more bursty in PvP. Volley (double tap) rapid fire with a precise black arrow proc can be a 5.5m opener. You follow that with trueshot (guarantee mark + another doubletap) and cast a .8 second aimed that can be another 3-5 million damage that can also proc another 2.5m deathblow (these numbers from duels with disc priest, resto Druid, holy paladin with both characters using 639 s1 PvP gear) The downtime between your bursts also feels way more natural in PvP because you’re never having to plant and cast an aimed shot without streamline, and all the things you’re doing to generate streamline are things you can weave in with cc/peel and also while kiting. So overall, damage will inevitably come up which will make these already very bursty tools even burstier.

The things you’ll be able to do to double melee and pet classes with aspect of the hydra → doubletap volley from 60 yards away with the new PvP talent will be nasty. You funnel so much extra cleave into your main target by pressing the same buttons in volley with it.

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I think an ability to boost damage directly would be against Blizzard’s goal to make all pet damage the same. Yes, Hero/Lust is a DPS CD, but before that it’s also a group CD that may be useless if other party member has that skill.

While Damage/Endurance/Speed may be a good description for Ferocity/Tenacity/Cunning, I feel Ferocity should have a skill to benefit from damage rather than increase damage. But I have trouble coming up with ideas that wouldn’t clash with, be less desirable than, or overshadow Tenacity and Cunning active skills.

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Is there a way to turn off specialization that I’m not aware of? Return to the base abilities (of any class, not just hunter)?

The reason I ask, is because, if this goes live with no pets for MM, they will eventually pull numbers from things like what specs are chosen, what talents are taken, etc.

Except, they will be incredibly incorrect numbers.

No matter what spec my main has after Undermine(d) drops, it will not be her spec.

I can delete most of my MM hunters and take them out of that equation, but my main is literally the first character I rolled 19 years ago. She has moved servers several times, changed races, changed factions – so real-life money sunk into her. She is also my avatar – who I am in Azeroth. I go to the tree for presents with her; visit the trading post for the first time each month with her; in general, check everything new out with her first. I still want to play her, I just do not want to play any of the offered specs, and I do not want to contribute to any statistics they pull from the game.

I’m hoping there is a way to de-spec and I just don’t know about it.


That’s all some are suggesting is to keep the pet as a pocket tank. Yet, others are blaming all the issues with MM on the pet, so then why the complete redesign then? If the issues are related to pets than just removing them, and giving MM Blood Lust would solve it all.

The other question is why does MM need an eagle animation to stimulate a pet? Animal companions are not apart of MM identity. Give the lone ranger that everyone is supposedly asking for.

Player are saying that all players will need is practice using CC and knowing how to effectively kite.

But, they leave out that not all mobs can be trapped, or stunned. Likewise, there not always room to kite around mobs without the issue of pulling more.

All pets will be Ferocity pets after 11.1.


The only way that I know of is by never putting in talent points. As you level, literally ignore the talent points as they rack up. This goes for both the class tree and spec tree, because you cannot put points into one and not the other.

But, this will be incredibly difficult because a big part of our toolkit comes from both the class and spec trees.

I empathize and sympathize with you — this is my first (and only) main, ever since 2005. She’s always been MM with Howler the wolf.

I’m still on the fence over whether to quit WoW or re-roll for the first time ever in 19.5 years…


Ardalin started life in Azeroth as a Tauren hunter. So hale and well met, traveler. = )

I kind of figured that was the case with not being able to remove specialization. Thought it was worth the ask, though.

Those are the issues other non-Pet Ranged have been dealing with since Vanilla and if the problems is Hunters have less defensives then those other specs then that’s what player feedback should be about right now.

I don’t really know if this is true anymore. Exhiliration has almost 0 cooldown and SotF has crazy availability. Not to mention passive DR that each spec has.

I hammer this point home a lot, but to everyone who is neglecting the emotional attachment many of us have to our pets, it is because they are an extension of our expression of ourselves within the virtual space of Azeroth. The immersion of our character extends to our pets, and taking them away feels like they are taking away a piece of who we are, and that’s why it feels bad.


It really feels like a “we think you are stupid” solution from Blizzard, or maybe a “shut up and quit complaining,” or both. The eagle is, I cannot stress this enough, BARELY present and BARELY visible even when you’re looking for it. All the talk about players building a bond with their cool eagle is just… it’s laughable. The eagle is significantly less noticeable than Murder of Crows and present about as often. It is not a pet visually, mechanically, or emotionally. It really feels like someone in a meeting said “they will riot if we don’t give them SOMETHING” so they came up with the eagle, then kept trimming it back until it was effectively just Lone Wolf baseline. This is supposed to be my new honored companion sent by Ohn’arha? The damn thing doesn’t even show up for work.

I know the people at Blizzard are not cynics, they are game designers who want to make fun cool stuff, but at some point this design got committee-meetinged to death and the end result feels really, REALLY insulting, regardless of Blizz’s intentions. I am at this point actively hostile to the entire idea of the eagle: that is how bad the implementation is.


Amen to every single word of this. Hell, I just dungeon-smashed a brand new paladin to 80 last week and she arrived at TWW with an item level of friggin 292. 370something by the time she hit 80. Exile’s Reach fixed me up at that point, but dear God. I cannot believe there’s not a vendor in Khaz Algar who will sell you some like 480 greens to get you going, like there were way back in Pandaria (who sadly only scale up to 158 now). Blizzard seems unaware that people now fly up in levels massively too fast to stay geared.


Seems like in raid it doesn’t consistently rotate BUT the rotation is maintained between pulls.


But, they leave out that not all mobs can be trapped, or stunned. Likewise, there not always room to kite around mobs without the issue of pulling more.

AMEN. The thought of kiting to survive in that one delve where you have to carry the candle is -laughable-.


If you make a new character then it looks like you don’t have to pick a specialization. Once you’ve picked one it seems like all you can do is swap. I don’t know if deleting and restoring a character resets specialization or not.

When they reset talents for the new patch I think you would technically be able to avoid using any talents at least, but you may only have like arcane shot and steady shot (on retail right now it seems like those are the only two MM hunter abilities available if you have no talents selected).

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MM will have to switch tank Brann after 11.1 I’m believing. There’s also bosses that have small areas to move around freely.

Oh my gosh this. It’s so silly how any alt I level from scratch ends up in gear with wildly different item levels by the time they hit 70 or 80. I don’t know how they would adapt this other than to just drastically increasing the amount of gear that drops along the way.


The only thing keeping me at all hopeful at this point, with further thought, is Blizzard’s ongoing silence, which means there are internal arguments going on, I think. They cannot be oblivious to how negatively this is being received by so many people.

I genuinely hope they pull the ripcord and just stick pets back on top of this redesign, because if it hits live in this state, the backlash is going to be apocalyptic. The vast majority of MM hunters, who do not follow PTR announcements, are just going to log in one day to find their pet missing and will go bananas.