Further Survival/Pack Leader Feedback
Hello! Just wanted to post some additional feedback following the new build this week.
Howl of the Pack Leader
The new set rotation is very nice, but is it possible for the beast spawn timer to be changed? The buff is continuously cycling outside of combat and this could be frustrating, especially in raid and setting up your pull. Two ideas: could raid combat always force a certain beast to start with, or could your next “beast” summon that you land on stay locked in/paused out of combat?
Ursine Fury/Envenomed Fangs Choice Node
Ursine Fury feels great in AoE but leaves a lot to desire with one target. The cooldown reduction to Flanking Strike just isn’t impactful enough and actually feels bad. Over 5 minutes, the CDR results in 1 extra Flanking Strike. We like to line up Flanking Strike with our cooldowns and this tiny amount of CDR just desyncs them, making each one weaker and the CDR actually worse.
Envenomed Fangs also does not feel great. It’s the only alternative for single target and it’s a VERY low amount of damage. This was sub-1% of my damage over a 5 minute fight.
Shell Cover
Still lacking compared to the alternatives provided by Sentinel and Dark Ranger. This is really weak and a 10% DR after we’ve already dropped below 40% hp is not valuable; we’ve already taken the big hit of damage that dropped us this low.
New Kill Shot/Bleed Talents
It’s really cool getting the bleeds but the Kill Shot damage amp on Born to Kill feels like it not only goes against the design of Cull the Herd, but is rarely possible to take advantage of.
If we’re trying to cast Kill Shot to apply Cull the Herd when we put our other bleeds up, we are never able to take advantage of the KS damage amp portion of Born to Kill. If we’re trying to spam Kill Command to land more Kill Shots in the Born to Kill window, we risk not having Cull the Herd up for the bleed synergy. Even playing normally, Kill Shot is getting cast around every 10-12 seconds barring lucky back-to-back procs and Kill Shot amp gets no use.
Could this get changed to something like “Your Kill Shot now deals X percent of it’s damage as a bleed” like the old Cull the Herd? It would fit nicely with the new bleed package and feel more rewarding/less punishing for lining Cull the Herd up with the rest of our bleeds.
Tier Set Concerns
I have posted this in the tier set feedback thread as well but just want to reiterate here.
For Survival, the 4pc proc on Kill Command feels very unrewarding and lackluster. Kill Command is primarily our focus generator, is strictly single target, and does not hit hard at all. The tier proc buffing it by 200% STILL does not hit hard and the extra Tip of the Spear stacks generated are often hard to utilize without overcapping/wasting Tip stacks.
What if this was something like an enhanced Deathblow proc instead, to buff Kill Shot?
Kill Shot has both ST and AoE uses and fits nicely with the new bleed talents given to Survival this tier. It also feels great to press and would alleviate the Tip stacks being wasted.
New Bug
Closing out with a new bug this week: Spearhead/Deadly Duo are supposed to be buffing your pet as well but does not seem to be working currently.