Feedback: Hunters

Once again Blizzard, these are your own words from the last time you tried to take our pet away.



In losing access to “traditional” pets, Marksmanship Hunters are Undermined

FTFY/that’s my feedback


Yall should start a go fund me and hire sarah mclachlan to make a commercial


Says the person who think the only mode of game that counts is M+

Hypocrisy at its finest


ditto…leave my pets alone!

honestly, if the price of getting a “time-warp” clone skill @ full 10 minute/debuff cooldown and an occasional “spotter-eagle” is to lose my pet; then you can keep your shiny, stupid MM class changes, I won’t be playing my hunters at all…:frowning:


Blizzard is really “Undermining” our play style, autonomy, class fantasy, integrity, and ability to choose for ourselves whether or not we would like to continue using our pets that we’ve tamed and named for upward of 20 years.

But sure, you can double tap twice. :roll_eyes:


The archer spec that already exists in game and has for many years. And still has the OPTION to use a pet IF YOU CHOOSE or to not use one IF YOU CHOOSE.


yes! so much this. I love this post.

remember, that precious utility issue could be solved by simply tying the utility to the player and NOT. A. SILLY. EAGLE. that comes with the ridiculous price tag of losing my pets. :frowning:


Which is what they did.

The eagle is just a spell effect that you don’t really notice.


Yo, you left out the most important part of what this player said in an effort to twist the meaning, so I’m amplifying the original post below:

Comes with the ridiculous price tag of losing my pets. :clap::clap::clap:


I don’t view that as a price, because I’ve been willingly giving up the MM pet for 10 years now.

If anything, loosing access to pets but keeping the utility as MM, SV, Destro, and Aff would be a QoL positive in my book.


I am choosing to view the MM pet as I did Frost mage frost ele.

It is not possible for them to properly address the spec’s problems and issues while also accounting for the pet and a completely separate playstyle it gives. So they’re electing to remove it completely and add in a “pet” in the form of the eagle/icy veins in exchange for being able to address the spec in its entirety. They have all of the data internally that we do not have and that data has told them a supermajority of frost mages were taking lonely winter over the frost ele and MM hunters taking love wolf over the pet and rather than sacrificing design and development for double playstyles, they’re picking the one that a supermajority are using and designing around it.

People are free to be upset and disagree with it as they did the frost mage frost ele but this has already been a litigated issue before with the mage and we know what happened there.


You are seeing with a false premise in mind.

It is possible, for then to address the spec problems while accounting for the pet and the separate playstyle

It is possible, and many players already showed how they can do, in multiple ways


I acknowledge that what you posted is your opinion, but until Blizzard addresses the why portion of this whole thing themselves, I am not going to make assumptions.


I hope they consider some more PvP talent updates.

Marks is kinda bloated now with the need to take two cheeta talents.

Diamond ice trap at 4s makes less sense now that regular trap has a damage threshold.

Consecutive concussion is extremely dated. Marks doesn’t need a third stun and three steady shots makes it to where the stun very rarely gets used anyway. Consider swapping the stun for an effect where steady grants you precise shots charges in some way. Maybe on a cooldown, or maybe every other steady shot or something.

Roar of sac also really needs to be looked at for marks. You might consider just swapping it for the new cheeta PvP talent. Dragonslayers deserve to cast aimed while moving sometimes, too.

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Things being possible in your mind and things being possible in their minds + their willingness to do it are not the same. Frost mages went berserk over a year ago on this exact same issue and got the same response that I posted as to the why and the moving forward. They have already stated the why on why they do these things. Disagreeing with it is people’s choice and it keeps feedback moving but some people are turning it into an insult battle and getting personally offended when the reality is they have already decided on this issue before and them posting as much as they did for Hunter’s today and not a mention of a pet should be the sign that they considered it a closed matter at the moment.


Absolutely heartbroken by the news that MM hunters are set to lose their pets. Is it not enough to give a buff to MM hunters when their pets are dismissed? Why the need to remove them completely? I have only ever been interested in the MM style of hunter, and now to hear that our pets are being taken, after the MANY hours searching for rare pets to tame, utilizing our pets during questing and the overall additional aspect of Hunter that a pet brings to the free roaming world experience. If we were voting, my vote is absolutely do NOT take our pets away! Don’t force us to play a different spec just to keep our pets.


This matter probably won’t ever be closed for the moonguard aspca, unfortunately.

PTR will only be available tomorrow, but Wowhead has updated their talent calculator for PTR if anyone want to check builds.

I misunderstood the change to Double Tap. The way it was worded by the official thread, it would reduce Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire effectiveness to 80% permanently to compensate the Double Tap. Instead, it’s clearer in the tooltip: there’s no change to Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire, it’s just that the second Aimed Shot does 80% damage, or Rapid Fire shoots 80% more arrows (rather than double). It sounds better that way.

I also like that Eagle’s Accuracy gives a perma-5% boost to AiS and RF. Previous version just increased chance of Spotter’s Mark by 10%.


But one of them will always be better.

When they added Single Minded Fury back, all it really did was annoy fury warriors who forgot to set their loot spec to Arms.