Feedback: Hunters

It’s funny how you have to deliberately misread what I said.

Y’know this one?

Which I restated here?

So again: Given what I described is exactly what is on the PTR now with the only change being players can use the pet of their choice… how is that scope creep?


I know what it is, but that isn’t what you applied it to:

My initial solution doesn’t do any of that.


“Scope creep”, much like other vague excuses, is just that, an excuse. They don’t want to engage in meaningful conversation. They just want to tell us we’re wrong for wanting keep pets as an option for MM HUnters.


The scope creep in the paragraph you’re mad about now is what you have to do with everyone’s pets in order to make them dynamically work with marks. The scope creep in the thing you responded to was what I quoted.

Raesteesdel provided feedback that would only impact MM Hunters.

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Not mad, just pointing out you are making baseless accusations.

Was that my initial suggestion? Or do you want to charitably admit you misread?

In either case, my preferred solution isn’t scope creep unless you want to call the PTR such, in which case, why are you stalwartly in favour of it?


A test version of a frankly massive spec rework that will be finalized in just a few short weeks. This is something that should be shelved for next expansion, where it can be iterated on for months instead of weeks, and could then be given time to actually ship with a full set of customization options instead of being rushed out.


I agree that it’s been a mess. Dark ranger getting reworked as early as it did and then now a spec refresh. Marks needed to get reworked in pre expansion. If you were there in those ptr threads, none of these topics are actually new.

Devs/staff are in various class discords. The rogue dev was pretty interactive in that one last expansion. They lurk in trueshot lodge, especially in the ptr channels. They don’t interact much on these forums because of the format and PR.

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So you are saying that all this “we want your feedback posted here” is null and void because they are all actually hanging out in a 3rd party niche program. If what you are spitting out if anywhere close to true, no wonder the specs get random niche sweeping changes. They close themselves off to the public only to listen to a small fraction of lurkers. No wonder Sunfury was so popular in the beginning of the expac.

well I am out then. Have fun with your petless sniper in the woods. My words here are moot.


At least the Dark Ranger rework was for a hero spec, not a full spec. And it felt like a refining of the original intent for the hero spec. Not sure how others feel about it but I think it was successful, it makes you feel more like Sylvanas now.

This full spec rework that removes something as fundamental to existing design as the pet is not something that can be completed properly in such a short window. Maybe it could be something special if given longer to cook, but I can’t see this making most hunter players happy. Coupling it with a Pack Leader rework in the same patch just feels like they’re biting off even more than they can chew.

If they shelved the MM rework until Midnight and focused in on adding customization for these new Rexxar pets in Pack Leader, I would be a lot more excited for this patch.


My opinion on the DR rework is pretty specific to the arena purview so take it for what it’s worth. Marks was about as balanced and competitive in arena as it’s ever been with old DR. Was actually the best ranged solo shuffle/one of the best 3s specs in the game until October. The (live) withering fire mechanic more or less makes it impossible to tune properly becasue threatening damage from ais/rapid/ba outside of trueshot will result in oneshots when withering fire procs at the right time in trueshot. Damage tuning that eliminates oneshots produces a marks spec that’s never really threatening unless it gets really lucky procs in trueshot. It also made BM a monster for an entirely different set of reasons, which had its own effect on marks, etc.

DR and withering fire still have pretty significant problems on ptr, too, which are things I’ve made independent feedback posts/threads on.

Like I said, if it were up to me, these full spec refreshes would only happen between expansions. I agree with you. It’s just not up to the forums.

Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in here. The new Aspect of the Fox pvp talent is great. However, with MM no longer having access to pets, I think it would be great if this was added as a talent node in the MM tree, seeing as how we won’t have the ability to have a pet tank in PVE for us, having some additional mobility where we can cast aimed shot while moving would be a very nice change to MM in most environments.


This is a very good idea. You really need to take both cheetah talents and survival tactics is a lock-in. This makes the pvp talent choices very bloated.

Roar of sacrifice is something on the hunter tree that also pretty much just gets used in PvP, and it’s not very good with the eagle since you can’t use it in cc. I think that you could probably put the cheetah pvp talent in place of RoS. Additionally, I think there’s space to work with hunter’s mark and misdirect, given the gaps left behind with old ros and things like pets being used to spin nodes. Hunter’s mark could apply an eagle mark and keep pvp targets in combat/break caps for a number of seconds (usable in cc). Using misdirect @pet could make the eagle take your next x number of melee/physical hits or share some of your damage for a number of seconds to shore up some of those gaps.


It’s in reference to what these comments of yours are implying:

Perhaps we’ve just misunderstood eachother on this point.

I’m taking the time to write my replies carefully. I’m not a regular forum user and only joined to give my feedback, which is valid and not spam, despite any negative experiences you might have had with other people in my camp.

EDIT: Either my display of the forum is glitched or a bunch of posts, including some of my feedback, got deleted while I was drafting this. Either way I see what’s going on here, and I’m out.

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what does this even mean…?

It means there are some BM or Survival hunters that don’t want to give something up, like a good defensive CD from a tenacity pet, in order to provide lust or other utility.

By giving MM a lust tied to the eagle/the spec, they are fixing the issue of MM needing to call a pet out for lust, but by not giving it to BM or Survival, those 2 specs are still tied to certain pets for certain utility.


Feel like Ferocity is the best type of pet to have for Survival because you get mileage from the leech, much more than youd get from endurance training / fort

Survival might not have as many issues, but one of my groups, with a guildmate BM hunter, I was the one that had to provide lust because they did not want to give up their spirit beast heal. And you did ignore something like fortitude of the bear.

I didnt ignore fortitude of the bear it’s in the message you’re replying to :stuck_out_tongue:

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