Feedback: Hunters

Even just adding another spec to one of the other agility classes could help to bridge this gap.

Rogues seem like a prime target given the way Outlaw currently plays (I shoot my gun, I shoot my gun, I shoot my gun … time for dice …)


It would still be pointless to do all of this if you’re keeping the same pet that does all of the things you’re rewriting back onto the hunter. You’re now invoking scope creep into everyone’s pets and the other specs to solve a marks specific issue.


Yes, I have. You happen to disagree with it.

Why does anything need to be ‘added or removed’ twice?

Pet out - Primal Rage active.
Pet dismissed - Harrier’s Cry active.

If you want an even simpler solution, remove all command abilities from pets entirely and let all hunters pick which one and let them use them with, or without pets.

Similarly, this is also a bad idea as it just goes back to square one, again. I thought you wanted constructive feedback?

Like I care what some Discord does. I’m not interested in the spreadsheet gamers dictating to me what is or isn’t optimal.


Try again with some actual specific feedback.


What scope creep? In both offered ideas, nothing is changing for all other pets. They remain the same.


This is what you call scope creep.

My suggestion would change Ferocity pets since BL would be baseline for all Hunters. So they’d need a new ability. Which would help all Hunters since they wouldn’t be stuck with a specific pet for M+ or raiding. But I guess it’s only petless MM Hunters who feel “friction” from needing a specific pet.

It would also make Mortal Wounds baseline for all Hunters, and they’d be able to easily give the existing MW pets new abilities.



How does maintaining existing abilities as they are, create ‘scope creep’ ?

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Fair, I misread that.

Saying stuff is “scope creep” or that it’s “too difficult” or whatever lame vague excuse you want to come up with is just a lazy way of letting Blizzard get away with a half-baked class revamp.


It’s funny how Blizzard is so focused on solving “friction” for MM Hunters, but they don’t care about BM or SV Hunters being pigeonholed into needing specific pets.


Well you’re not, really. You’re now moving everyone’s command abilities, reworking everyone’s MS, rewriting basic pet code to turn off/on etc. based on conditions that don’t really need to exist, for a marks specific problem.



We’re reworking pets to solve “friction” problems that Blizzard seems to only care about with MM Hunters but affect the entire class.


You aren’t reworking anything buddy

OK, fine. I’m providing feedback that would involve reworking the Hunter class and Ferocity pets to eliminate more friction points than just helping petless MM Hunters.

Happy now?


In your opinion.

This is already being done by the PTR for MM. Command abilities are being moved to the hunter. MM’s ability to MS is being reworked. How is that not scope creep?

The code already exists - it’s part of what turns Primal Rage into Fortitude of the Bear when no pet is active, turns off/on the pet bar, turns off/on Lone Wolf’s 5% damage buff.

And my initial suggestion would only apply to marksman, as it does on the PTR now, which is not scope creep even though it does the exact same things you’re complaining about here.


paw patrol is on a roll

This is the initial scope. Scope creep refers to the thing that happens in projects where you keep adding and adding and adding things to the project as you go along. Its a thing you have to hire people to manage because sometimes you need to triage things in but you also can’t aim to fix world hunger with every piece of code you write or else you never actually release anything.

It’s funny how you have to deliberately misread what I said.

Y’know this one?

Which I restated here?

So again: Given what I described is exactly what is on the PTR now with the only change being players can use the pet of their choice… how is that scope creep?