Feedback: Hunters

Detail, someone who dont care is the second top poster here

I think they’re looking at the fact that most MM players use lone wolf in things like m+. But aren’t considering how many are only doing so because lone wolf does better dps. It’s not an indicator of how people feel about their pets. In all other contexts they seem to understand how much most people love their pets. They just updated the stables again a few months ago!


It’s same when they introduced LW in WoD:

“The Lone Wolf gameplay introduced in Warlords of Draenor proved extremely popular with hunters, and that play style fit perfectly with our vision of marksmanship hunters as master archers and snipers, relying on their skill and precision with weapons rather than animal companions. All marksmanship hunters now gain Lone Wolf by default, ranging through the wilds without a pet beside them.”


Hunter class preview blog.

They focus on what build is being used by the most elite players, and forget the ones on the bottom. Yet, they didn’t even stay with this desing as they gave MM back it’s pet after one patch.

If they stay with this design choice again I expect it to see pets coming back as a talent option after 11.1 with the explanation that the population of MM dropped with leveling players.


Can you find any notes like this for when they brought pets back to MM?

I doubt they would acknowledge that it was a mistake, but is worthy a search


I just want to see what they said and what the thought process was at the time.

I think at this point, we might be in worst case scenario is they are changing directions, but it is “too late” to get it done in time for the patch if they want ot get all other issues ironed out.

MARCH 19, 2016

Originally Posted by Celestalon (Official Forums)

One of the most common points of feedback we’ve heard is that all of the specs are cool on their own, but none of them maintain the existing “Hunter + Ranged Weapon + Single Pet” archetype that people have grown attached to (Survival is now Melee, Marksmanship has lost its pet, and Beast Mastery has added a ton of additional pets).

Marksmanship losing its pet has been one of the most impactful, but contentious changes we’ve made this expansion. We’re going to try returning the pet to Marksmanship, baseline, along with Lone Wolf as a level 15 talent (and very competitively tuned), so that this is a choice again.

Exotic Munitions is being removed, and Black Arrow will be moving down to where it was, since the Lone Wolf + Black Arrow combination proved to be very popular and fun (the newest version of Black Arrow, where the minion reliably spawns and taunts the target, that is).


Thank you very much.


Hey, Blizzard, there are YOUR OWN WORDS. So maybe stop trying to euthanize our pet and leave us the option to use it. Again, your words: “Marksmanship losing its pet has been one of the most impactful, but contentious changes we’ve made this expansion.”

How about you listen to yourself, hm?


They need to frame these words and hang them above the desks of the hunter devs.


Beastmastery is going to have single pet option, but the biggest issue with BM is that your pets play for you.

BM is technically the coach telling the pets what to attack, and you have not much control.

MM was you as the main power house while you had your pet as assistant. The bird has no interaction with you, so it doesn’t feel like a companion.

Marksmanship use pets for a long time is to hold aggro, so they can remain at range. Theses changes can still happen while keeping a pet as an optional talent that is used for open-world situations.

There are different buildings for what content is going to be done, and there is room for pets still.


Exactly. At range, like a marksman! I don’t feel like a marksman when I’m face tanking a delve boss and firing in melee range.


There are no dev’s lol.


Holy cow yes. I don’t like it. They can make a single pet option, but I’d bet money it isn’t going to be viable and even if it was and you make a meme talent set of just as many hunter abilities as possible you can’t ever remove the feeling of just being a useless lump while the pet is the focus (which for BM it SHOULD be, but it’s definitely not my cup of tea).

But I love watching my pet run in while I am casting an aimed shot. It’s the best feeling.


I’m still not seeing what it is we actually gain with this Marksmanship rework. It feels like the same gameplay we have now, just with petless versions of the utility we had before. I think this is a good change for situations in which using a pet might be less optimal or convenient, like group content. However, I also wonder if the reason Lone Wolf is such a prevalent playstyle is because it’s objectively the best option for DPS, rather than something players pick because they actually like it.

I do understand a desire for a petless option when playing a hunter. We have no other physical ranged classes, no other “ranger” or “archer” or “rifleman” class. I happen to enjoy a petless playstyle on my Destro warlock. But that’s mostly because the Voidwalker demon is terrible at actually holding aggro, so I usually just summon a Felhunter and GrimSac it so I can have an interrupt.

I guess what I’m really asking is this: if I’m not going to feel like any more of a “marksman” or a “Sentinel” by removing my pet, why do it? Because all it’s really doing is making me feel like less of a hunter.


they p over you, they tell you its rain and you open your mouth happy :person_facepalming:

you call a debuff that in code its your character applying it a pet? XD a pet taunts, a pet can save a pull if the tank dies, this animation and 3 miserable spells aint it.

My personal view is that the best change is taking abilities that the pet offered, and giving them in to the player’s control.

Marksmanship is about having the control. Pets are not the main focus of MM, so having to depend on your pet for Hero made it feel like a requirement than an option.


So decouple the raid buff, don’t delete my pet.

I’m not going to feel like a sniper or marksman or any of the supposed spec fantasies at play here when I’m face-tanking everything in a Delve while Brann does DPS or healing. I’m just going to feel like a less powerful hunter.

BM doesn’t have access to Sentinel and I don’t want to summon a zoo. I’d play MM with Animal Companion if they let me, because I love the idea of having a nightsaber and an owl up at the same time, but I don’t want a horde of pets. I just want to shoot targets from a distance while my pet flanks them in melee.

It’s bad enough that we lost dual-wielding and class-wide access to melee weapons. A Survival Sentinel hunter can’t even transmog the signature weapon of the Sentinels, even though we have sword versions of the night elf moonglaive weapons added in BfA.

Don’t take my pet away.


do i need to tap on the board? since ive left my feedback, there has been nearly 300+ replies of the same argumentative bull and frankly eclipsing all proper feedback

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