Feedback: Hunters

Specifically ignoring all nuance is what transitions you there. Can definitely tell you like it. Enjoy whatever happens, or don’t. I don’t care.

Imagine if you did


Caring about this thread should be considered a punishment for whatever blizzard employee is assigned to it

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I’d find that it needing to be triggered separately rather than just being part of the animation already is a tacit admission.

It would be cool if pressing hunters mark made the eagle also do its eagle mark. Feels like you need a way to guarantee the proc approximately that often anyway, and I think it’s a thematically appropriate interaction.

Follow this up by making this effect usable while cced and keep a player in combat/prevent them from capping a node in PvP, while also making ros and mc usable while cced like regular pets since you’re working on that branch anyway.


Cant remember if you were the person that recommended that already, but I still agree with it. :+1:

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The one specific condition that has to be accounted for is precasting on mobs or players you’re not ready to pull/open on yet. The PvP component probably needs to be separated while still making that first cast give you a mark in pve without drawing combat. It might not actually be possible or easy. Not sure if it would be a pve nerf to marks to not be able to precast mark on boss fights if the eagle gets you in combat always with no conditions.

Honestly though, if the devs want feedback, they should respond to the most controversial change, but they are remaining silent on this issue. They are not saying anything and allowing the vitriol to continue. They dropped a massive bomb on marksman hunters that juatifiably has us upset and at each other’s throats, and Blizz is saying nothing. If they wanted feedback about any of the other changes, they could have had that by leaving pets optional. Unfortunately, that is such a massive change that anything else is going to be buried by the pet vs no pet debate.

If Blizzard wants meaningful engagement about everything else, they need to address the elekk in the room.


Alternatively, I think they could leave ros and mc unusable while cced if they gave you an interaction with misdirect. Give the bird the max health of your other pets. You can cast misdirect on it (maybe with pet sac) and it takes x% of incoming physical/melee damage in pve and y% in PvP for z seconds or until that damage would kill it. Maybe if you kill it you don’t get marks for 20 seconds or something.

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I think you mean crab Tuesday. :crab:


Please don’t. I don’t want the MM eagle on the PTR as SV. I’m happy to see the owl spell effect for Sentinel go. I don’t want another animal summon that I did not go out and tame myself. Pack leader is bad enough in summoning animals I have no connection to (any animals that I did not go out and tame with the ability Tame Beast). I don’t want the same issue with the shared MM/SV tree. If an animal isn’t in my stable or in my available pet slots able to be summoned (that I tamed via Tame Beast) then it’s food to be killed and I want nothing to do with it.

Someone above had an idea of basing a shared SV/MM hero tree on explosive shot. I think I like that idea better; using an existing ability shared between MM and SV that does not introduce any animal summons.


Lots of bugs with this build of MM obviously. I only play MM as an alt, but my biggest points of negativity at the moment after testing.

  1. Trueshot not reducing Aimed Shot cast time by default feels AWFUL. Even if tensile bowstring was working I’m not convinced that would solve the problems compared to how Trueshot feels on live servers

  2. God I hate having to multi-shot literally every single time between any kind of aoe attack. The Dragonflight season 3 bonus was SOOOOOO great in this regard - I’m not saying to bring that back, but there is so much space between multi-shot spam and that tier bonus to come up with something reasonable

  3. Personally I thought Wailing Arrow was pretty cool and the reset mechanics that came with it. Also for the short time it was fixed to not consume Trick Shots it was at least a little something nice for my point number 2.


tbf they went on holidays right after the announcement and they’ve only been back for a week

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I think the MM argument about the stupid eagle/lack of pet is not showing the biggest and worst change: Trueshot. 70% chance to crit, no haste, and you need to maintain Streamlines during the buff. Let’s not slow down these Aimed Shot casts. We’re not mages. This isn’t fun or functional.


I just wanted alliteration XD

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Alamara, did you go thru the thread(s) and tally that or is there a tool that does it for you?

I you did by hand kudo’s to you :slight_smile:

Go to the first post or to the last one of the thread, doesn’t matter. You’ll see below it some statistics like number of views, likes, links, and users. Right now it says “310 users” to me for instance. Click on the “310 users” and it will show the Top 24 users with their number of posts. I just summed the first 12.

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Thanx, that some useful info to know.

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Out of those top 12, 7 are for keeping pets in some capacity and 5 are completely against it. So a significant chunk of the people being “insistent” are against any compromise in keeping pets. But of course it’s only the people who are for keeping pets who are “bad” for posting so much.


Are they still going through with removing MM Hunter pets?

I figured by now they’d have come to their senses and changed directions.

Blizz, you’re listening to the wrong focus group.