In my previous post, I indicated a high amount of crtical damage with the major spendors. I had forgotten that I had one of two talent points in Bullseye which would have artificially raised critical damage by 15% (from 35% to 50%) due to the target dummy being below 20% health for the duration of the fight. I just wanted to clear that up.
Yeah, make SV ranged again, then those of us that like pets but don’t like being a zookeeper have a 3rd choice.
SV is the least played (as melee) before it was meta(and it’ll be least played again when it falls out of meta) & fits literally no fantasy either…we all know that blizz is in denial about rexxar being dw bm melee pack leader.
since ive left my feedback, there has been nearly 300+ replies of the same argumentative bull and frankly eclipsing all proper feedback
The only feedback you’ve given, scrolling through your roughly 30 posts in the last day, is that you like the bird and want it to stand on your arm. Not seeing at all how your post has been eclipsed or how the complaints are improper. Sounds like you just want people who hate the changes to stop talking about it.
Trying to take advantage of Trick Shots while Volley is active feels terrible. Most of the time you feel like you need to cast a Multi-Shot on the back half of Volley because the cast time of Aimed Shot is just too long. You wind up losing the Trick Shots buff by the time you get the shot off if you do not multi-shot. This seems counter-intuitive to the design of Volley and the flow of the rotation.
My suggestion is:
1: Have Volley grant both Trick Shots and Streamline for its duration.
2: Have Trueshot reduce the cast time of Aimed Shot like it used to.
And after this the devs make the SAME MISTAKE AGAIN
Of course is a new team of developers who didnt know the past and are just trying to show work, but damn, understand the class you are supposed to be balancing, goddamit
They still don’t have it, since Call of the wild and dire beat are ingrained part of the BM rotation
They are doing the same mistake again, without realizing they did
Neither are required to play BM. You can make a build without them.
Pet wasn’t required for MM hunter either, you cant play this card here
It was in PvP, or if you needed to cast Bloodlust.
It wasn’t, because:
Stop being a hypocrite
Completely different things between having a fully functional build that has no pet summons and a whole spec that is torn between utility or damage because the options are mutually exclusive.
why are you still lying about this?
BM to be functional need dire beast and/or call of the wild, you cant make a functional build without the two or one of the two, talking crap about not being necessary then have the audacity to say MM required a Pet because bloodlust is bogus
I made functional builds in both live and PTR, so you are flat out lying.
Maybe you mean “optimal” DPS builds, but this is not about being optimal, since going Lone Wolf is MM’s optimal build. I thought this was about wanting that bond with the pet and not being optimal.
Schrodinger’s pet argument.
Seriously though, the eagle doesn’t even come close to having a pet. It’s nothing more than a spell effect. Take away the visuals, and you’re left with a random proc.
Again, you cannot say crap like this and at the same time say MM required a pet because of bloodlust
Your arguments is conflicting, simple as that, MM without pet was 100% functional, better even, and didnt need pet, did not need bloodlust as much BM need dire beast and call of the wild
You can lie, all you want, but we know your true colors.
Bloodlust is for group content. It’s reason for a hunter to be picked by a group. It directly clashes with needing Lone Wolf to be optimal for that same group content.
You want pet for RP and to solo things. You don’t need optimal builds for that.
Thankfully, Blizzard disagress with you and agrees with me.
I’m not going into pointless round arguments anymore.
Again, i will use your own words
Be consistent with your arguments to not get called out a hypocrite again
What part of “group content” and “being picked up by a group” you didn’t understand?
What part of the clunkness of needing Bloodlust, forcing players to pull out a pet mid-battle, cast Lust, then cast Dismiss Pet, you can’t comprehend?
Why for BM you reject single-pet build because it’s not optimal, but for MM you reject petless when it’s optimal?
The only hypocrisy here is yours.
What part of you not being consistent with your arguments you did not understood?
You made your claim:
Nothing here you talked about group content or “being picked up by a group”
If you claim BM doesn’t need or require dire beast and/or call of the wild, because you can “make a build without then”, that means you can make a build without bloodlust for your MM hunter just fine.
you cant claim both.
You cant even make a coherent argument anymore
You are the one wanting people playing a dogpiss BM build without the talents that are necessary to make the spec functional in any form of content, but its here crying that MM need a pet to bloodlust, despite not being necessary or another class being able to do it
Thats why you are being a hypocrite
Primal Rage needs to just be baseline for all hunters. BM and Surv shouldn’t be forced to use a Ferocity pet when they’re bringing back pet spec options.
I don’t want this dumb bird, but I am going to use their description and how it is implemented to describe it. Your accusation doesn’t apply to me.
Your character doesn’t apply the debuff. Your character triggers an event, that summons the NPC spotting eagle that applies the debuff. Thats exactly how pets work. That there is no active effort on our part is different and new, yes. But Blizzard described this as non-traditional.