This is the issue, as Marks we might not want to make the BEST use of pets, but have pets that HAVE A USE for us while we remain at range.
Pets for MM are the retrievers, the decoys, the tracking aid, etc, pets for BM are the ones meant to take down what is being hunted while hunters land the killing blow if the pet does not wind up doing it anyway (go for the throat).
Thas not a bird its an effect of one, hell i bet its a 2d animation, barely a a 3d model, you fall in to the illusion. You just haven’t noticed the design patterns that make this change really terrible
No ill intent here but try to play a mage, im sure you will love it, its the same has this “new MM”.
Yes because before all that and even after you didn’t argue and you have been completely civil and on point.
Every ounce of complaining about pets being removed has been met with the same level of complaining and flat out arguing but by even fewer people who want the pet gone. If players would stop bickering then it wouldn’t be piling up if that’s your main concern.
Because that’s actually an attempt to copy MM onto BM. That’s not fair to people who like BM as it is and it’s not fair to people who like MM.
This has been addressed over and over. If we wanted to play BM or SV we would already be doing that.
And did you stop to think this is why I made that comparison? did anything I say about what pets for MM denote the pet actually attacking what was being hunted? being a retriever could mean pet is by my side unless I tell it to “fetch”, being a decoy could be it runs around making noise yet not laying one paw or tooth on the target, tracking aid cold be the pointer or the one that drives the target out of hiding.
Compare that to BM, where the hunter is actually commanding the pet to “go for the threat” or “kill” etc.
This is either trolling, arguing in bad faith, or just a straight up lie. The pro-pet group, myself included, have offered various solutions for you to have EVERYTHING proposed in these changes without sacrificing our pets for them, essentially by tying the abilities to the hunter but not the pet. You get everything you want, and we still keep our pets. It’s that simple.
But sure, go off and be unhelpful and condescending.
Additionally, when looking at the feedback threads. Druids have changes and it’s currently 137 comments. Hunters have feedback and it’s over 2,000 comments, with the main point of contention being that pets are being forcibly stripped from us. Clearly it is a topic that deserves further exploration and Blizzard needs to address that. If you want less of the pet back and forth, then the elekk in the room needs to be addressed by the very people intent on slaughtering it, after we tamed and named it.
Trueshot continuing to be made into a joke of a button to press is mind boggling to me. The lack of improvement to MM’s self-sustain is even further concerning because it tells me you believe it’s in a good place and I promise you it isn’t. MM continues to be underrepresented in mythic raiding and high end mythic+ for this exact reason.
Aimed Shot continuing to have a long cooldown, long cast time, and charges, despite overwhelming feedback to the contrary continues to make no sense to me as well. This PTR cycle is looking to last about 5 more weeks and MM is going to need every bit of it.
Hey there, I have some info that might be helpful.
The talent tensile bowstring is currently bugged and not doing anything, which is why you press trueshot and nothing casts faster on ptr right now. With imp. streamline and a fixed version of this talent, you’ll be getting 45/90% off of your aimed casts in trueshot instead of the same 30/60.
Current marks on live sometimes has to cast aimed shot out of ts without streamline. PTR marks never has to cast aimed without streamline. At ~10% haste, your aimed shots are 1.1-1.9s outside of trueshot (depending on if you have one or two stacks of sl), inside of ts, you’re looking at ~.25-1.4ish depending on stacks. What this means is that you’re casting consistently bigger aimed shots faster on average than live once bugs are fixed.
No, it is worse then a lie, it is narrowminded thinking that anything that allows MM to keep the pet means keeping things as they were. It does not matter if it is nerfing the pet or anything else, they just see that we want to keep the pet so we must want things to remain as they are.
In short, they are incapable of reading nuance into posts made and just fall back on black and white thinking.
That said, look for a topic, by me, where I am trying to gather ideas for pet/no pet MM hunters where those willing to put forth ideas and discuss in good faith are welcome.
Nobody is attacking you for wanting to keep your pet. There’s a group of you freaking out and there’s a smaller group of people not freaking out. You aren’t victimized here. Chill.
OK? Then why would people lie about it then? Other, than you know, to discredit the people who want to keep their pets. Because apparently making pets completely optional isn’t enough for these people. They don’t just want to not use pets, they want the option removed for every other MM Hunter out there.
Lone wolf always presented problems. You give away utility to do the damage you’re supposed to do, or you give away the damage you’re supposed to do to have the utility nobody else has to give away.
New eagle pet is kind of in the middle of “having a pet” vs “not having a pet”. You both do and don’t in different ways, depending on what specific detail you want to focus on.
Simply adding pets back and leaving rework marks the same (but with fluffy) requires recoding all pets and IMO makes less sense than doing nothing, because then you are spending marks talents to do pet stuff, but you still have the same pet that does those things passively for the other specs. That’s kind of pointless and you should have just left the utility on the pet in the first place. But then you’re at the opposite end of the spectrum where there is no lone wolf playstyle and you’re forced to play with the pet at all times, even if it doesn’t really interact with your spec that much and is a liability in some situations.
The crowd of like 5 of y’all literally ignoring everything except the pet detail of the rework is actually ignoring nuance.