Feedback: Hunters

I’ve explained it several times in different threads. They won’t read it. If they read it, they won’t aknowledge it.

12 people (out of 308) posted 1019 times in this thread.

Being insistent is not good feedback.


There’s a word for it. It’s a food product. It’s in a can and it’s made of meat.

See, this is what more of us could deal with and discuss, the ones that are “attacking” us are the ones that think we don’t want the changes made in the first place.

It is like they can’t grasp that there are those of us that want to keep pets also want the changes kept in, and claiming we want to keep things as they were/are in live.

We are trying to put forth ideas that lets both groups get what they want, if we really wanted ro keep things as they were, why would we care what the anti-pet side wants? Why would we try to appease both or reach some sort of compromise?


Except this is how the pet works currently, in live. There is no need to reinvent the wheel if all that utility disappears onto the hunter itself.


Maybe Blizzard shouldn’t have chosen the middle of an expansion to completely revamp MM Hunters then. They’re the ones who decided to make this massive change with very little time to test it.

But it wouldn’t even be that difficult, it’s more their “vision” for MM being petless than about difficulty. Otherwise they would have brought it up as a reason for us going petless. But all they mentioned was the “friction” of those who didn’t want a pet but felt forced to pull out their pet in various situations.


What y’all are misunderstanding is that this is not a negotiation between you and another group of players. The people you’re arguing with don’t have to propose anything.

No it’s not. You have to take lone wolf on live to do appropriate amounts of damage, which is bad becaues you lose all of the stuff that the pet does.

On ptr, you take a talent to get pet family buffs and aimed gives MS. There’s no point in the talent or aimed ms if your pet does that stuff for you. If the only way to get those things is by taking pet at a dps loss, the rework has not accomplished anything. it also doesn’t make sense to have pets that have pet families and abilities for two specs to swap to marks, still have that pet, but all of the same utility comes from somewhere else.

This was all covered like 1800 replies ago btw.

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What you might have missed is, as well as not having to propose anything, they don’t have to do anything else, they can just ignore and move on, not responding or anything. They, however choose to lie, belittle, degrade, etc so they have reasons to flag us or something.


I’m gonna be honest

This is only happening in your head. A 3rd party would read this thread and think y’all are the ones doing this. Multiples of my non-inflammatory posts have been report brigaded and have had to be restored by blizzard staff in this thread.


Do I have to quote it again?

This is a flat out 100% lie. It does not represent what we want. You say this isn’t happening, despite it being shown to you multiple times now.


No, that’s a pretty accurate post.


A truely neutral 3rd party would likely read all posts and replies, and do say the follwoing:

to ones like me: you have valid concerns, but you are being trolled by others to make you look crazy
to the ones we are arguing with: and you are egging them on by make int appear like you are right and they are wrong, when both of you have parts that are right and parts that are wrong


It’s 100% inaccurate. What I want is for all the changes to still go through, with the addition of pets being completely optional. That way people who don’t want pets can use everything that’s being moved to the Hunter while others can still pull out their pet as it works in live. Everyone gets what they want.

But that’s not enough for you. You don’t want me to have that option. I have no idea why the idea of some MM Hunter you’d never meet being able to pull out there pet is so offensive to you, but you need to chill all the way out.


The issue wasn’t wanting a pet or not wanting a pet. The only “friction” Blizz mentioned in the main post was Lone Wolf vs. Utility (ie. Lust). If you want to use Lust you have to give up the 5% from Lone Wolf and that makes players sad.

The core of this whole entire problem is Lone Wolf. If they just ditched Lone Wolf tomorrow and did nothing else there is absolutely no friction any longer as per what Blizz acknowledged.

They didn’t acknowledge ANY of the other stuff that players have been assuming or going on and on about. They just for some unknown reason invented the Eagle. They skipped out on explaining the reason why they chose to create the stupid Eagle vs. letting MM go back to using traditional pets.


Real talk, why do you never listen to the explanations given as to why this idea probably isn’t a good one? Y’all are really sensitive about the perception that a handful of people aren’t listening to you. Seems like you’d be more willing to listen if that was actually a benevolent concern of yours instead of just selfish whining.

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That’s not the same thing as saying I don’t want there to be any changes. I know it’s not going to be as easy as flipping a switch, but it’s Blizzard’s fault for starting this whole thing. They should have put more thought into this before putting it on the PTR.


Dude you’re really fixated on a handful of words that you intentionally cherrypicked out of someone’s post. You can only come to the conclusion that they’re lying about you if you’re actually paranoid schizophrenic or being a troll.

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They lied and you’re defending them for some reason. So, I’m done trying to reason with you if all you’re going to do is defend a liar while belittling my concerns.


Do those explanations come from Blizzard or from other players, who might have their own bias? Blizzard can possibly see things as good ideas, but a player might be concerned about their style being removed and post explanation based on their fears.


Would you consider this sentence a lie or nah?

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Personally, I’d consider it not a lie, but an exaggeration, similar to what others have posted about what we want.