Feedback for Remix from the Blue post on the Community Council Forum

If you’ve read the community council post, you know that all of the major concerns have been brought up over there.

The big question is how they act based on the feedback. Being that this is a limited time event and a decent percentage of it has passed, there’s only two outcomes. Either they come up with some reasonable adjustments quickly and get them implemented or they don’t. They can fail by not making appropriate adjustments and they can fail by waiting too long. Neither is going to be good.

With that being said, it is partly the fault of the community that they don’t always react well or in time. Because no matter what they do, there are going to be some raging lunatics in the forums immediately after saying it’s not enough and they want more.

If you want to improve this process we’re going to have to support them making smart decisions for the game as a whole instead of complaining all the time about the game not fully catering to the whims of individuals.

Im 477 (max iLvl) since almost 2 weeks ago, later I grinded for 530k bronze which is the ammount needed for all mounts and yeah I dont feel like making any alts at all, I already feel burned out because the bronze acquisition is basically doing the same every day.

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let us buy all the weapon appearances for bronze. i cant stomach the idea of having to run every raid over and over and over, and spend a few hundred hours just mindlessly killing mobs in every zone on 5 different characters, in the hopes that they drop. when its on a vendor, at least its a goal that seems attainable.

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With the potential pre patch date next month, I’m wondering why they decided to swat the hyperspawn farms? Surely the devs must of known the date right? So why did they want to drag out Remix?

Ensembles really need attention. The Ensemble should fully unlock source IDs without armor type restrictions. It’s painful to have to remember which is which and then not be able to re-learn the ensemble if you got it wrong.

There should also really be arsenals, too.

so you would choose what path you want to take? the fresh player path that starts off strong but plateaus in the later levels to become good but not awesome, and the experienced player path that starts off slow but has the potential at the end levels to be very powerful?

Kinda like some racing games you have a vehicle that reaches top speed quickly but its top speed isnʻt the best, then you have a vehicle that takes a while to reach top speed but its top speed is faster than the other vehicles.

Yeah, exactly. The ‘Simple’ control scheme on fighting games vs Manual. Automatic vs Manual, Easy vs Normal. Let the newbies play with the handicap on but end up just average at the end to teach them how to play. Can’t keep them in the OP scaling forever!

But more experienced players would probably prefer having the climb up to power, that way over time they keep getting stronger and enemies die faster and faster and end up being less and less problematic towards the end of your leveling experience. Front loaded difficulty vs back loaded. You know what to expect and don’t mind working for the max level and in that stead you gain better ilvl vs the casual / new player experience.

It’s just an idea though, to provide what many MMO vets probably consider ‘more enjoyable’ since you never become weaker, you start off weak.


They could have kept the scaling but make powerlevel behind gems only no gear upgrades only gear scales (you could even make raids drop slightly higher gear) so that way provided you got piece of gear for each slot (that scales with level) and all upgraded gems (Just got my 9th legendary gem), the downgrade in powerlevelshould be counteracted be aquired items and should be fairly linear but depending on gem scaling could be better at end game.

We have ensembles for the MoP remix event armor sets but why can’t we get the arsenals as well for all the recolors to be purchasable with bronze. The event was supposed to be about getting all these mounts and transmogs by negating the horrible 1% chance drop rates by just farming the bronze but now the recolored weapon transmog just seem like an impossible slog of a grind to obtain. Especially when some of the recoloured MoP weapon exclusive to remix are locked behind Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar which has a minimum requirement of 476 ilvl gear to even enter. It’s literally a paywall of 500k bronze to get some weapon recolour transmog. I really wish they are more accessible as having different shades of a weapon can truly complete a transmog since we don’t have dyes to change the colour of the weapons like in FF14 or GW2.

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Here’s my feedback:

The good:
The idea behind the event is great.
The leveling experience is fun with the tinkers and gems
Being able to target specific items with a currency is A+!
Ensembles are great!

The bad:
Upgrade costs are ridiculously out of touch.
LFR not counting for the neck unlock was a mistake
LFR not dropping a bone for Garrosh items was a mistake
No arsenals for weapon mogs was a mistake

My opinions:

Upgrade costs should have been much lower and/or used a different currency than bronze. It feels bad to use the currency you need for mogs/mounts to upgrade your gear and it felt stupid to do so when the amount you’d have to spend to upgrade your gear far exceeded the amount needed to buy all the stuff… just so you could farm even more bronze after the fact to buy the stuff. I skipped upgrades, got all the goodies, then walked away.

LFR being made second-class citizen in regards to neck unlocks and bone acquisition sucks. SoO is long, you may be declined from a group, requires at least some level of competency, and if it fails you wasted your time/lockout. If someone can’t devote the time for the full run they are basically not getting a neck or any of the Garrosh items that require bones. This was supposed to be a fun overpowered romp so why give LFR the cold shoulder?

If upgrades didn’t cost ludicrous amounts of bronze and LFR could unlock the neck and drop bones I’d play more remix. Right now I have little incentive left to do so.


Transferring retail characters over to remix for the next event. People want to level their current alts and not necessarily brand new characters


Yeah I’d like that too :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with this complete except Id remove the requirements for gear upgrade completely, but I’d settle for only being a very minor cost

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Did anyone else find it insulting that they just toss out our feedback unless it’s from the Community Council? Like why do you need them to repeat the same concerns for it to be valid


Don’t mean to necro this thread, but honestly seeing challenge mode not make a return has been a disappointment for me and perhaps several others. They could have just set a hard stat cap on the cloak in challenge mode so people wouldn’t breeze through it and give newer players an opportunity to get their desired class sets.

Even though I played MoP back in the day religiously I was never able to obtain a CM set and I’m still kicking myself over it…